Your drinking water supplier has on his homepage an exact composition of the water, also the indication of the carbonate hardness should be listed. Or buy a "CARBONATE HARDNESS TEST KIT Aquarium Water Test Kit".
Once a day, I irrigate the plants, I use 7.5liter pots.
In order to obtain absolute knowledge, a puncture probe is advantageous.
One is very important, let the finished nutrient solution (fertilizer + acid) rest for 24 hours. After 24 hrs correct the pH again, if necessary and then irrigate the plants.
I do not give more than 4g / 10L (1g/10L Calcinit, 3g/10L Basis4) at the time, which corresponds to a fertilizer EC value of just 0.5 + water EC = 0.9 total. EC values from other fertilizer manufacturers are not relevant. Which also makes the use of an EC meter superfluous. You can calculate the EC value, but this value is a useless value because there are no comparisons.
The dosage above g / L (10g / 10L) is the better way.
Okay, I have looked up, not much information about Kristalon brown stand here in the forum. So I quickly created an application dosage for it.
You have to complete the missing values, a small homework for you, for a better understanding.
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A calculation of higher doses of salts for the flower is also necessary for the future.
Sorry that fertilizer sheet I do not have anymore.
If you have soft water, you need to balance the nitrogen-potassium ratio.
Example of a start fertilization,
2.5g / 10L brown + 6g / 10L calcinite
gives about an EC 1.0 with balanced nitrogen-potassium ratio.