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The Roadkill Skunk Fan Club

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You're right, Brother Monk, he should. However, I do think there are some grow reports on it as I think it's been out for a bit. But then again finding a grow report on any high priced Reef offering seems to prove a bit difficult.

and no, hashmasta, I'm not in the market for RKS.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I would love it if reef's double skunk is it, but I personally think there are a lot of variation in peoples memories of what RKS is and I am sure since it has not been around in a while those memories got a little less accurate over time. My experience with it was the neon green dense buds that had bright orange hairs and smelled of real skunk. The stinkiest bud I have ever encountered, hence probably why it seems to be extinct. I have heard of others remembering it as dark bud, but I always remember it as neon army green, and what I found most stiking other than the smell was the colour of the bright brownish orange hairs in contrast to its unique colour. It seemed to really make it stand out.

I can't wait to find some grow diaries on Double Skunk and see if it seems close, or exact.


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Hashmasta-Kut said:
its not a recurring theme. you dont know the smell of the 80's roadkill if you believe that. i have been searching for something like it since 01 with 0 success.

Well, if you're in the US then we probably didn't smoke the same RKS genetics. But whenever I've driven down highways hot summer days, feeling the putrid stench of roadkill skunk, then I think back at a particular weed I smoked in the 80's. It's a perfect match.

So if that wasn't RKS, then I don't know what it was, but it reeked of roadkill skunk.

I feel that smell in some present day genetics, stronger or weaker, with nuances and undertones mixed in, depending on strain.

Believe it or not, I've got a Blockhead pheno in veg that smells of roadkill skunk. It will be fun to see what she (or he) smells like once cut and cured.


Active member
peoples sense of smells might also be a little different, how do you know what you smell is the same as i do ... right?

i've driven behind buses in the city (b4 they switched to natural gas), or older mac trucks and caught wiffs of veggin herb, thats the diesels smell to me, similar to skunk but a little more fuely/oily but still pungent. but whenever its skunk mating season, or one is dead in the road, that smell reminds me of almost all of vegging and flowering plants, the ones i've popped anyways, so i dunno. only one of them turned fruity in flower, but it was more like grapefruit sour mixed with that dieselly like skunk smell, not the pure skunk spray. it is as strong as garlic and onion odors, and sometimes reminiscent of it too. it can make your eyes tear. piffy one seems more like that skunkish then fuelish, everytime i smell it i think of something else nasty in there, it's a pretty complex combo of stinks, lol.



Active member
MOneYMiKe said:
so a couple posts back I mentioned Reddish seeds here are some pics click to enlarge,lemme know what you all think............

thanks again btw these are at least 20to25yr.old beans..................Mm

Start poppin'!! :bashhead:


bonz :wave:

Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Wow, was gone for a month and so. Nice to see the thread doing well and members still talking about the old RKS. Looking forward to the day its back in the hands of those who all want it.

Allot of good ideas and points. Take care all and good luck with your search.


Bonzo said:
BG? Garden Pimp?

Yup, don't know about the garden pimp. lolol Nice to see you Bonzo. Hope all is well. Shoot me a pm.
Take care,

With all those seeds. I'd be germing them and seeing what's in them


Sheeba , no , UK Cheese has no RKS , more of a aged cheese with hints of dank lemon and a super undertone of cherry funk . A worthy smoke , my wife's current favorite !



honey oil addict
maybe your sense of smell is not the same as mine. i havent smelled a real skunk terpene in any strain i have tried except skunk. almost a couple times, but not really. i have tried a good variety of modern strains. and i am not in the us, but thats irrelevant. there is only one skunk smell that fits the bill.

Rosy Cheeks said:
Well, if you're in the US then we probably didn't smoke the same RKS genetics. But whenever I've driven down highways hot summer days, feeling the putrid stench of roadkill skunk, then I think back at a particular weed I smoked in the 80's. It's a perfect match.

So if that wasn't RKS, then I don't know what it was, but it reeked of roadkill skunk.

I feel that smell in some present day genetics, stronger or weaker, with nuances and undertones mixed in, depending on strain.

Believe it or not, I've got a Blockhead pheno in veg that smells of roadkill skunk. It will be fun to see what she (or he) smells like once cut and cured.


honey oil addict
JamesChong said:
. Take care all and good luck with your search.

you dont search when you have it. 3 days in flower. :) like i have said many times its not the clone, but it is a seed from the clone. so i dont quite have it. but its close enough gonna have to do.


