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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Back to back shift today,now it's easy street for the next 5 hours


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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
A belated happy birthday 🎂 to jokerman - let's all hope you have many more - and in fine fettle too - humour is the spice of life - and your good sense of humour pervades this thread - so making it very enjoyable 😉

Back to my regular routine of current life - was up a 5am - organised the kitchen - made some green tea - took the mutt pup out for a short walk - rolled a fat one - and now have time to engage on this here Internet - checking the site - emails - problems to be resolved - time to touch base with other mods/admins - trying to keep this site up and running - which it is doing well enough lately - for us all to communicate - laugh at and with - enjoy and be educated by too - which is a bonus - lol

- looks like another nice day from the balcony - 6.25am - blue skies poking thru intermittent cloud - as the morning rolls on - in 2 hours I start walking to feed and fuss over Spanky and Smudge in my cat-minding duties - then walk home - pick up my daughter - then walk to the gym to lift a few tons - and swim/jump around in the pool - then after a good wash - shave and deep clean - it's walkies time again to go shopping for food - then head home for my first meal of the day - around 2-3 pm -

Went to Kingston hospital yesterday for a heart ultrasound appointment - and as I suspected - the new bovine Mitral valve - is doing a great job so far - no Mitral Regurgitation spotted 👏 - so my blood is getting suitably oxygenated = no dizzy spells when bending over - nice to see the evidence that my recent surgical evisceration - and bionic implant achieved what it was supposed to achieve 😀 - I'll be regularly checked - so says my appointments - and hope that I continue to feel this good - way into the future -

- and a jolly good morning 🙏 - to anyone who reads this - old farts or not - welcome to ICMAG.COM -
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Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is duly considered a "hump day". So, I hope and trust all of us will get over any big humps!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sister women!

Yet another gorgeous day starting at 50F and predicted to reach 78F.

Well shit! The new Ford key fob arrived, and I was unsuccessful programing it, so dropped it by Batteries for their $90 service and they couldn't either. Ummmm, more research needed................

Dinner out with friends at Tein Hong for the salt and pepper squid that they are renown for. Good food and good company!

Housekeepers due today, so me and the sleek sly pup will be laughing and scratching at Fernhill dog park this morning while they do the dirty deed.

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