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The salted coconut ....

Your drinking water supplier has on his homepage an exact composition of the water, also the indication of the carbonate hardness should be listed. Or buy a "CARBONATE HARDNESS TEST KIT Aquarium Water Test Kit".

Once a day, I irrigate the plants, I use 7.5liter pots.

In order to obtain absolute knowledge, a puncture probe is advantageous.

One is very important, let the finished nutrient solution (fertilizer + acid) rest for 24 hours. After 24 hrs correct the pH again, if necessary and then irrigate the plants.

I do not give more than 4g / 10L (1g/10L Calcinit, 3g/10L Basis4) at the time, which corresponds to a fertilizer EC value of just 0.5 + water EC = 0.9 total. EC values from other fertilizer manufacturers are not relevant. Which also makes the use of an EC meter superfluous. You can calculate the EC value, but this value is a useless value because there are no comparisons.
The dosage above g / L (10g / 10L) is the better way.

Okay, I have looked up, not much information about Kristalon brown stand here in the forum. So I quickly created an application dosage for it.
You have to complete the missing values, a small homework for you, for a better understanding. :biggrin:

View Image

A calculation of higher doses of salts for the flower is also necessary for the future.


Do you have the spread sheet I could download? I'm trying to use Calcnit and brown just trying to work out ratios etc..


Sorry that fertilizer sheet I do not have anymore.
If you have soft water, you need to balance the nitrogen-potassium ratio.
Example of a start fertilization,
2.5g / 10L brown + 6g / 10L calcinite
gives about an EC 1.0 with balanced nitrogen-potassium ratio.
Sorry that fertilizer sheet I do not have anymore.
If you have soft water, you need to balance the nitrogen-potassium ratio.
Example of a start fertilization,
2.5g / 10L brown + 6g / 10L calcinite
gives about an EC 1.0 with balanced nitrogen-potassium ratio.

Thanks for getting back to me,

I have hard water 0.75EC PH 7.3, For flower I would reverse them ratios what about extra PK?

Would save me a few bob in ££ if this works


Yes, in the generative phase Mono Potassium Phosphate (MKP / MPP) is added.


Please do not use this nutrient salt combination with hard tap water. This is not a nice way to kill your plants like this. :)
Your options are:
You can use this nutrient salt combination when using a reverse osmosis system.
I would recommend this to you.

Or you switch to another nutrient salt, preferably even a universal fertilizer salt, which contains a high ammonium nitrogen content.

It is important for this, that you know about the carbonate hardness of your tap water and how much magnesium and calcium it provides.
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Critical - Ape Origin

This version of the Critical spreads a strong Skunk aroma with scents of spicy spices and pine.

I got this genetics as a bonus seed. I wish I could buy ape Origin version of critical.



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Power Plant - White Label

Power Plant - White Label

Flowering, Day 63


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:thank you: OakyJoe

The harvest starts so slowly. I have 38 Power Plants and 2 Ceres Skunks to harvest.

I simplified my system a bit. I removed the reverse osmosis system.
My tap water is optimal for my plants.
Low carbonate hardness (7 ° dH, soft water) and
low EC value (0.35).
The tap water gives me calcium of about 65mg / L and
Magnesium about 11 mg / L.
I use a nutrient salt (18-12-18) without calcium, but with magnesium (2,4), in addition I add Epsom salt and in flower MKP.

And it works ...




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Altruistic Hazeist
Impressive work as always c64! :tiphat:

What kind of drippers do you use? Mine (self-compensating) turned out not to be very reliable, sometimes not dripping, sometimes popping out the cap and flooding...


New member
Well, we don't know each other but i'v read your thread from the first post 'nd gotta say:

lovely, lovely pics; great knowledge and impressive colas.
thanks for sharing C64

All the best



:thank you: repuk and BTHerb!

