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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
buy fractional gold , it’s easy to carry and trade/barter with

fractional gold....just looked it up. Don't you pay way over spot for that.....as Boo put it....supply vs demand.

I was thinking about more junk silver. Easier to barter with.

As I understand it you can buy up to $9,999 before the IRS is notified of the transaction. That will probably change if our monetary system is changed to digital......
"junk silver" is any pre 1965 US coin that's not pennies or nickels.

www.coinflation.com you can look up the value of real and fake money.

Article I Section 10 US Constitution: No State shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a payment in tender of debt."

Those Founders were on to something....


Well-known member
Just found out one of my neighbors has MS . Her husband used to be pretty friendly but stopped talking with me. I figured it was because he had spied my plants in the backyard and was anti-weed. In hindsight, it was around the time I stopped seeing the wife. I guess she is wheelchair bound so I am guessing he doesn’t have the time to socialize. Anyone here have any anecdotal stories of cannabis helping MS patients? I am thinking of seeing if he could help me with my extra(for free of course).
I'd make an offer to assist...

Good neighbors are hard to find!
There should be lots of information available on the successful treatment of Epilepsy using Cannabis but most of what I've seen and heard was about using it for treating children. Apparently the effectiveness of it is strain dependent with the best results coming from strains with high CBD content. There was a story that circulated alot about a young girl named Charlotte. She used to have constant swizues (like over 100 per day I think?) that made it impossible to have anything like a normal life. Her paarents tried everything the doctors would prescribe but nothing really seemed to work. The Mother whoever was determined to find a solution and looked around for anything and verything that might help. Eventually the mother got ahold of some unknown cannabis deom which she made an oil extract so she could give it to her daughter (who was around 6 at the time) via a dropper. When she first tried this extract she made within minutes Charlottes reaction was miraculous in that the near constant seizures went from 100+ per day down to about 6 per day. She tried other strains but had less success. She eventually tracked down where the Cannabis that worked so well came from. It was grown by a dispensary supplier in Colorado. Turns out that the strain had a very low THC content but a very high CBD content. The growers were about ready to sto[ growing it because it wasn't popular in the dispensaries since it had almost no high to it. Before the growers stop Charlottes Mother found the growers and bought up all they had left and told the grower about the miraculous effect it had on her daughter Charlotte. This was enough to convince the growers to not give up on it and so they continued to grow it and started marketing it to the dispensaries as an effective treatment for preventing epileptic seizures. In honor of the girl who it worked so well for they named the strain Charlotte's Web. Charlotte's family lived quite a way aways from Colorado that it was impractical to keep going out to Colorado to resupply but it was so effffective that the family decided to relocate to Colorado just to have easy access to it. As the word got out how effective it was for epilepsy more parents with epileptic children began demanding the strain.

Now the story I got alll that information from pretty much ended there but it is a true story and the strain Charlotte's Web as far as I know is still cultivated and distributed to this day. The story itself is rather inspiring in my opinion and if you ever see the video version of it that shows Charlotte before and after treatment, it's very compelling. The reason I shared the story though wasn't so much meant to inspire as it is meant to stress the importance of getting the right strain to treat the right illness.

Cannabis can be very effective for various diseases specially nuerological ones but not all strains work for all diseases. Part of what made Charlotte's Web soo appealing to Charlotte's parents was not only was it efffective but do to it's low THC content it gave them a way to treat their daughter effectively without having to cause her to be all wasted from the effects of THC. The problem with there being very little knowledge of what chemical composition is most effective for the treatment of various illnesses is the direct result of the prohibition against Cannabis that kept it as a schedule 1 substance. This prevented much research from being done since one of the main qualifications for schedule one is that a substance has littlee to no known medical value. Hopefuly now that the US Government is switching it to schedule 3 there will be a lot more research done going forward and hopefully will learn of more strains that can treat more diseases?
I remember seeing a post that the US Government owns the patent on MJ in some form or other...


Well-known member
I couldn't decide on putting a :love: or :mad: on this post. Both fit perfectly. Great post Pute.

To all of you who have "money" in banks or annuities or under the mattresses:

YOU ARE ABOUT TO LOSE IT ALL. I DO NOT EXAGGERATE. Your final hours are here, folks.

