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The Postman's Overgrown Closet Grows #2

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Harvest pics...

Green Pheno was taken down earlier last week. I didn't snap any pics of the actual harvesting as it was done on a day I was short on time, but here is a nice tub of buds harvested from it. This plant was the only green one out of the 4, and it looks very similar to the wonder diesel used in the cross, more so then the PPP, but flavor is clearly Durban influenced with a black licorice flavor when I dry puff a joint. I thought this one would possess more of the wonder diesel flavor to go along with it's looks, But I'd say the flavor is more African/durban even more so then the purple PPP momma.



Plant 4 harvesting



Plant 3




The inside of the buds against the stems were the sun doesn't get too are more pink then purple.

plants 3/4 buds
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Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Thanks pendantsquid, glad you like what you see.

I'm more then pleased with the size/density of that top cola considering my lower wattage 250's. It looked very airy-loose-sativa until the last 2-3 weeks when everything swelled up lovely on her. Hopefully she smoked good as I'd really like to see how she develops under the 400 CMH.


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
TBug said:
High post! Ahhhh......I HATE YOU!!!

High post! nah man, lol...I dont really hate you bro! but im jealous that yours is bigger than mine and all...lol. Could never hate a dude that puts such love and care into his plants. Thems look truely scrumptious! Congratz once again!
Peace to you and cuz, bugout:Bolt:

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
LOL what up Tbug? Thanks for sharing whatever love you could spare me bro hehe....
hasn't been the smoothest transition taking on a more organic do-it-yourself fertilizer regimen. In the end they turned out alright though. Can't wait to smoke them all and see if I grew anything worth holding on too.

Pics of the remaining plant







New member
Wow I just read through all 21 pages of this thread and I must say those be some fine looking ladies. I'm gonna have to get my hands on some of the wonder diesel soon. Congrats on the happy harvest


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High Post! For years now, I have been drooling over your beautiful glossy photos. Is safe to assume that you use a fair amount of neem? if so, how often do you apply it, how much would be too much, and do you feel it affects the smoke?
Peace and happy Turkey Day(dont let that L-triptaphan knock you on your ass) bugout:Bolt:
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Hey man great thread as usual, I know uve grown sadhu in the past I was curious how you liked it. I have to get rid of some strains in my garden, and I was considering culling my sadhu out.

thanks for any tips I love all your posts from here to GC thanks for all the info!!

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
TBug said:
High Post! For years now, I have been drooling over your beautiful glossy photos. Is safe to assume that you use a fair amount of neem? if so, how often do you apply it, how much would be too much, and do you feel it affects the smoke?
Peace and happy Turkey Day(dont let that L-triptaphan knock you on your ass) bugout:Bolt:

Hey tbug. Sorry for the delay my tolerance must be real low for that triptaphan. Either that or its some heavy stuff LOL.

To be honest I had no problems with fungus gnats this run. I use the neem oil for fungus gnat control mostly, but never had to apply to much to the leaves themselves ever. I usually use the neem as a soil drench for the gnats when i start seeing them flying around my pots. I only sprayed it on the leaves a few times before, and I do that in veg as to not mess with any flavors of the buds. The neem oil really does have quite a strong scent, and it doesn't wash off to easily in my experience. In fact my spray bottle although cleaned many time since still smells like neem pretty strongly.

That sheen they had this round could have been from the elevated nitrogen levels in the mix I was using. I find whenever I go a lil hot with the nitrogen I get those thick dark green-shiny leaves. I take that as the sign you get before u burn the shit out of them with fertilizer LOL.

As for the dosage, some brands may have different dosages I'm sure, but the green-leaves brand I bought at the depot calls for 2tbsp per gallon. The label calls for 2, but I usually go lighter at 1tbsp with good results. I always err on the side of caution with dosages and raise them if need be.
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Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Thanks gonejah, d-rock, and Deeznuggz. Glad you guys liked the lil grow show I put on here. Be sure to check back as I'm sure it'll be continuing. Either that or I'll add a link at the end of this grow to the new one. On another note I was banned off Gc for speaking up to the mayor over their. Told him it was bad business to charge $11.50 for shipping from the uk then drop shipping from the states for $2.50 keeping the shipping difference for his pocket. I called it like a saw it and got banned 4 it, so LMAO all my grows/posts will be made here on icmag

Right now I'm vegging the wonder diesel f2's I made using the two keeper phenotypes I've found. 1 utilizing the sour diesel dominant female, and the other using a more hybridized willy/diesel phenotype female. I also planted with them a few back crosses of the power diesels I just harvested.. I crossed plant 3 the more indica single cola dominant purple pheno back to the wonder diesel male.

