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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
It's kind of sad how it ends up for many old people. This is my place of refuge and interaction.

As long as the site is congenial and fosters a healthy attitude. People will be different but that doesn't mean we have to pick their lives apart, nor should people come on here and create a shit storm when they know very well what's going to happen when saying something. Use the brains you were given and try to get along.

I was listening to a neuroscientist yesterday talking about people who are isolated and how the brain when isolated tends to the anger and dark mood side. For those who can control themselves and have nothing to prove...places like this can be very beneficial to us oldies who are limited by health/age. For myself I had to find away back to this thread because in most cases I like the people here. I will find away to manage my issues and enjoy the good company that can be found here.
Glad you are here OM. You contribute a lot to this thread. Nobody here wants or looks for confrontation but somehow it has a way of finding us. Sad that it took a moderator to stop the latest attack.

I am glad Gypsy hangs out here. And frankly I wish there were mods on this thread. We have nothing to hide …… none of us buy or sell, troll or look for trouble. We just want to smoke dope and tell jokes.

Unca Walt

Well-known member

Curious... how much does a 60 mile Uber cost?
My Red Witch is a "control" in a series of treatments for detached retina in this hospital. She gets an update free treatment once a month for the rest of her life.

Because of this, we pay zerio. Moreover, they have given her a debit card that has $100 per monthly visit added to it.

The luxury Lincoln Uber -- with Driver Steve dressed in formal wear (TINS, folks -- black suit, bow tie) opening the doors for you) making sure you are comfortable, pointing out the stocks of water bottles and more...

...Also on the house. When I try to tip him $5, he demurs, and I say: "I doan givvashit, here!" We repeat the procedure when we come out of the hospital -- with him waiting.

That said, it is grueling. I had to sit for 7 and a half hours on an unpadded chair designed in Hell, with chrome-steel square tube arms. In a small room with the temperature at 66F. No TV. Just chairs.

(*snigger*) I am now so mizzable, my tongue is asleep and my teeth itch.
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Well-known member
Premium user
Glad you are here OM. You contribute a lot to this thread. Nobody here wants or looks for confrontation but somehow it has a way of finding us. Sad that it took a moderator to stop the latest attack.

I am glad Gypsy hangs out here. And frankly I wish there were mods on this thread. We have nothing to hide …… none of us buy or sell, troll or look for trouble. We just want to smoke dope and tell jokes.
Most excellent dope and most excellent jokes.
In addition to a comprehensive medical diagnosing service thats right on target with advice , a lot of the times or at least most of the times.


Well-known member
Premium user
Glad you are here OM. You contribute a lot to this thread. Nobody here wants or looks for confrontation but somehow it has a way of finding us. Sad that it took a moderator to stop the latest attack.

I am glad Gypsy hangs out here. And frankly I wish there were mods on this thread. We have nothing to hide …… none of us buy or sell, troll or look for trouble. We just want to smoke dope and tell jokes.
Ditto FFS !


Well-known member
There needs to be a legal disclaimer at top of thread alerting people not to share if they are not Republican and not from the city. If you post pro-democrat material you will be trolled and cvh will ban you. Maybe the "old Republicans angry recluse" thread? Smell ya later
I think (know) the 'problem' is folks divide themselves into opposing groups - R vs D instead of "Americans first" then political proclivities.

From my 'Independent' stance it's the D's that are fomenting destruction. I haven't seen the R's torching Teslas (or burning crosses in front yards), or telling people "If you see them you push back! You tell them they are not wanted here." Maxine Waters.

If you study history (and I have - though I hated it in school) you can clearly point to the D party as being the party of division.

Doober seems to be young? 30 something? He hasn't seen with the eyes of age what used to be (JFK) to where we are now. If you could research JFK's policies you'll discover he was for lower taxes (not higher). He wanted to end the Viet Nam war, not escalate it. He also wanted to end the Federal Reserve and 'secret societies'. Does that sound familiar? It should. We just voted for that to happen! Let's hope he's successful.

