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The Trump Bomber

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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Why did Rosenstein get passed over?

Was it possible he wasn't biased?

Or is Whitaker simply more biased?

They all suck Satan's cock as far as I can tell.

If Trump thinks it's stealthy I'm thoroughly entertained.

You can't say there isn't anything in the box and go rushing to keep it shut without looking like a four year old kid.


Well-known member
Mueller has had plenty of time. He had nothing and still has nothing.

Early morning news, way before Sessions was ask to resign, they reported Mueller was having a press conference today. Anybody else hear that? Did it get cancelled because of the Sessions announcement?

It is time to work together. If they waste time trying to dig up stuff on Trump after wasting almost 2 years on it already, they are not working for the people. Congress will never go along with them. It is wasted time and money.

It will never end. The obstructionist never go away they just have new names and alternate parties.


Boreal Curing
Once again proving the point about the importance of "constitutional"...

If you have a republic (rule by law) and your constitution is fucked, then you're fucked.

If you have a republic (rule by law) and your constitution is awesome, then you're the luckiest fucker on the planet.

One reason people are upset with Trump is that he ignores and complains about the very thing he swore to protect and defend. Mark my words, if he's going to lose the next election, he'll threaten violence from his base. If he wins a second term, you're fucked because he'll never leave. Fuck term limits. Mark my word.

Here's a few of his remarks I use to make my predictions:
1. Trump actually entertained political assassination of Hillary Clinton to keep her from appointing Supreme Court Justices, prompting the Secret Service to host a private meeting with him over his remarks.

“If she gets to pick her judges ― nothing you can do, folks,” Trump said with a shrug at a rally in Wilmington, North Carolina. “Although, the Second Amendment people. Maybe there is. I don’t know.”

Trump’s veterans affairs adviser found himself in hot water when he said that Clinton should be shot for treason over her use of a private email server.

2. Donald Trump Suggested Hillary Clinton’s Bodyguards Should Stop Protecting Her: "Let's see what happens to her."

3. Trump refused to say one way or the other if he would concede the election if he lost. Rick Hasen of the University of California described Trump's comments as, “appalling and unprecedented” and fears there could be "violence in the streets from his supporters if Trump loses."


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
If you have a republic (rule by law) and your constitution is fucked, then you're fucked.

If you have a republic (rule by law) and your constitution is awesome, then you're the luckiest fucker on the planet.

One reason people are upset with Trump is that he ignores and complains about the very thing he swore to protect and defend. Mark my words, if he's going to lose the next election, he'll threaten violence from his base. If he wins a second term, you're fucked because he'll never leave. Fuck term limits. Mark my word.

Here's a few of his remarks I use to make my predictions:
1. Trump actually entertained political assassination of Hillary Clinton to keep her from appointing Supreme Court Justices, prompting the Secret Service to host a private meeting with him over his remarks.

2. Donald Trump Suggested Hillary Clinton’s Bodyguards Should Stop Protecting Her: "Let's see what happens to her."

3. Trump refused to say one way or the other if he would concede the election if he lost. Rick Hasen of the University of California described Trump's comments as, “appalling and unprecedented” and fears there could be "violence in the streets from his supporters if Trump loses."

And if you have a republic without a constitution, as in those countries in my earlier post, you are fucked. It isn't the fact that the US is a "republic" that makes our government unique, it is the Constitution, which is exemplary.

I'd be interested to learn where Trump has ignored the Constitution.

Your prediction about him refusing to leave deserves every bit as much credence as the same predictions made about Obama.

1) The idea that Trump was advocating assassination is horseshit - 2A advocates are a potent political force and he was stating the obvious need for their involvement.

2) This is a common sentiment expressed toward anti-2A politicians and celebrities who want guns removed from the unwashed masses, but hide behind armed guards. He was pointing out her hypocrisy, not calling for an assassination.

3) You mean like HRC has done for the last couple of years, all of the whiners bemoaning the Electoral College like it is a new development, and Obama's totally unprecedented attacks on a subsequent administration?


Active member
I absolutely hate Trump and can't stand his ugly face, but asking Sessions to resign was the right move. Also, this "Russiagate" bullshit has run its course and Mueller needs to stop the circus already. "Russiagate" is a dangerous fake news item that is casting shadows over the real corruption in our government. There's plenty of real things to criticize Trump over without provoking the worlds other nuclear super power over imaginary meddling(especially when there's China, Israel, Britain, and Saudi Arabia quite openly meddling)


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I absolutely hate Trump and can't stand his ugly face, but asking Sessions to resign was the right move. Also, this "Russiagate" bullshit has run its course and Mueller needs to stop the circus already. "Russiagate" is a dangerous fake news item that is casting shadows over the real corruption in our government. There's plenty of real things to criticize Trump over without provoking the worlds other nuclear super power over imaginary meddling(especially when there's China, Israel, Britain, and Saudi Arabia quite openly meddling)

And if we don't want other countries meddling in our elections, then we need to stop meddling in theirs...


