190 proof is too hot for sublingual, so you need to boil off enough to reduce its concentration to sipping whiskey levels, which is around 80 proof. That means you end up with more concentrate in the tincture than alcohol.I have heard a lot of folks that OD‘d on eating it. They all said the same as you, it was not fun and were really glad when they came down. It has never affected me in that way. Im pretty sure I would need a really big dose for it to work on me. The tincture does work under the tongue method but the grain alcohol is really hot there and some folks can’t handle it. You can put it in a drink but that does not work for me. I’ve made the alcohol tincture before. As far as how many drops go, it depends on the strength of your starting product I think But just try one first, than two next time…
80 proof is 40% alcohol and 60% essential oil concentrate.