The D's are also the ones pushing Transgender nonsense (effectively destroying the fabric of a sane society). "What is a woman?" Oh, that's a 'feeling'. Wut? They're the ones pushing the AOC "Green New Deal"... I wonder where she got that idea from... Soros? That means electric cars and 15 minute cities. Oh wait... Tesla was the 'darling of the left' until he started exposing USAID fraud. Isn't that interesting...

You do realize that USAID was funding every wack-a-doodle leftist agenda on the planet (i.e., we were funding our own demise)? And by "planet" I mean we've been funding the WHOLE WORLD - good or bad - terrorists, or peace-nics to the tune of $36T in debt!! We're even funding Soros' stated goal of destroying the United States of which he's been reciprocating by destroying the United States!!

Note: Debt is slavery!

I'm pointing out the obvious and not taking sides here.

The R side wants fiscal accountability. Common sense. They want to wake up in the morning knowing society will also be what it was yesterday.

Any rationally-minded person would choose stability, not anarchy. They would also take the time to study history and learn how the bankers are running the show using debt, not some NGO. They were 'running the show' back in 1776! That's why the Founding Fathers created the Constitution! To circumvent what they witnessed in England! That's what one learns when following the history of money. It's the only way to learn history! FOLLOW THE MONEY!

So here we are at a teachable moment, only "the Doobs" has decided to check out because he's feelings got hurt by facts! I know where he is because I was there once myself until I started questioning the 'official' narrative. Now I see with the eyes of age!

The only regret I have is not waking up sooner because of all the 'old fogies' that passed through my life 40 years ago are dead and gone. I think about all the lessons I could have learned from their tutelage if I had only asked! The life experiences that died with them that may have enlightened my path. It's why folks like Unca are cherished here. He's a font of experiences. Lived more life than most of us here!

And so we go on in life fumbling through the dross of division when we really should be united as a family, as a nation.



Well-known member
Now there - is some electricity 😳 - beautiful pic 📸
View attachment 19174047

Many many moons ago about 10 of the senior scouts of our troop had the oppertunity to hike through this area. The ridge trail is a known strike zone and sure as anything comming down that ridge at 2pm you could feel the charge building up and the scoutmaster called for us all to hightail it off the trail and down a 100 yards below the ridge. Tossed our aluminum frame packs further up toward the ridge crest.

For the next 45 minutes we got the display of a lifetime as the lightning bolts blasted rock fragments off the ridge and sprinkled us with gravel.
FLASH.... BOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs Pute could take him into the Vets office and have a microchip installed.:)
We would never lose him then, unless the Aliens take him or interdimensional beings.


Good morning venerable brothers and sisters of the sacred herb and keepers of ancient history! View attachment 19174332 View attachment 19174333

Foggy and cloudy with sprinkles, starting at 52F and predicted to reach 77F.

No gym this morning and an empty calendar. Let the debauchery begin!

Touching on the subject/perspective of work ethnics, the generation before me, that grew up during the Great Depression and fought WW-II thought my generation were slackers, and compared to them we ostensibly were, because we never really understood serious hunger.

I always had jobs on the farm that I grew up on, and had my first job working for others around age 10, but most of my professional career was spent managing/supervising hourly employees or salaried professionals, so I got to watch the next three generations enter the work force, which had both good and poor employees, but on average the worth ethic seems to have fallen during that 60+ year period, despite our more enlightened participative management techniques.

Tough times made tougher men than the good times we have enjoyed since the Great Depression. All I can claim is that I've always supported myself since age 17 and while we do draw SS, Grayfox and I continue to pay our own way using our own resources.

Growing up I knew how to get a dollar or 2. Take the push mower and a broom down the street and start knocking on doors. Search the Ivy patch on the corner for deposit bottles. I was the kid who could get most any engine running so I had a steady if small income from keeping the assorted minibikes, motorcycles and go-carts in the hood running.


Well-known member
They are nice cameras! Nikon doesn't make any junk.

I have an 80D and the D610. I used to have a Coolpix but gave it to my daughter.

The D610 is smarter than I am and will even shoot video.
That's what mine is a Coolpix. This one will shoot a video as well but wears the battery down quicker.

Must be a smart camera, to outsmart GW, technology moves quickly leaving us behind.


