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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I have heard a lot of folks that OD‘d on eating it. They all said the same as you, it was not fun and were really glad when they came down. It has never affected me in that way. Im pretty sure I would need a really big dose for it to work on me. The tincture does work under the tongue method but the grain alcohol is really hot there and some folks can’t handle it. You can put it in a drink but that does not work for me. I’ve made the alcohol tincture before. As far as how many drops go, it depends on the strength of your starting product I think But just try one first, than two next time…
190 proof is too hot for sublingual, so you need to boil off enough to reduce its concentration to sipping whiskey levels, which is around 80 proof. That means you end up with more concentrate in the tincture than alcohol.

80 proof is 40% alcohol and 60% essential oil concentrate.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hmmm - I'm well into my 60's now -.and for the past years alcohol consumption has no more joy for me - drink enough to get drunk - and you are gonna suffer badly the next day - so why bother? - unless it's a very cold beer on a very hot day - as a refreshment - not to get 'Blotto' on - I'll leave alcohol alone -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hmmm - I'm well into my 60's now -.and for the past years alcohol consumption has no more joy for me - drink enough to get drunk - and you are gonna suffer badly the next day - so why bother? - unless it's a very cold beer on a very hot day - as a refreshment - not to get 'Blotto' on - I'll leave alcohol alone -
I haven't had more than two drinks in the same day since 1999 and for the last couple years only two drinks (beers) in the same year.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
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Quilted maple top with tiger maple back and sides. Dyed with black, dark brown, and a spot of yellow!

I never heard of a bass dobro either, but I suppose anything is possible?

I just built it and now I'm going to learn how to play it!

Nice. A 'biscuit' dobro. Mine is a 'spider'. Interesting that it appears to have a 5th string like a banjo!

Does Mr. Sub play it?
Yes, he started with the banjo and this is played the same with the same tuning I’m pretty sure


Well-known member
Morning :wave:

Finishing up the john deer this morning. Fixing a hydro leak I caused when fixing another hydro leak.... Hate it when that happens.

Mid 60's expected A pleasant day

Because of volunteers I'm over my plant count by (pick a number above 1,000 )

Pics coming soon of the devastation from the fires and volunteers. Also hoping for pics of this years morels too. The hunt begins.



Well-known member
Morning folks! The sun is shining and it's supposed to warm up to 70. Went to the Aaron Lewis show last night, decent and apparently, he's kept his song rights. At least I assumed that from the platinum day/date he was wearing. This just in from Commerce Secretary, Lutnick, people complaining about not getting their government checks are 'fraudsters'. Anyone ready to join me in that ironic belly-laugh yet?


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Well-known member
I found it surprisingly easy to stop drinking. I went from 12-18 a night to 0, cold turkey and didn't have withdrawals. Smoking is a different matter. I come from a line of alcoholics and have been practicing for decades. The problem is I rarely get sick and never have a hang-over :unsure:


Well-known member

When I was stoned and tried to play my buddy's glass Bong as a bagpipe all it did was spray bong water on my friend and he was less then pleased.

Now imagine that person on one of Musks trips to Mars.

This is what we have airlocks for. A few minutes outside will calm him right down.

One egg is 50 grams so about four eggs but I would do an extra 1 or 2. (that’s my grandmas secret)

Jumbos here so more than that I'm guessing.

Anyone else quit smoking for awhile and get body aches??? Getting joint aches, and did some light lifting of weights and one shoulder was in bad pain, just doing slow curls with 10 pound hand weights.

Cannabis has been known for centuries as a good analgesic. It's only when I sober up enough that all the little pesky pains cannabis has been masking so well for decades come a knocking again. 40 years in construction beat this body up badly and several joints (Heh) are wore the hell out.

I gave up drinking the same time, and no real mood issues, but have had depression for over 20 years, so used to low mood. Bought some CBD gummies, to help with sleep. Something I need to look into is growing some CBD weed or 50/50 CBD/THC. Looking into making tinctures with everclear, and vaping rarely. Figure getting older smoking and vaping less is probably healthier.

CBD blocks THC and I suffered in agonizing pain until the damned CBD wore down enough to let the THC work again. CBD is poison to me in anything more then trace amounts.

Decided to quit for awhile since such a high tolerance. Barely get high anymore from it.

A better edible. Her high lecithin recipe rips through any tolerance issues you have and this will melt your brain every day without fail.

I'm a very high dose user for cronic surgical adheasion pain. Feels like being stabbed in the belly with a bayonet then twist it slowly clockwise 360 degrees.

Kat's hash capsules keep it from ever getting started. Far better than any opiates ever did.

Southern California is much the same.

Working with livestock can make you a sharper person.
See that sheep? He didn’t want nothing to do with me three weeks ago. But every time he saw me, I had a pocketful of corn. Or out of date bread. He is my buddy now. A friend with bread is a best friend. Till the bread runs out.
People are the same way.
Throw a little smile and attention and you got someone hooked right in the lip. Got to be wary of a smiling face.

Have some hay, have some feed I’m your pusher. Yeah I’m your pusher.
Curtis mayfield done it better😂

I have heard a lot of folks that OD‘d on eating it. They all said the same as you, it was not fun and were really glad when they came down. It has never affected me in that way. Im pretty sure I would need a really big dose for it to work on me. The tincture does work under the tongue method but the grain alcohol is really hot there and some folks can’t handle it. You can put it in a drink but that does not work for me. I’ve made the alcohol tincture before. As far as how many drops go, it depends on the strength of your starting product I think But just try one first, than two next time…


Subi you have the Kief. Buy the liquid lecithin and get to work. The recipe is stupidly easy.

5 grams decarbed Hash
1 tablespoon Coconut oil (15ml)
1 teaspoon Liquid lecithin (5ml)
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes (104 C)
Re-heat and done.
Fills 30 #0 capsules at 65mg each.

Finished oil done with Hash is 3mg per single drop but even that can't be trusted as the lecithin doubles the effects.

Make up some 1 to 3 drop capsules at first to find your personal sweet spot. Even a sub (heh) stone daily dose will give you the pain masking effects and lube up all the squeaky bits and connections. It just generally promotes better health.

On 190 proof tinctures....
Leave full strength and don't fuss with reducing it. Just temper the eyedropper you shoot in by having a wet mouth. Take a sip of something and keep a bit in so when you toss in the tincture it's already cut in half or more and is down to a comfortable 80 proof. This is the method I use.


A knife tip of Hash, a bit of 190 proof. Take a sip of water. Shake and toss that bad boy in.

If you need more thinning, then in a shot glass add 1 tincture and 2 water eyedroppers. This pulls it into the 40-60 proof range and even the most wussy mouth can deal with that.

Swish it around like mouthwash as long as possible. We want as much of the alcohol to cross to the bloodstream in the oral tissues if possible, for that inhalation like delta-9-THC hit. Fast and short.
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