I'll be growing these organic in a similar mix to last run, only amended lighter as I plan to take a more active approach feeding with the activated organic teas come late veg through flower. I picked up some earth juice products - bloom, catylast, and meta k, and will incorporate those into my guano-castings-molasses teas come flower.

Another thing that changed is I hooked up the closet finally. Slightly smaller then my last at 3.5 x 3, but really that's all i need for some good personal smoke. I jazzed it up with the white polly, aircooled hood, carbon scrubber, the whole 9 etc. I'll will be growing under a new 400watt hps retrofit ceramic metal halide bulb, along with the uvb supplementation I've always used in my previous grows.

Stay tuned as soon as I have my females/males sorted I'll start sharing more pics of those.. Here are a few buds i harvested off the power diesel last run though. They are in cure now and really starting to come into their smell, and flavors.. Damn good herb in my opinion though.


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Did you weigh any of your yield Postman? Any real difference in the green and purple phenos? How long do you usually cure your buds before smoking? Postman when are you comming down to PA? I want to try some of this amazing herb! Postman's #1 fan!
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Another visit to the Closet...

Another visit to the Closet...

What's up my brother...I can't stay away for too long..as you know.

I tried making some tea...and you know what? It's a little harder than I thought...

Maybe I didn't give it enough attention or something. I'll give it another try, but one 5 gallon bucket is lost...it's way to funky smelling for me to mess with it...so I tossed it. Next run I'll keep it simple and just add the EWC, MUSH Compost and Molasses and go from there. Guess I need to splurge and get some guanos you are talking about. I can't find them at any nursery in my parts...where do you visit to pick up your organics? or do you mail order?

Also, where are you planning on venting your heat from your cool tube to? I think I may have convinced the old lady to let me vent into the attic from the closet...it just has to be on my side of the closet...LOL.

In any case bro...I don't have nearly the bud porn as you do...Right Now, but check out the grow...I just added White Widow, Durban Poison and one of the Sativa Divas to the bloom room.

Also, do you top, LST or anything to your ladies or do you just let them grow naturally?

Talk to you soon!
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Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
151kushmaster said:
Did you weigh any of your yield Postman? Any real difference in the green and purple phenos? How long do you usually cure your buds before smoking? Postman when are you comming down to PA? I want to try some of this amazing herb! Postman's #1 fan!

To be honest I stopped weighing recently as it all goes to smoke, but I did get the weight off one of them. The green pheno weighed in at 1 1/2 dry. Certainly not my largest yielding plant, but left to grow natural under a 250hps with some of the issues I had dialing in the new organics and mix, I thought it wasn't so bad.

I'm sure the other purple plants yielded a bit more. I thought that 1 to be the smallest yielding at least by looks. Instead of full buds running up and down the branches these were dense and concentrated on the ends of sturdy branches. The green plant smells a bit different from the others as well. It went from a funky spicy artificial strawberry smell fresh on the plant, took on more of licorice type spice the first week in the bags, and now is taking on an odd candied tangy-spicy-piney type thing with hints of berries. Extremely odd smelling herb. Never had anything close to similar. I may try this one again from clone, and see if i can do a better job growing-flushing and bringing more of the smells to flavor.

The purples stemmed from a spicy-herbal berry smell to more of a pungent spicy I don't flavor LMAO. Those probably need a bit more curing. The green pheno was taken down a week earlier though.

I smoke some as soon as dried LOL, but the majority doesn't get smoked until the scent-flavor is back and strong. Some strains are ready before others, and a lot of that has to do with how I grew them, and how much nutrient I was able to use up from the soil/flush before harvest. After a few crops you can smell the changes in cure from the green-hay like smell to actually noticing the natural scents and aromas of the herb, and once it smells good well then the longer it stays in the jars the more it develops and gets better to a point. I'd say my average cure before I really start enjoying and noticing the fuller flavor is about 3 weeks, a good month isn't uncommon though. Been smoking a lot of wonder diesel so that'll allow these to cure up nicely before really getting into smoking them.

I told ya one day I'm coming back, and finishing off that ****in Bell.

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Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Mystic420 said:
What's up my brother...I can't stay away for too long..as you know.

I tried making some tea...and you know what? It's a little harder than I thought...

Maybe I didn't give it enough attention or something. I'll give it another try, but one 5 gallon bucket is lost...it's way to funky smelling for me to mess with it...so I tossed it. Next run I'll keep it simple and just add the EWC, MUSH Compost and Molasses and go from there. Guess I need to splurge and get some guanos you are talking about. I can't find them at any nursery in my parts...where do you visit to pick up your organics? or do you mail order?

