Still I think that there are some “Gen x on down” that are motivated. It is a great opportunity for them to climb the ladder way quicker than when I was competing for positions. Nowadaze, kids don’t even know how to sweep much less look around and see what needs to be done without being told to do it. I blame this on their parents mostly not giving any responsibility to their kids along the way. It’s finding these few gen x on down” that are motivated to take over which eventually they will be the ones running things just like we were. I’ve found that some are trainable too with the right management skills. We can’t go with the not hiring these kids just because it’s hard as you will need someone to turn it over to when the old folks leave…I beg to differ.
It comes down to whether they show up to work, or to be woke.
And people that are self motivated don't need to be motivated.
Those are the people I am interested in seeing hired. None less.
I am often asked to critique others work products and their work.
From first hand experience I would avoid hiring Gen X on down.
They're not interested in truly working, They want to be catered to.
Working is doing what you are told. You are getting paid for G sake.
Collaboration / Egalitarian is just another word for an excuse not to.
I was taught that at work you do as asked, and work hard doing so.
If you don't want or like that, leave. Go develop and ap or a startup.
And in the meantime live in your parents basement, and watch TV.
Stay out of sight while you're at it. Don't want to be critiqued by me.