Active member
i hear ya with the smells thing - it is subjective, but i 100% for sure know what a skunk spray smells like, my dogs have been hit more then once before, and it stinks, for a long time, lol. and i know when i smell it on my vegging plant.

i can also differentiate between that and the catpiss smell. catpiss isn't like pure cat piss right out of the bladder, it's more like, hmm, a dirty litterbox, or if a cat or even a dog, or YOU piss on a hardwood floor, and leave it, let it dry up, and then it gets real humid out/and in the room too, mmmmm that's catpiss aroma. amonia like. but that smell there.. catpiss/amonia, if you slide it to the right or left (little higher or lower of intesity) a little bit you can tune into skunk somewhere in there, or the menthol smell sometimes given off by some good haze. they are all related man, skunk, catpiss, garlic, teary onions. it depends on you really.

here some interesting stuff..

skunk smell/spray this is what i was talking about. thiols.

Its primary ingredients are chemicals called thiols--specifically crotyl mercaptan, isopentyl mercaptan, and trans-2-butenyl thioacetate, if you must know. (Many books still list the active ingredient as butyl mercaptan [the substance added to natural gas to give it a distinctive smell] but that's based on an analysis carried out almost a hundred years ago. The first two chemicals I mentioned are minor variants of butyl mercaptan; the third has so far been identified in nature ONLY in skunk spray.) One of the things that produces thiols in nature is the degradation of proteins. It's thiols that make decomposing flesh and feces both smell so bad. Almost all animals are naturally repulsed by thiols; that's a survival trait, because it keeps them from eating things that will make them sick. Skunk spray, then, is essentially distilled disgust--purified putrification--essence of eeeyyeeeeww.
Not only does skunk spray smell strong when first released (strong enough to be smelled even by we poor-nosed humans up to a kilometer away), it also lingers. Dr. William F. Wood, the professor of chemistry at Humbolt State University in Arcata, California, who carried out the analysis of skunk spray I quoted above, found that skunk spray also contained, in addition to thiols, corresponding thioacetates. Thiols are highly volatile and dissipate quickly; thioacetates react slowly with water to form (what else?) thiols. So the smell of skunk can take a very long time to wear off, and washing it off is also difficult because the water keeps activating new scent!

i notice the skunk stink more when i water the plant. if also touched it stays on your fingers, etc. when i repot/root prune, even the roots have a skunky smell to me sometimes, man. those thiols are flowing through the entire plant stem, leaves, roots and all.



honey oil addict
that shit that reeks like catpiss we used to call burmese when it first appeared. super stinky, like skunk, but not a similar smell really. i dont even think its a related terpene really..


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I have noticed that almost half the strains I have dealt with have at least a little bit of the skunk smell to them. It's in varying degreees with different strains with the real skunk being at the max skunk level possible. Even my AK47 I brought to my fathers house wrapped up well in my coat pocket made him think I got sprayed by a skunk. So if it's in AK47 slightly, it has got to be in full power somewhere in the genetics floating around. Luck of the draw?

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honey oil addict
you and x00x agree. i have a completely different opinion. i have noticed it shared by the locals in my area as well. skunk had exclusive terpenes.


honey oil addict
Farmer John said:
Im getting more and more sure of the thing that what we had here was actually Skunk x Afghan, closest to the original smell are some affies and hybrids that are very afghan dom that I have now seen and had the pleasure to smoke...:chin: dont get me wrong theres a lot of variation in afghans also but this one smell I think everyone knows pops very often from those lines.

i agree partially. with the first part anyhow, SK x A.
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Active member
cheese is a nice strain for old people and the chicks

p.s...wunderkind....i'll never order another seed in my life...i've wasted enough money and time on mediocre strains.
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Time2Unite said:
cheese is a nice strain for old people and the chicks

p.s...wunderkind....i'll never order another seed in my life...i've wasted enough money and time on mediocre strains.

That comment above needs to be archived in the icmag hall of shame (cheese is a nice strain for old people and the chicks) comical i know many and met many wemen and older growers and smokers that would smoke and smoke me and im thinking you and others under the table so you my friend need a reality check.

As for wasting time and money on mediocre strains i think you need to put more research into whos seeds you run in future.

Yes theres a lot of strain offered out there that are ok at best id go as far as saying there shit and if you get a buzz its only short but there are also many great strains offered tell me kali mist is mediocre or any real haze hybrids like mangohaze ssh to name just a few offered and theres more.

Also RKS if its in fact sk you and others are talking about here was from good to okay in smoke if what some called rks was an Afghani again it was any thing from special to just ok i would put a selected kali mist against any of the sk lines i rember and i know what would of been stronger i dont know what the km is like now cdays but im talking 96 vintage but there are plenty of good seed lines offerd.
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