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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yesh it sounds like you definitely found a keeper and I can tell by the way you talk about her and your children you are very happy with what you have.

See if I was at that same age as you were when you met her then this would all seem more worthwhile to do. At 64 though and with the health problems I have it just doesn't seem like a good move for me. I enjoy fanasizing about it though, for now that's good enough for me. Who knows though, maybe my financial situation will improve one day and it might all become more doable? I've lived a good enough life though and have had several loves that I cherish in my heart still so it's not like I'm missing out on anything really. Besides, by keeping it a fantasy I never have to worry about dealing with the famed Filippina tampo. :biggrin:
Maybe a good idea would be to try and save up for a trip out east - far east - to south east Asia - enjoy a couple of months out there when it's not so hot - November thru till January would probably be best - and see what comes up - renting a small place is not that expensive - and you can get air-conditioning too - there are ladies of every age who might be interested - you just have to be there to find out - who knows 🤷‍♂️ - you might just get lucky 😉 -

And as for the famed Filipina tampo - I was lucky enough to find a wife that never gets hysterical towards me - when riled - she just 'Sends me to Coventry' - which means that she will just totally ignore me as if I'm not there - when she's angry at me for whatever - and has never sworn at me or thrown stuff at me/attacked me - as other GF's/wives have in the past - and that suits me just fine 🙂 - because after a day or two or three even - things seem to get back to normal again -


Well-known member
I wasn't aware of any specifically but I'm not surprised, these days it seems like all medication and treatments come with nasty side effects. I'm not worried though, I gave those shots the old college try as they say and they didn't help me one bit. I have since found other options that seem to work somewhat for me and so far, no nasty side effects.
I remember a pharmacy sales person's comment, "there are no such thing as side effects there are only effects."

I take one drug and that drug causes a magnesium deficiency, then I have to take another drug. To get my magnesium levels up so I don't get leg cramps. It works out very well for the pharmaceutical industry.

Like many drugs cortisone has several negative effects but if your in serious pain what are you suppose to do. Try it and see what happens.

Well, it's good that you found something that works for your situation, that's what matters.

hope you have an enjoyable day HempKat


Well-known member
Hot one here in Boston today. Sun is strong. 90°F. One more day like this then back to low 80s. Jalapeno and tomato and sunflowers are doing good on the balcony. Waiting to see exactly how big the Russian Mammoth Sunflowers are. Turned the AC on. Nice and cool now. Didn't shave until 10:30. Did my morning 3 mile walk. Wondering how long it will be until my belly goes away. Been walking a year.
30' 1" is the tallest mammoth on record DB


Already 90 outside makes it a good day to tumble some hash and chillax.
Baby was rowdy last night around 3:00 come out in the living room and her and one of the cats were chasing each other around the house and having a blast.
Super sweet but it was still 3:00 so lay down ffs.


Well-known member
Hello old man - and what pray tell has drawn you into such a copacetic mood today?
Being in the company of like minded but different people. Be with those who want to have some laughs, share their joy and sorrow. I met my wife of 25 years on the net. The net has the potential to disrupt or bring together.
A jolly good day to you Gypsy, "pip-pip cheerio"

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Being in the company of like minded but different people. Be with those who want to have some laughs, share their joy and sorrow. I met my wife of 25 years on the net. The net has the potential to disrupt or bring together.
A jolly good day to you Gypsy, "pip-pip cheerio"
Jolly good old chap - now here is a very informative video - on conjugal rights -

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