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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Morning oldman. Hope you are having a good day.

My mother died of a drug over dose at 76 years old. She went to sleep and didn't wake up. She could get anything she wanted from her docs. Just like Alice's Restaurant!

Doctors killed my mother.....they gave her to much access and all she wanted was pain relief and a good nights sleep.

My sister in law went out of her mind just before Christmas.
She has never used "street" drugs or even smoked weed.

She had been seeing the same doctor for over 10yrs. and
he was prescribing her xanax. Each time she would tell him
that the pills weren't helping... he'd just up the dosage.

She took them as prescribed and just continued on without
telling anyone about how she was feeling and how her doc
wasn't really helping.

She had a psychotic break and became violent towards
her sons who were there visiting. She was raging and
her boys were freaked. Screaming obscenities and
trying to physically attack them. So not in her nature.

EMT's came and had to strap her to the gurney as
she also tried to physically attack them.
She might weigh 120 and is abt. 5'5".

She spent 14 days in the hosp. while they detoxed her.
Might be a law suit in this if she wants to pursue it?

I have spoken with others this has happened to.
I have also read personal stories on the subject also.

Sadly, these instances occur more often than we are aware of.

edit: karn't speel


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
View attachment 19005571 Now they're 'warning us' the bird flu is gonna git you...?

It's almost as if they've planned this to 'happen' every 4 years during an election cycle.

Don't even get me started on Bill Gates saying 'with vaccines we can reduce the population'. The Georgia Guidestones. The WEF. The WHO. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò's letter to Trump.
Prof. Yuval Noah Harari. Paris Accords and a whole host of 'other' conspiracies that have come true....

Respectfully: Not buying the 'narrative' for one second.

How is it I knew the jibby jab story was total BS from the gitgo and the sheeple did not??

University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution

FYI Satanists believe they have to tell you of their plan in advance. If you do nothing about it... it's not their fault when they do what they've planed to do!

Once you make the connections, the NGO's behind the scenes, the
"who's on who's board of directors" you see their all connected.

You would have to spend years (I have) researching via
Del Bigtree, Amazing Polly, et al who have done the heavy lifting. They have the receipts!
Respectfully my comment about best practices at the time was only in relation to the mask mandate which had nothing to do with the "Jibby-Jab." As far as how did you know, well obviously since I'm no mind reader I couldn't say for certain. I can make an educated guess though that it was due to the fact that all vaccines have been in question since well before the pandemic. Surely you know of all the parents refusing to get their school aged children vaccinated because of the belief vaccines are responsible for the widespread occurence of autism in children these days. I mean it's not like it couldn't be the result of all the medications, pollutents, heavy metals and other things that have made their ways in to our water, air and food supplies. So sure it must be the vaccines and who cares if childhood diseases once thought all but destroyed make their way back into populations. Yeah, some kids might die from small pox but at least my kids won't be autistic.
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Well-known member
Morning oldman. Hope you are having a good day.

My mother died of a drug over dose at 76 years old. She went to sleep and didn't wake up. She could get anything she wanted from her docs. Just like Alice's Restaurant!

Doctors killed my mother.....they gave her to much access and all she wanted was pain relief and a good nights sleep.
Good morning Pute...
it's a shame what happened with your Mom, I am sorry for that.
It's a sad story that has been told all too many times. When I first went on Morphine in 2010 my doctor was handing out prescriptions like candy, 2x30mg slow release morphine a day, plus 100 5mg reg. morphine for what they called breakthrough pain. I was overwhelmed by all the morphine and had to back off, by my choice. Having dabbled in some recreational drugs in my life I knew what drugs I liked and which ones I didn't. It's a good thing that opioids were one never I never liked. Otherwise I could be a statistic now.

My doctor was heavily influenced by the pharma co. he even went so far as to tell me that slow release morphine was not as addictive as reg morphine. I am no doctor but I do know a thing or two about some drugs. There is no way in hell that morphine is going to be any less addictive because it goes into your system slowly but this is what the pharma was promoting to doctors.

On a positive note how is that spiffy front yard looking?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Me being me...

The guys came to lay in "soil" for seeding our lawns after the road construction.
My 1st. complaint is that this is some sandy soft BS crap.
2nd. bitch is that they did not even level out said dirt, leaving low spots and
even big 'divots'. Really? WTF... this is about water movement and you guys
leave it like that? Oh... lest I not forget the surface rocks they just left there.

