Whoa so all this practicing on the volcano vape this morning has me flying higher than one of those satellites in the night sky. I did manage to take out the trash and recycle and do the poop scoop in the backyard. Even have a load of clothes tossing around I the dryer and swished some pinesol around I the toilet so Mr sub don’t think I’ve been just getting higher while he was at the dentist with his mom.. Thanks @dogzter for the vape tips. I think I’m gonna have to get a few of those capsules that @jokerman uses tho so I don’t have to feel like finishing up that large bowl before I’m done next time.

Dosing Capsule Filling Chamber
The Dosing Capsule Filling Chamber is designed for the evaporation of small quantities of ground plant material. Suitable for: VOLCANO HYBRID

This will work with the capsule for a more manageable dosage.

Too many bags too fast make me go to sleep........good luck.