Well-known member
In my last employment before my health went to crap...we had the manager fired, that was not easy. I was her assistant manager and after some, the acting manager. It took 14 employees sticking together to convince the parent company that employed hundreds of workers, we were the ones being abused. It wound up being settled after a couple of years. The case went to a tribunal with lawyers etc. The authority proceeding over the case deemed her a bully and she was fired without compensation. She was so embarrassed she moved away.

Even after she was fired, the emotional damage she did to employees was still evident.
That lingers on long after too!

One company that hires well is Chik-A-Fillet. Those employees are always thoughtful, polite and engaging.

Wife had a boss that was threatened by anyone she perceived smarter than she was. Fired a lot of good people, or who left because of the craziness she created. They finally got her to leave on her own accord.


Well-known member
It's kind of sad how it ends up for many old people. This is my place of refuge and interaction.

As long as the site is congenial and fosters a healthy attitude. People will be different but that doesn't mean we have to pick their lives apart, nor should people come on here and create a shit storm when they know very well what's going to happen when saying something. Use the brains you were given and try to get along.

I was listening to a neuroscientist yesterday talking about people who are isolated and how the brain when isolated tends to the anger and dark mood side. For those who can control themselves and have nothing to prove...places like this can be very beneficial to us oldies who are limited by health/age. For myself I had to find away back to this thread because in most cases I like the people here. I will find away to manage my issues and enjoy the good company that can be found here.
That's why you should have a pet. Then you aren't talking to yourself, but the dog/cat.


Well-known member
Hi,true enough, how are you?
I'm doing mostly good, I still remember my name, where I live and know my partner and son when I see him. Several health issues but none at the moment that are robbing me of my life. So yeah, mostly good. Other than the OCD I'm good.
The crop is only a few weeks from harvest and looking healthy, this is good. The only off thing will be trying to get a second crop in, there were some problems at the start working with a new grow medium. I'm running out of time.

hope all is well for you


Well-known member
They are nice cameras! Nikon doesn't make any junk.

I have an 80D and the D610. I used to have a Coolpix but gave it to my daughter.

The D610 is smarter than I am and will even shoot video.
I have a Canon 60D and it's a killer camera. 18M pixel and movies too. It overheats in movie mode after 10 minutes in the Sun. Help's if you put a hat over the top if in the Sun.

They make small laminated 'cheat' cards with instruction short cuts to help one on the fly on AMZN. The book is always a good source, but takes longer. I've discovered it's easier for me to go through the book once a year to recall all the stuff this baby does!


Well-known member
That lingers on long after too!

One company that hires well is Chik-A-Fillet. Those employees are always thoughtful, polite and engaging.

Wife had a boss that was threatened by anyone she perceived smarter than she was. Fired a lot of good people, or who left because of the craziness she created. They finally got her to leave on her own accord.
It's terrible when you like your work but have a boss who is obnoxious for whatever reason.

After the manager was let go and I became acting manager, the employees were offered counselling by the parent company. When you put people through the torment that manager caused it does not go away in the blink of an eye or even weeks/months for some. They were not easy to keep on task and most would never return after the season. The rest of the season was completed but there was a dark cloud over the place.

One day the manager told me she came from a family of bullies, her father had been bullied, he bullied her, she bullied her son, they were a fucked up family. She brought her no good son into work with us and paid him 50% more than the rest of us and he didn't even know what was doing half the time. Besides creating crap among employees and causing low moral, he should have been paid 50% less. When I found out he was being paid like that I was angry with manager and done with her crap. Let the shit show begin!

I feel sorry for what your wife went through, good moral tanks and employees are left wondering who is going to stand up for me when the boss sets their angry sight on you.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I have a Canon 60D and it's a killer camera. 18M pixel and movies too. It overheats in movie mode after 10 minutes in the Sun. Help's if you put a hat over the top if in the Sun.

They make small laminated 'cheat' cards with instruction short cuts to help one on the fly on AMZN. The book is always a good source, but takes longer. I've discovered it's easier for me to go through the book once a year to recall all the stuff this baby does!
My Nikon 80D only has 10.2 mp but the 610D has 24.3 mp and an ISO up to 6400, so has good resolution .

I usually get the shot I'm looking for, but I have a photographer friend who has the same camera and gets some incredible shots, with both near and far in focus.

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