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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Evening :wave:

Long day climbing up n down a ladder but it's getting there. I've noticed my left knee isn't liking the ladder any more. Can't remember ever hurting it in the past. So, it's just old arg creeping up on me.

Fcking Chem trails started early this morning. Were blue bird skies to about 10am cst. By 1pm no more blue skies. One plane was doing dots and dashes. Don't know Moris code so don't know what it was spelling. Maybe Look up you stupid humans.... Don't let anyone tell you Solar Remediation/weather modification is not real. Damn shore is and it's causing mayhem in our weather.

Will say it was a nice day out here among the oaktrees.

3 tree.jpg


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Do they use wire mesh for more rigidity?
Perhaps to keep down something which wants to rise to the surface and potentially trip someone.

Like they say , The using wire mesh in concrete is about as worthless as tits on a boar hog

now half inch or three-quarter inch rebar , now we’re cooking with grease

No worries about the rigidity , Once concrete is hard, it stays hard for a long, long, long time

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