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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
A reasonable question. I got the answer from the horse: Floriduh is a wet state (very high water table). So burying power lines is flat out not a "go".

The homes built after the radical changes made to construction specs are pretty darn tough. As an example:

My house has folding steel shutters good to 250MPH.

The roof is not put on "Main Cabin Masters Style" with a quick dot-dot-dot and done. Down here, there are nails in 2" disks. The disks are about 1" apart in every direction. Thousands of them on my roof.

The concrete block walls are tied by 8' bent rebar to the slab at 2' intervals. The solid concrete block walls are tied with 8' bent rebar to the roof beams. The roof beams are I-beams. Instead of a single nail (GA/TN/ME spec) the risers are affixed to the I-beams by triple steel straps 6" wide.

And so on. Post-Andrew specs are needed -- or you are gambling every year that the 00 will not come up on the Roulette Wheel.
Ah okay, that explains the powerlines at least, I didn't think it was that much of a problem, I guess Florida really is more of a glorified sandbar? No offense meant to your state. As for the other specs I appreciate all the info, I knew that had really beefed up the building codes but I didn't know that much detail.

Do you know of anyone that tried a concrete domed structure (kind of like a mini superdome) I'm just curious how well a whole new design in homes might make a difference. Of course the whole issue of a high water table probably makes that impractical. It just seems like there has to be a way to come up with a radically different design to beat these storms. The only two things I can come up with though is a domed structure or a more underground structure but again with the water table that probably isn't practical and nobody would want to go underground and lose the beautiful ocean views


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Only the government sends electric chainsaws and power tools into a area with no power and calls it aid.
Most electric chainsaws on the market are battery driven and the good ones are pretty powerful. Same with most power tools although I know they send in lots of generators as well so there are still ways to get power to tools. Still I guess a gas powered chainsaw would likely still be better but I don't know of too many gas powered drills or circular saws. I guess they could always go old school with human powered tools?


Most electric chainsaws on the market are battery driven and the good ones are pretty powerful. Same with most power tools although I know they send in lots of generators as well so there are still ways to get power to tools. Still I guess a gas powered chainsaw would likely still be better but I don't know of too many gas powered drills or circular saws. I guess they could always go old school with human powered tools?
That seems to be pretty out of touch with reality.
Like I said you are on your own.
Better to have and be a good neighbor when the shits hitting the fan.
Lots of people keep a axe in their attic in new orleans after Katrina.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Well... DANG!

Had a unique thing happen yesterday afternoon. Sudden winds, the power went out... And here comes a fargin tornado!

Herself and Your Humble Obdn't &tc were totally unaware of it. We were just casually looking out the window into the back yard, watching the windy day whip the big flame tree's branches. Did NOT know there was a tornado in my front yard. <-- TINS, Pilgrims -- we had no clue.

Whistles and sirens and bells up the main road here in the Acreage were solid for three fargin hours. We were wondering what the hell was going on. I opened the front door, and there was Lumpy and Beau (peacocks) squeezed up against the wall.

I looked to the right, and damn near catted on the spot. My beautiful ylang-ylang tree looked like it had been dynamited. <-- Best description; it wasn't just blown over or something -- it was wrecked. Looked like some huge giant had taken the main trunk and twisted it apart. Resembled the torn trees you see in No Man's Land in WWI.

An emergency vehicle came down my unpaved road with lights going off all over the place; the guy driving was searching for more injured people. When I gave him the thumbs-up, we were fine, he shouted: "YES! That's what I needed to hear!"

I asked, "WTF, over?" That's when I found out there was a tornado. Folks hurt all over the place.

For hours, the whistles and sirens went on. When it gets light, I am gonna put RedWitch inna car and go see what the hell went down, and see if I can help.

OH. Back to Floriduh specs on building: The ylang-ylang tree that looks like it got blasted at Verdun was actually touching my house on one side before the tornado. My house has suffered zerio damage, while the big tree is splintered and broken. <-- Awshit. I am gonna haveta get the chainsaw out and cut the thing into draggable pieces.