I use these pressure-sensitive single droppers in conjunction with dripper. All you need is a pump of at least 1 bar pressure.
(Flow rate: 8.2 l / h at 1 bar operating pressure)





For a uniform flushing of the substrate coco these drippers are not the best choice. For example, if you correct the ph value, you must rinse the whole substrate thoroughly in the pot.

A complete flushing of the substrate is therefore not possible.

I have to think about something else.

The best of course is watering / flushing by hand with a telescopic spray lance or with ebbe flood.
But I tend to use "FloraFlex" products.
I mean the pressure-sensitive single droppers in combination with FloraFlex for a uniform irrigation / flushing of the substrate in the whole pot.


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PowerPlant - WhiteLabel

PowerPlant - WhiteLabel

Use only a nutrient salt with NPK and magnesium for some time. The calcium provides my tap water.







Hi c64
Do you use silicate? Also do you use micro nutrients? May I ask what lights you are using over what size foot print. And also what are you vegging details?
Thank u Dots.


New member
Hello c64!

Very impressive results, wonderful, huge trichomes!

I am trying Coco DTW for the first time, ending week 7 this very moment.

I used Canna Cogr AB Flores with phosphoric acid as PH down. Ugro Coco Rhiza blocks for medium in 8 Liter smart pots.
I am using tap water with 14,8°dH total hardness, 13,5°dH carbonate hardness, 7,75 PH, 0,466 EC,
66,1mg/Liter of Calcium and 24,1mg/Liter of Magnesium.
Seems to work fine, plants are thriving, buds formed nicely and really begin to swell up as I am typing.
No lockouts or deficiencies can be detected.

Since I've come across your thread, I want to try to use powdered nutrients, instead of paying too much for diluted stuff.
I will switch to nitric acid for PH down adjustment.

Now for my questions:

In post #41 you talk about "lactic acid fermentation from cereals", unfortunately I can't see the pics
in posts #41+#44, so I'm not sure:
Are you fermenting this "start boost" yourself, or do you buy finished product?
If you do it yourself, could you elaborate the process in a bit more detail?
If not, is there a product on the "Düngerexperte" website that does the trick?
Just add to reservoire, or apply on its own, without fertilizer?

I will order from the Düngerexperte website.
Problem is: There is no more Hakaphos basis 4 availabe anymore, even on another grower forum, a guy recently asked about
where to get it, and was told to use the Hakaphos basis 3, because there is no more Hakaphos basis 4.
Can I just order the Hakaphos basis 3, or should I choose something different, that better suits my rather hard tap water?

In this run I have used Canna PK 13/14, as adviced, only in week 6 of flower at 1,5ml/Liter, without any negative effects. In post #145
you say that one should not use "Mono Potassium Phosphate (MKP / MPP)" with hard tap water. Since PK 13/14 is basically
watered down MKP and my plants responded well, can I use MKP, or should I avoid it, because of the rather high carbonate
hardness of my tap water?

I understand that the Canna AB lines have additional calmag added, so there is no use for additional calmag products.
When using powdered nutients, will I need to add Epsom salt, or is there already enough Magnesium in my tap water?

Will I need Calcinit, or does my tap water already has enough Calcium?

In post #65 you write about "natural brown algae extracts (Ascophyllum nodosum)"
Is this the "Marine Power Braunalgenextraxt" from Düngerexperte?
How many grams/Liter should I use?
Can this be used with fertilizer, or applied alone?
Will the extract fully disolve in water, or does it have to be filtered out?

Do you use any addiotional sugars, like Canna Boost, during flower to "boost" the plants, or is this all done with MPK?

So many questions, I hope you can answer them...

So long, keep up the good work

May your buds get even bigger!


PowerPlant - Sensi Seeds (White Label)

PowerPlant - Sensi Seeds (White Label)

I wanted to try the CalMag product.
I used pure osmosis water with the fertilizer salt NPK 18-12-18. Then the CalMag with 30ml on 40L water. Another way to feed his plants. I am very happy with this combination. :joint:

