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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Yet we're supposed to "Trust the Science"...

"We're Scientists... we're smarter than you are..."

Methodological Considerations Regarding the Quantification of DNA Impurities in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Comirnaty®​



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well, what I REALLY want to know is where in the hell did that gain in function bat that bit somebody come from? Did a tech bring it home under his lab-coat to make bat stew with, and then grew vampire fangs afterwards? Or, was it brought home to breed in a cage in captivity with another similarly oriented bat, to sell in the Wuhan Market? :mad:
It's hard to say since there are lots of conflicting opinions of what exactly happened with all the gain of function research that may or may not have been funded by US taxpayer money. From what have read it is likely that the lab in Wuhan got the bats used in their research eith from the wet markets that were said to be the origin of the virus or if not there then the same sources that the wet markets obtained their supply of bats. An important thing also to understand about gain of function research is that while it can be used for malevalent purposes such as weaponizing a virus it is also used regularly and has ben use for years befffore the pandemic to see if it's even possible for a virus that effects one species to jump to other species. Done for the purpose of trying to get ahead of the potential spread of a pandemic before it is even possible. According to what I read, the reason that the US stoped funding gain of function research and particularly to the Wuhan lab in China was because they were not happy eith the lack of safety protocols in place, to prevent dangerous viruses from accidentally escaping the lab. In other places where the US stopped funding such research it wasn't due to lack of safety protocols but more because there was just to high of a risk for such research to be used as a weapon. Also based on how you worded the question you seem to have the belief that the virus that originated in the lab in Wuhan was then used to infect the wet market. That would be an incorrect assumption though. What would be more correct is that it either came solely from the wet market or solely from the lab in Wuhan, not both.


Well-known member
Good afternoon OF's :)

I've popped in a few times and by the time I've nearly caught up...
I gotta go do stuffs lol.

@bigsur51 Will keep your family, especially your grand daughter in my thoughts.
Sending lots of love, positive/ healing energy for a successful surgery and quick recovery.
And HUGS... give that baby girl hugs :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
From my experience from living with a NP Stony Brook for 10years they sure as shit did.
They would take the Dr,s and staff out to a restaurant for a presentation.
Tell the staff to order a dinner for whoever was at home.
I ate like a king many times
I myself never benefited from it as far as free meals but I have had more then one doctor tell me how the Pharma Reps would wine and dine them. As well as stocking their office shelves with free samples to give out to patients they felt might benefit from them.


Well-known member
Just a quick web query but I'm sure there are more sites for such info:

Five easy ways to tell if your doctor is taking payments from drug companies.

Dollars for Docs

How Industry Dollars Reached Your Doctors



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
good morning

say , I am dealing with some family medical issues and I will be missing in action for awhile , I will try and pop in once in awhile

thank you all , you know who you are , for all the good vibes and positive energy

i will be around

Tom Joad style
Good luck, I've been thru times of "family medical crisis" myself and they can be hard to cope with especially if the family member with the crisis has already made up their mind how they will deal with it even if their choice isn't one you agree with. If that's the case you're facing all you can do is respect their choice. Also remember, you obviously have quite a few here that would willingly offer up a sympathetic ear and/or shoulder if such is needed.
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Well-known member
We didn't get any last night still hoping the next few days brings it...........I fuckin hate summer.
I use to love summer, couldn't get enough of it. Now, not so much.
Fires and smoke can be here all summer and the heat is very hard on me physically, I don't care for summer like I use to. When it hit 49C/120F here I thought I might die in my sleep, it was too hot.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
But they do offer more to docs and their staff. I’ve seen them bring gifts at the office for the girls up front and know that they had “lunch and learn” with the tab picked up by the pushers of their goods. When you are selling a product, it pays to kiss a little ass…
This is true because there is more then one Pharmacuetical company that send out reps with free samples and the idea of the extra benefits is to increase the odds that the doctors will reccommend one company's products first.


Well-known member
Me being me...

The guys came to lay in "soil" for seeding our lawns after the road construction.
My 1st. complaint is that this is some sandy soft BS crap.
2nd. bitch is that they did not even level out said dirt, leaving low spots and
even big 'divots'. Really? WTF... this is about water movement and you guys
leave it like that? Oh... lest I not forget the surface rocks they just left there.

I gotta mow that area and it looks like a great place to twist an ankle now.

I walked my disgruntled ass across the street to talk with the crew foreman
who was sitting in his truck. He was trying very hard to pass the buck as
they are here only to lay the seed.
Well... bull crap on that! I coaxed him outta his truck to take a look.
I can be very persuasive BTW :)

He had one of his workers come and resurface/ level out the area
in front of our place and... I also complained about the shit job at my
next door neighbors so the crew member made at least an attempt to fix it.

It still looks like wholly crap. I'd be so embarrassed to do work like that!

So... even though this is the City easement, it looks like if the home owners
want a decent looking area... we'll need to do so ourselves smfh :mad:

Okay / bitching :)


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Good morning to all, I am so glad to be here at ICMAG forums.
Morning oldman. Hope you are having a good day.
Doctors are humans same as the rest of us.
Some good some bad some ambivalent some dangerous some loving and caring..........hard to know for sure with us.
My mother died of a drug over dose at 76 years old. She went to sleep and didn't wake up. She could get anything she wanted from her docs. Just like Alice's Restaurant!

Doctors killed my mother.....they gave her to much access and all she wanted was pain relief and a good nights sleep.


Well-known member
We didn't get any last night still hoping the next few days brings it...........I fuckin hate summer.
I too prefer cooler weather and even like winters here in the mitten
(until I gotta shovel the snow to get out of the driveway lol).
Snow brings the quiet that ramps up in warmer weather.

Summers here are hot and humid and I do not favor it at all :(
Already have had the AC on for 3 days now, sigh.
When my littles is laying on the floor panting... it's to effin hot.


Well-known member
Me being me...

The guys came to lay in "soil" for seeding our lawns after the road construction.
My 1st. complaint is that this is some sandy soft BS crap.
2nd. bitch is that they did not even level out said dirt, leaving low spots and
even big 'divots'. Really? WTF... this is about water movement and you guys
leave it like that? Oh... lest I not forget the surface rocks they just left there.

I gotta mow that area and it looks like a great place to twist an ankle now.

I walked my disgruntled ass across the street to talk with the crew foreman
who was sitting in his truck. He was trying very hard to pass the buck as
they are here only to lay the seed.
Well... bull crap on that! I coaxed him outta his truck to take a look.
I can be very persuasive BTW :)

He had one of his workers come and resurface/ level out the area
in front of our place and... I also complained about the shit job at my
next door neighbors so the crew member made at least an attempt to fix it.

It still looks like wholly crap. I'd be so embarrassed to do work like that!

So... even though this is the City easement, it looks like if the home owners
want a decent looking area... we'll need to do so ourselves smfh :mad:

Okay / bitching :)
Be assertive, be the one.