I do not think the remaining part of the tree will survive. That is a pity, because the flowers that are always blooming on it give a wonderful scent to the whole area. Ylang-ylang flowers are used to make the perfume "Tabu".

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Partly cloudy here today starting at 46F and predicted to reach 69F. 66F indoors this morning so I turned on the furnace to raise the house temperature to 68F.

Hee, hee, hee, Christmas comes when it comes. My doppelganger "Graywolf" just received samples of gummies to test and report back on. It included gummies with just Myrcene, as well as some D-9 gummies in six different flavors and a couple bags of Psilocybin extract gummies.

Lu lu lu lu lu lu lu I was able to sleep last night without medication, heating pad, or back, hip, or shoulder pain.

Trying out a new breakfast place this morning named Flattop and Salamander, which has been getting raves.


Well-known member
Ah okay, that explains the powerlines at least, I didn't think it was that much of a problem, I guess Florida really is more of a glorified sandbar? No offense meant to your state. As for the other specs I appreciate all the info, I knew that had really beefed up the building codes but I didn't know that much detail.

Do you know of anyone that tried a concrete domed structure (kind of like a mini superdome) I'm just curious how well a whole new design in homes might make a difference. Of course the whole issue of a high water table probably makes that impractical. It just seems like there has to be a way to come up with a radically different design to beat these storms. The only two things I can come up with though is a domed structure or a more underground structure but again with the water table that probably isn't practical and nobody would want to go underground and lose the beautiful ocean views
80% of Florida originally was swampland They say “global warning.” Climate change. Beaches are disappearing. I bet they are. They are almost all man made. If nature didn’t make it, then it isn’t supposed to be there and nature will naturally erode it. Naturally. 😂


Well-known member
Good morning brothers and sisters! View attachment 19081522 View attachment 19081523

Partly cloudy here today starting at 46F and predicted to reach 69F. 66F indoors this morning so I turned on the furnace to raise the house temperature to 68F.

Hee, hee, hee, Christmas comes when it comes. My doppelganger "Graywolf" just received samples of gummies to test and report back on. It included gummies with just Myrcene, as well as some D-9 gummies in six different flavors and a couple bags of Psilocybin extract gummies.

Lu lu lu lu lu lu lu I was able to sleep last night without medication, heating pad, or back, hip, or shoulder pain.

Trying out a new breakfast place this morning named Flattop and Salamander, which has been getting raves.
Do they cook salamanders on a flattop skillet?


Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is Thursday, and one day closer to the weekend on Friday. Will be glad for the break. TGIT!!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That seems to be pretty out of touch with reality.
Like I said you are on your own.
Better to have and be a good neighbor when the shits hitting the fan.
Lots of people keep a axe in their attic in new orleans after Katrina.
Doesn't seem out of touch with reality at all, just look at the line up of any major brand or power tools and yard tools, they've all gone lithium battery powered. Now I'm not sure what source your information came from but I've not heard any reports of the government handing out power tools to civilians. I have heard lots of reports of generators being handed out. So if someone has a generator whether it's lithium batteried powered or traditional corded power tools the means to use them are there.

It's really all a bit soon for all of that though, in th casse of this latest storm, they're still cessing damages and in the case of the previous storm since everyone was really caught unpreparedlots of people are still straggling in. Plus with a the latest storm creating so much uncertainty I doubt people were doing much more with their homes then deciding what needed to be taken to the curb for trash removal. So if power tools were being handed out they were likely going to all the crews of workers and volunteers cleaning up the roads, securng down powerlines etc. All people who likely have their own generators on their trucks already.

As far as people keeping an axe in their attic after Katrina, I'm sure you're right, lots of people ended up dying by getting trapped in their attics. The ones with axes survived. An even better strategy for survival though is to get out before the storm so you don't get trapped.

As for neighbors and SHTF, it's been my experience, even in this polarized world we live in today when SHTF happens most people put aside their differences and help one another out. I'm not saying you can just count on that though, there are people out there that just act like total aholes because they've long since sold thier souls to what or who ever they worship. The smart person plans on being able to handle things by themselves first, but holds onto the ability to be grateful when help does come along.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well... DANG!

