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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
You need to learn just learn on thing at a time. Watching a video on all the opinions is too much for anyone’s brain. Start easy like how to take a picture with my kodak 311 photospiel camera…
The instruction book gives basic operating procedures but when you get into the 8 settings, each of those settings could have numerous possibilities with light, portrait, landscape, time of day it just goes on and on with all the functions. If I was as knowledgeable as a camera professional it would make it easier to understand the multitude of various settings that go hand in hand with each other. I'll be dead before I could learn it all.

If I learn a few new things about the settings each spring and summer I'll be happy.


Well-known member
They are working on that.

They want to make so that if you are in possession you have prove you bought it from a dispensary.

Like I said above NJ will find new ways to screw things up and bleed more money out of people.
Put a group of law makers together and it's like having to many cooks in the kitchen. Things get messy.

I don't understand why it has to be so complicated but then I remember☝🏻


Well-known member
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The instruction book gives basic operating procedures but when you get into the 8 settings, each of those settings could have numerous possibilities with light, portrait, landscape, time of day it just goes on and on with all the functions. If I was as knowledgeable as a camera professional it would make it easier to understand the multitude of various settings that go hand in hand with each other. I'll be dead before I could learn it all.

If I learn a few new things about the settings each spring and summer I'll be happy.
Just start with the basics. That’s what I use on mine anyways most of the time. Don’t worry about those other things unless you see a picture that is too dark, then learn how to brighten it up


Well-known member
Still I think that there are some “Gen x on down” that are motivated. It is a great opportunity for them to climb the ladder way quicker than when I was competing for positions. Nowadaze, kids don’t even know how to sweep much less look around and see what needs to be done without being told to do it. I blame this on their parents mostly not giving any responsibility to their kids along the way. It’s finding these few gen x on down” that are motivated to take over which eventually they will be the ones running things just like we were. I’ve found that some are trainable too with the right management skills. We can’t go with the not hiring these kids just because it’s hard as you will need someone to turn it over to when the old folks leave…
Yep Subbie, you are right as usual. Without kids coming up though the ranks we got no one to pay our SS. We use merit based hiring all along, ducking and dodging race and or economic based quotes and DEI both.The back end of the BB's are still a pretty young 60. You would be surprised at the number of older folk with advanced degrees up the ladder and in management both. It seems almost an exception to find a latter year Gen X and beyond that "gets" the conventional management structure successful enterprises work with. Their need to be viewed especially and to be recognized accordingly and catered to, and prodded, is a distraction to a fluid organization. My 2c & experience.
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Well-known member
You’re entitled to your opinion, as am I, and I respect that.

I’m not from your country nor am I the same age as you and my values and culture are different to yours.

I was taught to think critically and adapt to change hence why my opinions on management and most likely life in general will differ to yours.

Making generalizations and excluding the majority of the workforce due to age seems a bit biased to Me. You’re missing out on some amazing people. This is called age discrimination where I’m from and it’s illegal.

Yes you do have to sift the wheat from the chafe but same goes with all potential employees regardless of their age, sex and beliefs.

We all had to get our starts somewhere and I owe a lot to My elders that helped me in the beginning of my work life.

We , the elders, owe a debt to the next generation to help them navigate this world and reach their potential, the same as was done for us.
It's illegal here to ask a prospective employee their age in an interview, Does not mean that it doesn't happen.

When looking for work one time an employer said to me I don't need to ask your age I can see by the arthritis in your hand your too old to work here. They made laminated trusses. It didn't really bother me as he had a point to some degree. I was eager for employment but would not have stayed there anyhow as I had just finished college and wanted to work in my new career.

I'm all about getting along rather than looking for something to oppose.
I was a tutor with The Family Literacy Program for about 6 years. I usually tutored several students but in one case they asked me if I would work with one student in particular, I worked with him for the full 6 years, besides getting him through school I helped him get his driving licence and his hunting licence tests. He felt vey inadequate, his young siblings were smarter than him and he felt inferior. I worked on his academic skills and his confidence.
Today he is a certified welder and already owns his own home. He told my Mrs he would never have gotten to where he is without the help of his tutor. Even though he is only 1 person it fills me with joy and pride that I made a difference in his life.


Well-known member
Premium user
Yep Subbie, you are right as usual. Without kids coming up though the ranks we got no one to pay our SS.We use merit based hiring all along, ducking and dodging race and or economic based quotes and DEI both.The back end of the BB's are still a pretty young 60. You would be surprised at the number of older folk with advanced degrees up the ladder and in management both. It seems almost an exception to find a latter year Gen X and beyond that "gets" the conventional management structure successful enterprises work with. Their need to be viewed especially and to be recognized accordingly and catered to and prodded is a distraction to a fluid organization. My 2c & experience.
I agree that some, well most of them imo are like that, seeing nor cares about the conventional management structure. I also believe that it is our responsibility as elders to help them understand it a bit more especially to anyone willing to learn that helps. (Even if it hurts a little…) I have seen many of them turn around to be productive to the workforce. I had older folks all during my career that helped me learn the ropes and especially when to speak up and when to keep my attitude checked. I found that in my later years of work prior to retirement when these new generations started showing up, that spirit of teaching the younger folks kinda went away. I think maybe they see them as a threat many times as they have a bit of a lazy streak themselves.


Cabana’s bitch
How you feeling today?
I’m feeling quite weak today for some reason, but I got out of bed and hit the hospital as soon as I could. My best friend is in bad shape and he’s got a 40 pulse. He’s in the cardiac ICU and my heart is broken for him. Luckily he’s got sons and brothers. That will help carry the load on making him feel better. I just saw some of the garbage the handicap fella posted. I guess he doesn’t understand that he brings this on himself with his poor choice of words. Good riddance to an open sore on our thread… I’m now realizing what it’s gonna take for me to go down to Miami and back in one day. I will suck it up and get it done.


Well-known member
I've never worked in mines but I have worked in a big quarry where they blasted and screened. It sucked but at least they left you alone, I don't like working in crews anymore, too much politics and gossip
In my last employment before my health went to crap...we had the manager fired, that was not easy. I was her assistant manager and after some, the acting manager. It took 14 employees sticking together to convince the parent company that employed hundreds of workers, we were the ones being abused. It wound up being settled after a couple of years. The case went to a tribunal with lawyers etc. The authority proceeding over the case deemed her a bully and she was fired without compensation. She was so embarrassed she moved away.

Even after she was fired, the emotional damage she did to employees was still evident.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
The instruction book gives basic operating procedures but when you get into the 8 settings, each of those settings could have numerous possibilities with light, portrait, landscape, time of day it just goes on and on with all the functions. If I was as knowledgeable as a camera professional it would make it easier to understand the multitude of various settings that go hand in hand with each other. I'll be dead before I could learn it all.

If I learn a few new things about the settings each spring and summer I'll be happy.
Play with it...that's what I did......Some forums have a photography thread.....I haven't looked for one here. I learned a lot from those threads years ago.