Well-known member
And if we don't want other countries meddling in our elections, then we need to stop meddling in theirs...

i gotta agree here. just because certain industries have interests in a nation does not give us the right to fuck with them, "national interests" be damned!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Rescinding the Cole memo was enough for me to see him go happily.

He can get back to cranking out delicious cookies for when I'm too high from eating my cookies to eat more of my cookies so I have to eat the secret tree cookies.

Damn I feel like eating cookies.


Is nationalism when you need your country's interests promoted by the means your country is interested in?


Active member
And if we don't want other countries meddling in our elections, then we need to stop meddling in theirs...

No argument from me on that point. The United States has toppled more democracies than Hitler and Stalin combined. Its truly stunning how many people we've murdered in the name of putting friendly figures in power. The psychopaths at the CIA realized a long time ago that its a lot easier to control another country via one dictator than it is to control them via a legislature and executives with a system of checks and balances. So, often simply because its preferable to deal with one person, our spies have crushed very real democracy happening all over the world.

Of course a lot of people are also killed in the name of propping up the fiat dollar via the Petrodollar system. Its a system that has made Saudi Arabia freakishly rich while Americans get poorer and poorer. I used to know some Saudi exchange students who came to the college in my home town to learn American perspective(considered useful there for doing business with Americans), and they had obscene amounts of money. One of them was wearing a 5000 dollar pair of shoes and didn't even realize it because it was just in a pack of stuff his mother sent him. They would just buy houses and cars and abandon them when they'd go back home because it was too much bother to sell them. Back home most of them will just go into the family business(oil generally), and slave-like Muslims from poorer countries(especially Indonesia) will wait on them hand and foot for the rest of their lives. Most of them were nice enough people on a personal level but the system they come from is disgusting and we're fighting more secular nations like Syria and Iran just to keep them happy and selling oil in US Dollars. Our foreign policy madness has to stop.


Boreal Curing
No argument from me on that point. The United States has toppled more democracies than Hitler and Stalin combined. Its truly stunning how many people we've murdered in the name of putting friendly figures in power. The psychopaths at the CIA realized a long time ago that its a lot easier to control another country via one dictator than it is to control them via a legislature and executives with a system of checks and balances. So, often simply because its preferable to deal with one person, our spies have crushed very real democracy happening all over the world.

Of course a lot of people are also killed in the name of propping up the fiat dollar via the Petrodollar system. Its a system that has made Saudi Arabia freakishly rich while Americans get poorer and poorer. I used to know some Saudi exchange students who came to the college in my home town to learn American perspective(considered useful there for doing business with Americans), and they had obscene amounts of money. One of them was wearing a 5000 dollar pair of shoes and didn't even realize it because it was just in a pack of stuff his mother sent him. They would just buy houses and cars and abandon them when they'd go back home because it was too much bother to sell them. Back home most of them will just go into the family business(oil generally), and slave-like Muslims from poorer countries(especially Indonesia) will wait on them hand and foot for the rest of their lives. Most of them were nice enough people on a personal level but the system they come from is disgusting and we're fighting more secular nations like Syria and Iran just to keep them happy and selling oil in US Dollars. Our foreign policy madness has to stop.

I don't like the "We will force you to be freeish." Free them, then get out.

Unfortunately, if the US stop forcing the foreign policy and US oil dollar issues, the world economies would collapse and we'd be thrown back 100 years. We've painted ourselves in a corner. Check out the Adam Curtis documentary "The Trap". Complicated stuff.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Maybe it's the same trend I am detecting...

Shit getting deeper and corruption surfacing?

Perhaps, but it sure as hell isn't evident.

Thus far the only evidence of foreign help in rigging the election points to the Democrats. Of course, they HAVE turned up some decade-old, totally unrelated financial crimes and a couple of people whose stories didn't jibe with the FBI's hand-written notes transcribed from memory that appear to have been edited by someone other than the original interviewer... You know, iron-clad shit...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's too bad the title 'Teflon Don' is taken.. :nanana:

If he wants it he will take it.

He could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose votes.

He could drum up a battalion of rednecks (or "nationalists") to shoot the copyright office to bits and then burn it down.

I haven't seen a dictator this sexy since I can't even remember!

I hope his dick tastes like the tears of millions.


ICMag Donor
Funny stuff.

You guys bitched when Sessions was appointed, and now you're bitching when the little weasel gets shown the door. I think that I detect a trend here...

The little weasel held his ground and didn't do anything to land his ass in jail.

Maybe we've found the fall guy for an obstruction case with Whitaker. The title fits - Acting Attorney General.

I expect it will be the usual catch on gangsters and they'll get trump for tax evasion when they nab his tax filings in seven weeks. All the collusion etc will be add on.

I'm off to the protest.
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