I gotta mow that area and it looks like a great place to twist an ankle now.

I walked my disgruntled ass across the street to talk with the crew foreman
who was sitting in his truck. He was trying very hard to pass the buck as
they are here only to lay the seed.
Well... bull crap on that! I coaxed him outta his truck to take a look.
I can be very persuasive BTW :)

He had one of his workers come and resurface/ level out the area
in front of our place and... I also complained about the shit job at my
next door neighbors so the crew member made at least an attempt to fix it.

It still looks like wholly crap. I'd be so embarrassed to do work like that!

So... even though this is the City easement, it looks like if the home owners
want a decent looking area... we'll need to do so ourselves smfh :mad:

Okay / bitching :)
You go girl!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
One of my nieces overdosed on Fentanyl patches. A lovely smart and talented girl in her prime...........



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Me being me...

The guys came to lay in "soil" for seeding our lawns after the road construction.
My 1st. complaint is that this is some sandy soft BS crap.
2nd. bitch is that they did not even level out said dirt, leaving low spots and
even big 'divots'. Really? WTF... this is about water movement and you guys
leave it like that? Oh... lest I not forget the surface rocks they just left there.

I gotta mow that area and it looks like a great place to twist an ankle now.

I walked my disgruntled ass across the street to talk with the crew foreman
who was sitting in his truck. He was trying very hard to pass the buck as
they are here only to lay the seed.
Well... bull crap on that! I coaxed him outta his truck to take a look.
I can be very persuasive BTW :)

He had one of his workers come and resurface/ level out the area
in front of our place and... I also complained about the shit job at my
next door neighbors so the crew member made at least an attempt to fix it.

It still looks like wholly crap. I'd be so embarrassed to do work like that!

So... even though this is the City easement, it looks like if the home owners
want a decent looking area... we'll need to do so ourselves smfh :mad:

Okay / bitching :)
Hey some cities have it worse with city services. Like in my city, a few months ago they stopped trash service because the two trucks that cover the city broke down and the city didn't think ahead to have parts on hand and/or back up trucks to deal with such situations. They allowed the trash to build up right during the holidays and thru most of January. Finally when the problem got bad enough and everyone was getting super pissed off they borrowed a couple of dump trucks from the neighboring city to use to pick up the trash. When asked why they didn't have any back up trucks and why it was taking so long to replace them the answer was that they only dealt with one supplier because they had the lowest bid and that company's trash trucks were on back order due to supply chain issues.


Well-known member
One of my nieces overdosed on Fentanyl patches. A lovely smart and talented girl in her prime...........

View attachment 19005660 View attachment 19005661
Sorry about your niece GW

In our small village of less than 2000 there have been numerous deaths because of opioids, about 2 weeks ago was the last one I know off.

There doesn't seem to be an end in sight either.


Well-known member
My sister in law went out of her mind just before Christmas.
She has never used "street" drugs or even smoked weed.

She had been seeing the same doctor for over 10yrs. and
he was prescribing her xanax. Each time she would tell him
that the pills weren't helping... he'd just up the dosage.

She took them as prescribed and just continued on without
telling anyone about how she was feeling and how her doc
wasn't really helping.

She had a psychotic break and became violent towards
her sons who were there visiting. She was raging and
her boys were freaked. Screaming obscenities and
trying to physically attack them. So not in her nature.

EMT's came and had to strap her to the gurney as
she also tried to physically attack them.
She might weigh 120 and is abt. 5'5".

She spent 14 days in the hosp. while they detoxed her.
Might be a law suit in this if she wants to pursue it?

I have spoken with others this has happened to.
I have also read personal stories on the subject also.

Sadly, these instances occur more often than we are aware of.

edit: karn't speel
My mom was 88 and started talking to people that were not there. We thought she was going senile. Turns out that the doctor was giving her lorazapam because she told him she was sad. STUPID 🤬 !!!!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good morning Pute...
it's a shame what happened with your Mom, I am sorry for that.
It's a sad story that has been told all too many times. When I first went on Morphine in 2010 my doctor was handing out prescriptions like candy, 2x30mg slow release morphine a day, plus 100 5mg reg. morphine for what they called breakthrough pain. I was overwhelmed by all the morphine and had to back off, by my choice. Having dabbled in some recreational drugs in my life I knew what drugs I liked and which ones I didn't. It's a good thing that opioids were one never I never liked. Otherwise I could be a statistic now.