People who have followed my advice have all -- as in all -- made "money" (non-taxable, to boot). My advice is direct, and it is based on obvious reality. I will itemize to make it plain:

1. You KNOW the USD is going to crash like every other currency in human history. Just not WHEN.

2. You KNOW the IRS just became armed with 80,000 weapons, right? But you didn't think WHY.

3. You KNOW the LAW can be effectively used even against a sitting president. HOW would YOU fare?

4. You KNOW the USE of cc's over $$ is nearly universal. WHO (you or powerful gov't) profits most?

4a. WHO could CONTROL what you can buy, when you buy, and what you are forbidden to buy? Oh my!!

Read the above until you truly comprehend what you are seeing. In a VERY short time, the armed IRS will know every cent and exactly every transaction** you make forever after.

You will eventually probably not even have to file an income tax form -- they already will have the data. Every cent in and every cent out.

**...every transaction other than the use of gold and silver, that is.


Leave enough in the bank to pay rent, etc. Remove all other money in all accounts. If you have a paper stash, trim it to a level where you do not give a shit whether it becomes valueless (eg: a few bucks, no more).

Take your paper money or a Cashier's Check UNDER $10K to a Local Coin Dealer (LCD).

Tell the LCD you want junk silver and Krugerrands. <-- Why these? Junk silver (US silver coins) are recognized and fungible everywhere on earth. Krugerrands are sold not as racehorses (no numismatic bullshit) but as gold weight again recognized everywhere on earth.

Buy in increments of just under $10K until you have gotten rid of all your fiat and bank dots.


If you dawdle from this moment on, you are gambling that the armed IRS is not going to change the "$10K trigger" to "$1" <-- They have the computer power for it ten times over.

LATE PS: There's a guy on another chat group who listened to me and turned all his stocks, savings, annuity into gold. In 2016. Bought at $1100/Oz. Today gold is over $2600/Oz. He has far more than doubled his money before taxes. But he don't gotta pay no taxes... What are YOU waiting for?

Bill Holter speaks, I listen @ 1.5x speed. (gold & silver)

Massive Unrest in 2024 No Matter Who Wins- Bill Holter​



Well-known member
Took out my seeds to take a picture of them and then put them back, it's not issue that I took em out for several minutes right? The fridge inside is 2 degrees celcius they're also stored in a bag with other herb bags... Before the summer I planted only one of the six and I haven't taken them out of this flask except for then on germanation day, that they are in, just asking in case I had to wait another year or two before growing again if taking them out like this for a minute or so would it be okay if done once every six months?

I wanted to check with others if they're okay, since last time I didn't see them clearly enough...
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Well-known member
Took out my seeds to take a picture of them and then put them back, it's not issue that I took em out for several minutes right? The fridge inside is 2 degrees celcius they're also stored in a bag with other herb bags... Before the summer I planted only one of the six and I haven't taken them out of this flask except for then on germanation day, that they are in, just asking in case I had to wait another year or two before growing again if taking them out like this for a minute or so would it be okay if done once every six months? View attachment 19071766
I wanted to check with others if they're okay, since last time I didn't see them clearly enough...
Mine are in and out of the freezer with no issues whatsoever


Well-known member
Took out my seeds to take a picture of them and then put them back, it's not issue that I took em out for several minutes right? The fridge inside is 2 degrees celcius they're also stored in a bag with other herb bags... Before the summer I planted only one of the six and I haven't taken them out of this flask except for then on germanation day, that they are in, just asking in case I had to wait another year or two before growing again if taking them out like this for a minute or so would it be okay if done once every six months? View attachment 19071766
I wanted to check with others if they're okay, since last time I didn't see them clearly enough...
Twice a year I take my indoor seed collection out and search through for something to grow and then put them back. There are seeds that go back before 2010, they don't seem to show any issues with being taken out for 10-20 min at a time twice a year.
That's my experience. I will be doing it myself any day now.


Well-known member
off to the grow store. Supplies and new carbon filter.
Hello and good day Mr. Pute, you did look good in your photo yesterday for an old guy. Cats looked better.:)

If I wanted to go to the grow store and back I would need a minimum of 5 hours, yeah, that's right 5 hrs.
Four hours of that would be driving time, that sucks.

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