great update Dalton, you are certainly keeping those plants happy.
even on a time plan, lol.
you know, with a bed of coco, you could surely use the same bed for a year and a half or even 2. being a bed it would allow you to pull the main roots out with your stem. also the bed means you have access to all the medium for things like mosquito dunks to get rid of your gnat larva, making a medium drench treatment easy and effective.
the plants also grow a treat in a nice thick coco bed, it's a pleasure to see. the only thing that speaks against it in my opinion is the time it takes to clear it out should the need arise. you can bag up slabs quickly same with pots. but a real nice and thick bed of coco, will take for ever to clear out, lol.
even on a time plan, lol.
you know, with a bed of coco, you could surely use the same bed for a year and a half or even 2. being a bed it would allow you to pull the main roots out with your stem. also the bed means you have access to all the medium for things like mosquito dunks to get rid of your gnat larva, making a medium drench treatment easy and effective.
the plants also grow a treat in a nice thick coco bed, it's a pleasure to see. the only thing that speaks against it in my opinion is the time it takes to clear it out should the need arise. you can bag up slabs quickly same with pots. but a real nice and thick bed of coco, will take for ever to clear out, lol.