He forgot to take his Omega-3
Or as Joe calls it Omega - 30330.
He forgot to take his Omega-3
Biden Biden Biden ! ! !
Trump Trump Trump ! ! !
What would you do if you were reincarnated as a Trump supporter ?
What did those people wearing MAGA hats DO in past lives that warrants such a CRUEL punishment, as being a Trump Supporter ? ? ?
It's like they lobotomized themselves. That's got to HURT.
Yea...no wonder he thinks he can afford healthcare
For everyone.....those of us that survive anyway....
how do you get civil war out of playing hardball politics? lol
BIDEN: “It’s estimated that 200 million people will die, probably by the time I finish this talk.”
BIDEN: “It’s estimated that 200 million people will die, probably by the time I finish this talk.”
I was trying to figure out which one of you pinko, america hating, communist ball lickers sent the ricin powder to Trump?
Many of you were suspects until I found out it was some Canadian chick. LOL!
can't wait till they take off the gloves in the first debate ! ! !
You seem awesome...
Trump is going to fuck Biden up. Easy knockout. Joe won't show up for the second one because of the humiliation from the first debate.
Biden proves feeble and the Barr October bombshell surprise combined with the 2nd amendment ramifications of the vacant SCOTUS seat and 30-40% of the black and latino vote will result in a Trump landslide popular vote and electoral college win.
......Looka like trumphumpers causing election interference.....yeah, you are all kewl with that I am sure.
Trump supporters crowd line at Fairfax Co. polling site