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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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duck eggs are best used in recipes that require baking

otherwise , I feel like a big duck…

I don’t give a quack

A duck walks into a bar​

He walks up to the bartender and asks

"Got any bread?"


"Got any bread?"


"Got any bread?"


"Got any bread?"

"No, and if you ask again, I'll nail your beak to the bar!"

"Got any nails?"


"Got any bread?"

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Please share my respect and admiration for Dave from across the pond, to the luvverly Mrs Diana!

Apparently no venue has been secured for the memorial as yet - so I'm not booking a flight till I know that it's definitely on - but will most certainly convey - what you say 🙂

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The British Royal Navy up until 1812 kidnapped any and all American sailors, as often as it could, and put them into service on Navy ships. It was called Impressment and was a main cause of the war of 1812
That happened also - in Britain 🇬🇧 amongst the British public - Press-Gangs - groups of military thugs - would go out and about thru towns - villages and cities - grabbing any able/fit looking men - then pressing the King's shilling into their hands ✋️ - and then basically kidnapping them - taking them to a ship or barracks by force - for a life on the ocean waves - of forced service in the military -


Well-known member
I heard it said that in Europe there are 4 things to never debate, especially amongst family and close friends, to maintain good relations. My friend in Italy confirmed that the below list is true. They avoid and never discuss:

1) Politics
2) Religion
3) Football (soccer)
4) Income

I told my Italian friend that here in the US we also have things we should never debate, to maintain good relations, but the important points to avoid on our list was shorter. I told him we believe we should avoid and never discuss:

1) Politics
2) Income
3) Football (not very much)
3) Religion (not really at all)

It was interesting to see the difference between both lists, and why. I suspect, and discussed this same topic, with a member on this forum, that we both believed that Politics had replace Region as something that binds people together in society nowadays, in contrast to the times when I was growing up, and most certainly the times in my older brother's generation. Religion was much more important, and much more of a focus, in our every day life then.

It seems the worst relationship buster & offender is Politics. I try & stay clear of any part of it. But that's just me.:cautious:
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
enjoy your day gypsy...

Thanks Boo - I've got a real easy Sabbath on the cards today - no gym/swim - no shopping - no cooking - just walking the mutt pup - and I think that I'll take him on an adventure over to Home Park - which backs onto Hampton Court - where King Henry 🤴 the eighth (VIII) - used to reside around 500 years ago - its a gorgeous place that Loki has never seen/been to before -

The weather should be sunny 🌞 all day - with a light breeze - and this park is only a mile away - from my humble abode -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Thanks Boo - I've got a real easy Sabbath on the cards today - no gym/swim - no shopping - no cooking - just walking the mutt pup - and I think that I'll take him on an adventure over to Home Park - which backs onto Hampton Court - where King Henry 🤴 the eighth (VIII) - used to reside around 500 years ago - its a gorgeous place that Loki has never seen/been to before - View attachment 19160451
The weather should be sunny 🌞 all day - with a light breeze - and this park is only a mile away - from my humble abode -
Gawd, it must feel strange to live where so much important History with a capital "aitch" has gone down. Every corner in London has a story.


Well-known member

Okay, now that the drumroll is over, we can all go back to our coffee or brunch. Another dramatic
Nothng Burger as we all suspected. All along. The guilty will remain nameless. The fox has died.



Unca Walt

Well-known member
I just received a text from my only sister, she's a democrat and crucified my for me being conservative...I wrote her to let her know how her words crushed me...I now question if there is a future between the two of us...why the hell would anyone in their right mind attack someone with differing political views...I questioned her knowledge of just how bad Biden damaged the american people and she hammered me accusing me of thinking she was an idiot...

that's not what I heard... 🤣
Sisters can be unreal. My sister (she is four years older than I am) got the Jab. Immediately went into shock and was hospitalized for a week.

Got the second jab. Hospitalized for ten days.

Got the third fucking jab. Hospitalized for ten more days.

I was on the phone with her. The last communication I had with her ended with me going "ARRRGGHH!" and slamming down the phone. Why? Because she was going for her FOURTH vaxx jab.

She went into total dementia and died.