Also, where are you planning on venting your heat from your cool tube to? I think I may have convinced the old lady to let me vent into the attic from the closet...it just has to be on my side of the closet...LOL.

In any case bro...I don't have nearly the bud porn as you do...Right Now, but check out the grow...I just added White Widow, Durban Poison and one of the Sativa Divas to the bloom room.

Also, do you top, LST or anything to your ladies or do you just let them grow naturally?

Talk to you soon!

The tea shouldn't smell to bad. Usually mine smells rather earthy like good soil unless it goes bad. I don't notice unless I stick my nose right to it. I usually bubble my tea and use it within 72hr. If I go longer then that I add more molasses for the bacteria to feed on. Usually you'll only get really bad smells when the beneficial bacteria starts to die off allowing for the bad bacteria-fungi to gain a foothold, and haooens also when the tea starts lacking oxygen. When it stinks bad I always toss it, but like i said I make a tea and use it, and then make a fresh batch when I need it.

As for the guanos and other organic nutrients I'm stuck mail ordering. That's why i really want to get more into organics, and learning how to reuse - re-amend the mix properly. Right now I'm sticking to a few products and learning how to use them. Organic growing seems to be very individualistic, and it's about finding what works for you and the plants with what u have access too.

Yes that's what i did vented up through the roof. My closet is on the first floor so vented up which is into an attic space above the garage. Works out nicely. I have my exhaust fan/carbon scrubber up there which cuts down on noise near the growing plants. I put blocks on the closet floor, and created a raised floor in the closet with white melamine boards which I put register vents for passive intake, and to keep the space light proof. The polly covers the door down to the false floor leaving the bottom open for fresh air. The fresh air comes up through the floor in the closet, and is exhausted though the lights and up through the fan/scrubber.

Yes I do usually top, and shape my plants a bit when I'm growing for weight. Last round I had choosing plants for breeding in mind so left to grow natural as to get a true look at their sexy curves, and robust full bodacious buds.

I'll come check out ur grow
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Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
These plants are Wonder Diesel F2's I made from the keepers of my first run from seed with the Wonder Diesel. I made the seeds utilizing the two different keeper females pollinated with a sibling male wonder diesel pollen.

Also amongst them are a few power diesel backcross plants. I used the same male as the breedings above, and bred him to my purple ppp which yielded me the seeds that of which I just grew and harvested last round. I chose the purple pheno power diesel plant #3 and once again pollinated her with same wonder diesel male.

I'm growing organic once again in a peat/coco/compost/perlite mix which I amended lightly with kelp meal, worm casting, dolomite, and half the dose I used last round of the fox farms peace of mind starter formula grounded fine for quicker breakdown. At planting I inoculated with plant success granular, and watered in with oceangold thallassmix (humus/herbal extracts/sea deposit-minerals).

I plan to take a more hands on approach with feeding this grow come late vegg through flower. I still have both the high p, and n bat guanos, kelp meal, molasses from last runs, but am adding some earth juice bloom/catalyst/meta k for ease this round.

Right now they are feeding off whats in the soil, and my base tea once a week which consists of ej catalyst/ewc/kelp meal/molasses. I'm using less molasses in the teas then grows passed as the catalyst could probably take it's place as a tea activator-food for beneficial micros during brewing. When I need to bump npk I'll be using the bat guanos, ej bloom/meta k

the group and a few individual pics

power diesel bx.. Check out those FAT leaves


Wonder diesel f2


Wonder diesel f2


Wonder diesel f2 First to show sex... Female!! :jump: Check out the branching on this girl. An un-topped natural bushiness to her. I dig it.


Check out this mutant.. Split right at the first node, creating two main branches. One branch growing more normal with extensive branching, and the other growing mutant which naturally topped again creating one branch with three tops, and the other with 1. Branches/nodes coming from everywhere. I hope this one turns out female just to see how it grows.


check out that fat celery stem LOL. Looks like two stems fused together

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Mystic420 said:
What size pots are those? and what size do you use regularly?

Around a gallon Mystic give or take.. The round ones hold a lil more then the square. The rounds are 8.5in round 8in. deep. Maybe a lil over a gallon. The others are 7.5in square which taper a bit, so prolly a gallon or a lil less.

I up pot often. I start seedlings in the red dixie cups, up pot shortly after into 6in round containers, then into those in the pics until sexed (which was this week for the majority).. Once they show sex, and I gain some space loosing males the females go to 3 gallon bags/3.5gal. round containers where I vegg them a week or so longer then flip to flower and finish.