Personally, all my favourite smoke is airy flowers. When people talk about "loud" dense indica types I have come to learn "loud" means bland and flavourless.
Although I hear GMO lives up to the hype. Or I want to believe it.
Most of the people doin' hydro just buy a bottle and think they are a grower, does not seems the case, and you still try to troll just coming in on a forum. Actually, I will make a statement here, it was this thread that inspired me, a "organic guy", to do again hydro-experiments and side by-sides next year. Thanks @c64 for the sharing of your own work of trying to find/sustain symbiosis, dunno where the salts got ya, but they might be spreading eheh!
another alternartive would be yaratera kristallon brown 3-11-38 but you would need to increase the p somehow without using MKP as the P:K ratio is a bit off:
thanks a lot for your pointers Sethimus, seems I located the last two bits, Hakaphos Basis 4 and some MKP, already have calcinit.
From the pictures I'd say this is a drain to waste system, I mean, not recirculating... pots and drippers looks like Atami Wilma's but guess that's where similarities end, Wilma is a recirculating system.
I'm stocked... managed to source Compo's Hakaphos Basis 4 (4-16-32) +6 and Multi MKP from Manna (52-34) from Duengerexperte (great service!).
Thanks c64 for this thread, and Absolem for the advice on the canna a + b schedule thread, and of course to everyone that chimed in with advice or where to buy: Sethimus! ).
Already had Yara Calcinit and SOP, next reservoir on my big tent will be 100% salts, used Canna A+B in veg, Canna A+B plus SOP on first flowering week.
Lowering PH with Nitric acid. From my limited understanding while reading this thread and others, (still learning) seems to be the best option in coco for carbonate breakdown, PH buffering the medium and preventing Ca/Mg deficits due to too high P ratio issues which on my conclusion is a drawback one should look after when using coco medium.
I've noticed a definite enhancement after switching from Phosphoric to Nitric Acid as PH-.
Now deciding on which soil PH meter should I get... will be used for my orchard and vegetables garden too.