Hey what's up everbody,
things are starting to pick up fast...I'm absolutely loving the drip setup
Here's day 3 of flower
I think I may have made a good discovery! But I'm not sure.
I thought I had tossed all of the coco that had the BM in it from my last grow, but I realized that one five gallon container of the coco with the bm made it's way in to my coco mix. All of the old coco was mixed into a bin together and then I added 50 percent new coco and mixed again. My new plants are growing like they have been LST'd but they weren't, all of the side braches are sitting even with my canopy. It's gonna be pretty dense for sure. I don't know if this is going to beneficial, but I'm thinking it's gonna be.
Iv'e been looking around for some good info on the IONIC for coco and the
House and Garden Coco's A/B, but I haven't found much, So I'm gonna keep looking, if anyone has anything could they please post it up here, Thanks
Gauis- I'm up to about 1.6 EC of the IONIC right now, Iv'e had to up it because the e.c of my tank is dropping pretty quick. They suggest about 20ml a gallon on the bottle wich works out to be 1.5 EC. I'm glad to hear good things about the house and garden because noone around here, they had to special order it for me.
Vt- Man I'm fighting myself to hold off, I can't wait to see the 1k's in action
the 400's are boring me right now
NPK- I'm jealous you got the co2 rockin, I'm gonna have to try that out soon.
Hey Dalton! Are those the plants on that table that have the BM in them? Those are perfect bro! Hit them with the BM at 3ml/gal. Otherwise, your canopy will get so dense that you'll have to do mad undergrowth trimming.
Good Idea 20k, I wasn't sure if it was gonna get too out of hand or not. I'll give it ago.
How many day's should I run it for? and should I run it with nutes or straight water. I did straight water last time but I just topped of my rez today, and I don't wanna waste nutes?
nah. wait a few days and let them suck some of it up, then fill it up with clean water to dilute it a bit. Add the BM at 3ml/gal, run for 5 days. I haven't gotten a burn with that strength, but still get full(or most) effect. Back the lights off a foot though. they get really light & heat sensitive while and immediately right after using it.
On the other hand though, It may be better to trim them now, then let the remaining 2-4 tops grow out a few more inches to develop plenty of nodes before you hit them with the BM.
I've been working on the best way to take full advantage of the BM. This run I didn't top them for the first time, but I think it was better when I did top them, or looked like yours anyways. BM buds will choke out all that undergrowth though, so best just to ditch it and make your top buds even bigger. You also have to make sure you don't have any side branches coming off too close together towards the top. If you end up with two top nugs branched too close together, they will grow together and cause you a big bud rot nightmare like I found tonight. I haven't posted about that yet on my thread, but I will go into detail there. It's the one downside of having huge dense ass nugs I suppose
i thought BM was used to stop the stretch? and initiate flowering as fast as possible?
but your plants are not too big at all Dalton? in fact they need to stretch, to end up a good size, so i would only add the BM when they have been in 12/12 for 14 days. in fact i have never used it, so take my opinion on this matter with a pinch of salt, lol. i'm not really a fan of those kind of products like superbud etc, which start the flowering in a matter of days instead of weeks, just doesn't seem natural to me. but i guess each person has to find the solution that is right for them. no guess work concerning the flowering hight with BM, hey?
BM doesn't just stop stretch, it increases side branching as well. This makes it so you don't need a deep canopy, just a good layer of tops which will fill in heavily. There's no point in doing the BM after 14 days into flower, cause you could just veg them another 1 week then hit them with the BM. You don't need extra height though, cause it just ends up giving you more shaded area below which will need to get trimmed out. It drastically changes the structure of your plants, so you don't end up with /\/\/\/\/\, but more ^^^^^^. You like that
very interesting. it will be interesting to see in that case.
what about this side effect that people were talking about with the superbud, of making all strains and pheno look very similar bud wise. does BM also give the buds that typical golf ball look?
Hey what's up guys, Good Ideas being kicked around. I trimmed up the lower
growth. I'm letting em stretch right now and I figure I'll just keep an eye what
goes on and well see what happens. I remember last time when I tried bm on a couple of plants it was 2 weeks into flower and the stretch was done, the bm caused the side branches to stretch like crazy and spread the nodes out too far, those plants wound up yeilding 1/2 what the untreated plants did. So
I'm kinda worried about using it in flower, but well see what the stretch looks like. The mold definately was my biggest worry, since I setup for single cola and now I have these little bushes going. Some of these plants have four tops
sitting at the canopy level. I'm picking up a dehumidifier tommorow and I'm gonna have that cranking. I'm just gonna roll with this and try and adapt.
I'm kinda strapped and can't afford the pots for the next table, So I'm gonna grab a coco mat and I'm gonna convert the table into a coco bed. I'll throw up some pics of it in a couple of days when I'm done.
Gauis and 20k thanks for all of the input and 20, nice diagram..lol
Gold Dust- Thanks for all the compliments, pleasure to have ya.
Oh hell, I'm so drunk. I love all of you, but I love my kids more, but I'll tell you what. I found this english pu, and it's liek a fmily bar, and it rocks, in a differest way then you guys do, but it still rocks. Gaius, you rock, but I disagree with the slabs exept that you rock, and Daltonshould hit that shit with the BM now or he's gonna regret it. bottom nugs are a bitch, causer they end up a trimmin nihtmare..
dude i'm the first to admit that slabs are not for everyone. there are many ways to get good results, who cares which method another chooses as long as it's working for him, right?
The clones for the next table have been transplanted last night and are starting veg today
I have noticed that veg'ing takes alot longer under fluoro's and this could screw up the timing I wanted, so I'm adding another donated 400watter in the veg room today, So everything should stay on schedule
The updated feed:
20ml/ a gallon IONIC bloom for Coco
5ml/ a gallon Awesome blossoms (pk boost)
5ml/ a gallon Silica Blast
5/ml a gallon Hygrozyme
2/ml a gallon Floralicous Bloom
I still haven't added the BM to the rez and my plants are avereging about 17 inches or about a half a meter. I'm halfway through stretch and my misty girl doesn't stretch too much at all.
This is her...
Gauis- Yeah I'm excited to try out the coco bed. I'm hoping I won't have to change the mat each time. If I can just rum some enzymes for two days or so and then just keep throwing em in, I'll be real happy.
20k- If posting some drunken rambling on ICMAG was the worst thing you did while drunk. You're in good shape. Man, have I got some stories.
I don't know about that BM man but I'll see how it goes, Definately gonna try the foliar with the purple maxxx.