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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
This one got a sprinkle of garlic powder - and he's not liking it at all -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I have a runny nose throughout the Spring but don't take anything for it, just blow my nose. I keep a roll of paper towels beside my chair and a paper sack to put the used tissue in. I put Vaseline in my nose if it starts to get raw.

My doctor saw me blow my nose in her office using my handkerchief and got all upset that I would carry a snotty handkerchief, rather than more sanitary tissue.

I've carried a handkerchief my whole life and wonder If you aren't standing next to a wastebasket, where exactly do you put the dirty tissue??


Well-known member
Some years spring kills me....funny this year and last didn't have any problems....go figure.
From all my years of dealing with allergies, I have learnt they can come and go.

When in my late teens I had a doctor tell me I had allergies, I had no idea what he was talking about, never heard of such a thing. I went to a different doctor and told him what the previous doctor said, I thought he was going to fly across his desk at me, he was all but shouting, there is no such thing as allergies he loudly said.
OK, I'm out of here.

Now we know allergies can kill a person.


Well-known member
Premium user
I have a runny nose throughout the Spring but don't take anything for it, just blow my nose. I keep a roll of paper towels beside my chair and a paper sack to put the used tissue in. I put Vaseline in my nose if it starts to get raw.

My doctor saw me blow my nose in her office using my handkerchief and got all upset that I would carry a snotty handkerchief, rather than more sanitary tissue.

I've carried a handkerchief my whole life and wonder If you aren't standing next to a wastebasket, where exactly do you put the dirty tissue??
back right pocket is my place.😊


Well-known member
Premium user
From all my years of dealing with allergies, I have learnt they can come and go.

When in my late teens I had a doctor tell me I had allergies, I had no idea what he was talking about, never heard of such a thing. I went to a different doctor and told him what the previous doctor said, I thought he was going to fly across his desk at me, he was all but shouting, there is no such thing as allergies he loudly said.
OK, I'm out of here.

Now we know allergies can kill a person.
I agree with that.
I am allergic to some people too,


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View attachment 19013599 Too fuckin hot today if you ask me and gonna be almost 84 tomorrow.
I really enjoy you keeping us in the picture loop of "Our" Boy!
Love seeing him change ,it seems every picture.
My Honey loves all the beautius dogs on our group ( so do I)
And knows all their names.❤️
Have to add under fear of punishment ,She loves cats and we have a female for7 years we feed and put her hut on a heat mat.
She loves my Honey and comes to her for lovin every day
2nd edit
I do the same with much less success😊☝️
Last edited:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I didn't know about tater soup until I met my wife, now, it's one of my favorites, easy to make as well, at least my version is.
If you want to try another soup that isn't very common other then maybe the South in the USA, but is really quite good when done right, then try Peanut Soup. I don't know the recipe and the only place I know that serves it is this really cool historic Inn (George Wahington was known to stay there) located in Middletown, Viirginia called the Wayside Inn. It's about a sx hor drive for me to get there where I live now so I haven't been in a while but if the peanut soup is still as good as it used to be it would almost be worth making that trip.


Well-known member
Premium user
If you want to try another soup that isn't very common other then maybe the South in the USA, but is really quite good when done right, then try Peanut Soup. I don't know the recipe and the only place I know that serves it is this really cool historic Inn (George Wahington was known to stay there) located in Middletown, Viirginia called the Wayside Inn. It's about a sx hor drive for me to get there where I live now so I haven't been in a while but if the peanut soup is still as good as it used to be it would almost be worth making that trip.
With that said ,I must say if you are ever in Lancaster Pa. one must go the "Lancaster Ale House"
The meatloaf changed my life and made me a happier more productive member of society.