My doctor was heavily influenced by the pharma co. he even went so far as to tell me that slow release morphine was not as addictive as reg morphine. I am no doctor but I do know a thing or two about some drugs. There is no way in hell that morphine is going to be any less addictive because it goes into your system slowly but this is what the pharma was promoting to doctors.

On a positive note how is that spiffy front yard looking?
What gets me about the whole issue with big pharma selling all the doctors a billof goods on the safe use of modern pain pills is that I knew for years before that any drugs derived from opium were highly addictive and I'm just some average joe whose closest connection to the medical industries was the early years of my adulthood in the late 70's early 80's when I worked as a cook at a wide variety of restaurants and food based businesses during that time. So it baffles me that I knew what the doctors didn't even though they spend all that time in medical school and get big bucks for their alledged knowledge gain from all that schooling. mean come on, you're just going to give up on what commonsense should have been telling you, just because some pharma reps who were selling the stuff said, "Safe? Oh yeah, sure it's safe".


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My mom was 88 and started talking to people that were not there. We thought she was going senile. Turns out that the doctor was giving her lorazapam because she told him she was sad. STUPID 🤬 !!!!
Yeah, I don't know when this happened to your Mom and sorry to hear what happened but a few years ago some laws changed due to the rise in suicides, requiring that all doctors at least once a year include a series of questions meant to point out people showing red flags for mental health problems. Unfortunely the questions are pretty vague like, "At any time in the past year did you feel more depressed then normal?" I was unsure how to answer so I waited until I saw my doctor and asked how I should answer that question because I did feel sad a few times that year. First when my Mother died at age 93 due to cancer that she refused any care other then pallatative and then later on hospice care because at 93 she felt she had live a long and full enough life. That she didn't feel it was worth fighting a new health issue to hold on to a few more years. Then later that same year my wife who was already dying slowly from stage 4 Kidney Disease and on dialysis went to spend as much of the time as she had left with her mother, since she was an only child and knew her mother would be devestated when she was gone. While there she had a bout of pnuemonia that put her in the hospital and while in the hospital she contracted and eventually died because she caught the corona virus from a nurse who didn't stay at home when she was sick because she couldn't afford to lose a day's wages. Then a few month's after that my 22 year old cat who was now the only source of physical company I had in my home died from a failing liver leaving my totally alone for the first time in nearly 3 decades. So I told my doctor, "Yeah I've been depressed several times this past year but there isn't fuckall a pyschiatrist could do to make any of it better". She said, "well that's different, that's just grief". I replied, "well you know what? Grief is quite depressing". She finally understood the point I was making...I think?
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Back a ways, we wuz talkin' about silver and how/what kind to get with your dollars before they go to total zilch in value. Junk silver is the answer. <-- Old US silver coins.

I mentioned the LCD (Rechant Metals) I've dealt with for 30+ years and how they are FAR better than online because of personal service and never a shipping charge.

The owner of the place sent me this nice note:

Thanks so much for spreading the word, Walt! It means a lot to me to follow the footsteps of my dad and grandfather who started it all those years ago. I try my best to always be fair and reasonable. Thanks for all your business over the years. Looks like the metals are getting interesting again. Feel free to reach out any time.



Cabana’s bitch
I got back from the gym a little while ago and I did some very strenuous stuff but nothing too strenuous. I get home and have lunch and I’m feeling very sluggish so I check my blood pressure and now I’m down to 113/62 I don’t know what’s triggering it but I’m getting ready to take a nap.


Well-known member
What gets me about the whole issue with big pharma selling all the doctors a billof goods on the safe use of modern pain pills is that I knew for years before that any drugs derived from opium were highly addictive and I'm just some average joe whose closest connection to the medical industries was the early years of my adulthood in the late 70's early 80's when I worked as a cook at a wide variety of restaurants and food based businesses during that time. So it baffles me that I knew what the doctors didn't even though they spend all that time in medical school and get big bucks for their alledged knowledge gain from all that schooling. mean come on, you're just going to give up on what commonsense should have been telling you, just because some pharma reps who were selling the stuff said, "Safe? Oh yeah, sure it's safe".
Oh I know, it's hard to wrap your head around the idea that any opioid is safe for casual use or their hyped up misrepresentation of it's addictive nature.

Bow down to the power of wealth.

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