Had a unique thing happen yesterday afternoon. Sudden winds, the power went out... And here comes a fargin tornado!

Herself and Your Humble Obdn't &tc were totally unaware of it. We were just casually looking out the window into the back yard, watching the windy day whip the big flame tree's branches. Did NOT know there was a tornado in my front yard. <-- TINS, Pilgrims -- we had no clue.

Whistles and sirens and bells up the main road here in the Acreage were solid for three fargin hours. We were wondering what the hell was going on. I opened the front door, and there was Lumpy and Beau (peacocks) squeezed up against the wall.

I looked to the right, and damn near catted on the spot. My beautiful ylang-ylang tree looked like it had been dynamited. <-- Best description; it wasn't just blown over or something -- it was wrecked. Looked like some huge giant had taken the main trunk and twisted it apart. Resembled the torn trees you see in No Man's Land in WWI.

An emergency vehicle came down my unpaved road with lights going off all over the place; the guy driving was searching for more injured people. When I gave him the thumbs-up, we were fine, he shouted: "YES! That's what I needed to hear!"

I asked, "WTF, over?" That's when I found out there was a tornado. Folks hurt all over the place.

For hours, the whistles and sirens went on. When it gets light, I am gonna put RedWitch inna car and go see what the hell went down, and see if I can help.

OH. Back to Floriduh specs on building: The ylang-ylang tree that looks like it got blasted at Verdun was actually touching my house on one side before the tornado. My house has suffered zerio damage, while the big tree is splintered and broken. <-- Awshit. I am gonna haveta get the chainsaw out and cut the thing into draggable pieces.

I do not think the remaining part of the tree will survive. That is a pity, because the flowers that are always blooming on it give a wonderful scent to the whole area. Ylang-ylang flowers are used to make the perfume "Tabu".
Well the important thing is that you and your red witch fared much better then the ylang-ylang tree. From the early reports I heard there were several tornados that came in on the front of the hurricane. At least 3 from what I heard and they were responsible for a number of deaths and some where aroond 125 buildings completely destroyed. Of course that was all from reports before sunrise so it's likely those numbers will get worse as the day progresses.

The other good news besides your survival is that the storm dropped to Cat 3 by the time it made landfall and even though the surge was above 10 feet in places it never came close to the 15 feet they were forecasting as a Cat 4 or even higher as a Cat 5. Another good thing is that it didn't linger such that by sunrise the storm was about 40 miles out in the Atlantic. Even still places on the West coast around Tampa saw 18+ inches of rainfall over night and while there was some flooding it was far less then they were fearing. On the news I was watching they kept going from town to town, city to city talking to the mayors and overall the mood they shared was fairly optimistic but tempered with the fact they had yet had a chance to survey the actual damage. The rough estimate that kept getting tossed around for the overall damage was in the 200 billion range. The saddest reality though is that for many, even ones with little to no damage, is that people would be pushed out of where they live due to ever increasing insurance costs combined with ever decreasing insurance providers.
Last edited:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
80% of Florida originally was swampland They say “global warning.” Climate change. Beaches are disappearing. I bet they are. They are almost all man made. If nature didn’t make it, then it isn’t supposed to be there and nature will naturally erode it. Naturally. 😂
Yeah we have the same thing going on along the east coast of the Mid Atlantic, it's actually been going on since before Global Warming/Climate change was widely talked about. Along most of the beach resort towns every Summer/Fall large portions of the beach front eroded into the ocean and ever Winter/Spring there would be dredging operations to being the sand back to the beaches. For a long time there seemed to be a balance that was struck with the end result being little to no loss. More recently I think that may have been changing to more of a losing battle although I'm not sure because I haven't been able to make it to a beach in over 10 years now and that's while living just an hour away.

The east coast of the mid atlantic really never stood much of a chance though as it never really had the coral reefs and or swamps/marshlands to act as a buffer to the storms

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