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The Roadkill Skunk Fan Club

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Active member
im about halfway through flowering a strain called rks. so far so good, grown along w seedsman sk1 its half as tall, way bushier, very serrated edges to the leaves like saw blades. the seedsman will certainly be a sweet sativa (topped 2x). but the rks is putting on thickness and looks promising for a seed plant.

i can t report a smell sorry. but its in w some diesel and sk2 just finishing. they are just overpowering (good thing). in two more weeks i should know better what the smell is...
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Active member
imo CHEM 4 is NOT rKS....if anything chem d is....but not chem4, chem4 is kinda commercial, reminds me of wetsponges...hah...def. has NO smell in flower....not comparable to Chem D...at least the cuti have labeled chem4 wasnt...

bageled j

LOL.chem 4 = rks.thats the funniest shit.u must have a d cut misslabeled as 4 cuz the 4 smells like sweaty damp basment imo.like headimonster said the d is closer to the rks than the 4 but the real 91 is the closest of em all.strait up rude boi skunk.the closest thing to the real rks is the skelly hp.i have run alot of so called rks cuts witht eh skelly being the only one thats in fact rks


Active member
mmm....wuts up wit the skelly HP bageled j? :) - - -got any pix? yeah real 91 cut is def rude boi....putrid...ugh...love it....but i misss Reaaaal RKS wuts Skelly HP?....

h^2 O

It is just Smoke and Mirrors, the post above is just made up shit.
It did not happen.
Skunk #1 was bred by me not some made up collective.
I was not busted, did not go back and save clones. Never served a day. Never lost a single seed or plant in the USA. All just made up lies.
NdF is full of shit.

Lets hope that any new RKS development is based on fact not lies.
is this true? I know a little about skunk #1...it was from California, C. Gold x aghani x acapulco gold...
The skunk in Holland is sweet, in America it's actual skunk - smells like B.O.
How did this distinct seperation happen? Why is the Dutch stuff even called "skunk"? Why does every seed company claim they invented skunk? Both Dutch PAssion and Sensi list the whole "acapulco gold x aghani x colombia gold, 75% sativa 25%indica thing...but who has the real thing? If I want a REAL skunk that smells like B.O., who's the best choice? Did Sensi and DP get their skunk from the same place? Did they breed them seperately? What's the story
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Hi H2O,
if it was me i'd look through Mr Nice Shit which i believe is Skunk #1 (Afg Dom) x Skunk #1,
that would be a safe bet of finding some putrid smelling pheno's:yes:



sorry but i just had to laugh at the thought of Chem 4 being RKS... haha, but i honestly dont get even the most remote undertone of skunk from chem4... Not even the slighted hint of a roadkill smell...
The docta and apothecary Chems both have a bit of a skunky smell, more so when you have a bag in your pocket, than if you smell the actual buds up close. I could also see a bit of a skunky smell from the chem D.... I would imagine the skunkva having the most overpowering/ most similar to a skunk smell of the chems


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
I have had NYC Diesel grown hydro in GH 3 part nutrients and it was super skunky.

The same diesel grown bio in soil had a very grapefruit like smell.


Active member
i've been burning some nugs lately that are really really close to RKS....they came to me labeled chemdawg x headband! in the bag they are super stank and smell like a skunk...you can't bring none anywhere important thats forsure.


Well, I just germed 2 1982 Red Hair Skunk seeds. They took a while to pop, but I am 2 for 2. 1 has it's little head above ground already.

I have no info on them. Hopefully there will be some RKS funk to it.


Active member
Well, I just germed 2 1982 Red Hair Skunk seeds. They took a while to pop, but I am 2 for 2. 1 has it's little head above ground already.

I have no info on them. Hopefully there will be some RKS funk to it.

sounds interesting. please update when u can


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
goood luck......useless
here's some skunk,thanks bud...





I tried RKS 6 years back they called it super skunk but it was most definately not sweet but staight road kill skunk and I think it was at about the same caliber as well grown arcata trainwreck as far as potency. I do like the quality of the high better than tw though for sure.


honey oil addict
yes, i tried quite a few times with very poor success, so this time after a 2 days soak and then into paper towel for 2 days, i took all their seed shells off and most of their endosperm as well generally, and planted them in moist dirt enhanced with a tad of superthrive, seaweed solution and nodamp.


Active member
the rks strain i bought is now starting to smell...fruity, sweet...sorry not the real road kill, unless it really changes later in flower


Where you at Billy? Hope things are looking up....

Yes, I'm around. Just not around here much. Been super busy with projects and getting everything in order. As for this project. I was talking about it with a friend the other day. It's funny someone posted and bumped this thread up.

Here's where I'm at. Been super busy with other projects, but have moved forward with this one some. Got some seeds to a friend to get going. Well, those didn't pop at all. I'm looking at trying some more, but using different method of germing them. Also, get ready for this one. Finally, someone from the hills has final parted with a female cut.

So, I have access to a cut that reaks like it should. Just by seeing and looking at a few cuts. They are the real deal and after holding them for a few second. I stunk to high heaven. I'm going to try the other seeds and still have a nice amount. Should get something to pop. Hopefully find a male in the bunch and then off to the races. I didn't want to say anything, since i've been to busy with other projects. Didn't wanted to get hounded for the cut either. If I can get these seeds to pop and find a male. I'll get the seeds going asap. It's up to these seeds to pop. If they don't, then I've got to go with a stinky afgahni to to cross with and do some BXing.

Well, that's it for now. For those that are thinking of pming me. Don't, because you'll be wasting your time. I'll get seeds out to everyone, "if" i can find a male.

PS, nice to see you LORD BENIS
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