Glad you are here OM. You contribute a lot to this thread. Nobody here wants or looks for confrontation but somehow it has a way of finding us. Sad that it took a moderator to stop the latest attack.It's kind of sad how it ends up for many old people. This is my place of refuge and interaction.
As long as the site is congenial and fosters a healthy attitude. People will be different but that doesn't mean we have to pick their lives apart, nor should people come on here and create a shit storm when they know very well what's going to happen when saying something. Use the brains you were given and try to get along.
I was listening to a neuroscientist yesterday talking about people who are isolated and how the brain when isolated tends to the anger and dark mood side. For those who can control themselves and have nothing to prove...places like this can be very beneficial to us oldies who are limited by health/age. For myself I had to find away back to this thread because in most cases I like the people here. I will find away to manage my issues and enjoy the good company that can be found here.
I am glad Gypsy hangs out here. And frankly I wish there were mods on this thread. We have nothing to hide …… none of us buy or sell, troll or look for trouble. We just want to smoke dope and tell jokes.