Thanks for all the knowledge share in this thread, I really appreciate it.
You seem to have good insights about pH and water alkalinity. I think this is the limiting factor for me as a grower so I would like to ask some questions:
1. I have tap water with KH of 8.5-9, ~50 ppm Ca, ~5 ppm Mg and 150-160 ppm carbonates. What I am doing at the moment is mixing it with filtered water until I get to 5-6 KH, then I add my nutes and at the end add nitric acid until pH reaches 5.5-6. I saw now that you have said to first mix fertilizer, than adjust water alkalinity. So I am doing it wrong?
2. Connected to 1. - I do not understand - does adding acid reduces KH? Is it better to use acid, mix filtered water or do both?
3. You have said that at 5KH the pH of media is most stable. However, different elements are taken up at different pH levels, right? So, what's better - stable pH or some swing? Why have you more recently been using higher KH?
4. You have said that 5KH is the optimum for pure nitric fertilizer. How does this change with some added ammonium?
5. What is the optimal pH of the coco medium and do you think it varies for the different stages of the life of a plant?
6. Have you found a puncture probe that is reliable and durable?
7. Do you have to pH the water for foliar feeding and cloning?
8. You have mentioned that the N:K ratio is important especially for some types of water. Can you elaborate? Also, what are the most important ratios between elements for coco, if any?
9. I have noticed that you keep 1:2 P:K ratio all throughout. Many people use more P than K in bloom, do you have any thoughts on that?