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Well-known member
Good day-of-the-sun morning to all! All hail Sol Rex! View attachment 19004897 View attachment 19004898

A partly cloudy day here starting at 43F and predicted to reach 62F.

Alas, one of my nephews is in the hospital with a lung full of liquid that they have been unable to clear up or drain. They've ruled out heart and cancer, but still don't know what is causing it and are apparently going to try and drain surgically.

View attachment 19004902
Good morning GW. The weather is cool/rainy for a long weekend 16C-4C or 61F-39F

It sure makes things uneasy when they have to rule out medical issues rather than a straight diagnoses. Hope all turns out well for your nephew.


Well-known member
Ya - before I was around 61 years old - 3 years ago - I never seemed to have any real serious problems physically - throughout my life up till then - other than the odd injury from an accident or a fight - broken bones from falling badly - a .22 bullet wound and a slice out of my right leg from a machete - the odd scar from a cut of two - but nothing internal - nothing that could be said to be definately or even probably terminal - so the last 3 years have been very educational - crucial education - if I am to live on - and live well too -

- a crash course in what can and does go wrong with the body of a man who has been a consumate stoner - and a party animal for many years -
<'a joker - a smoker - a midnight toker'>
- to learn how to survive into old age - so maintaining a level of fitness and well being/quality of life - that could see me thru to being at least 80 years old - if I play my cards right - and I continue to have access to reasonable medical facilities - since I really do want to be around - to see my kids finish their academic education - and become self sufficient adults in their own right - maybe even have kids of their own too one day - before I pass on -

- so it's to my advantage to study how to achieve longevity in life - and practice those disciplines that can advance and enhance that outcome 😀 -
If all else fails, you could go on a quest for the mythical Fountain of Youth.

I wonder how much genetics plays in longevity?

How are the cats today?


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
The wife not there to remind you huh?
If you have ever been on a fishing trip with me you would understand.


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning GW. The weather is cool/rainy for a long weekend 16C-4C or 61F-39F

It sure makes things uneasy when they have to rule out medical issues rather than a straight diagnoses. Hope all turns out well for your nephew.
Good morning brother! Propitiously fate intervened and an emergency surgery forced them to postpone my nephew's surgery from last Friday to this Monday but are now having second thoughts because he has apparently improved a lot since Friday just on their antibiotic regiment.

Only about 60 so still young and strong, putting the odds in his favor. I hope so because not only do I like him, but his mother, my favorite sister, just recently buried her second husband.
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Well-known member
I’m done with breakfast and getting ready to have my day, I just did a blood test and I’m 134/74 which I’m thrilled to death with. I have decided today is the day to clean out the garage, it looks like a bomb hit it and is full of dog hair… I brush out the boys at least twice a week outside the garage and the window is blows the hair balls back in. I just got off the phone with brother Lesso and he’s coming over to have a little bit of a session this afternoon… I slept well last night, which is unusual. One of the kind members here sent me some tins of some very potent topical cream and has made a major difference in the way my belly feels when I go to bed…
Nice to hear a good report today. Enjoy your day and don’t work to hard to sesh with Lesso. 🥰


Well-known member
Good morning brother! Propitiously fate intervened and an emergency surgery forced them to postpone my nephew's surgery from last Friday to this Monday but are now having second thoughts because he has apparently improved a lot since Friday just on their antibiotic regiment.

Only about 60 so still young and strong, putting the odds in his favor. I hope so because not only do I like him, but his mother, my favorite sister, just recently buried her second husband.
That's good news regarding your nephew...more than once I've seen those turn around moments and it usually brings a sigh of relief with it. Especially when one favors a certain kin:)


Well-known member
Yup - I had exactly the same experience when I told my doctor about the radically bad side effects I experienced with these statins - he tried to put me on some other statin - but I refused - since my cholesterol was in the normal range anyway - and I couldn't see the point of taking something that made me feel like 'Death warmed over' - Maybe these docs try and get everyone on statins to make big money or something - I dunno? - but I do know that I'm not ever considering taking any statin ever again -

And when a doc suggests me taking a statin - I just say 'I'm allergic' - to 'em -
I had an MD tell me I should be on Statins because I was 70 and people are recommended to take them at that age.

I asked, "Is it because I'm 70, or is there a medical reason to take them?"

She said "Well, there's a test."

I said "Well, let's be for taking the test to see if I actually NEED them."

Took the test and I had ZERO plaque and ZERO need to take them.

MD's aren't so smart these days. Big Pharma pays $ to medical schools and that's what gets taught. Take another pill to fix your ills. They rely on the inet to tell them what's what. They don't 'practice' medicine so much as proctor Big Pharma recommendations.

The first (and last) flu shot I took was in 1976.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If all else fails, you could go on a quest for the mythical Fountain of Youth.

I wonder how much genetics plays in longevity?

How are the cats today?
Ahh - I doubt if I'd find some fountain of youth - other than psychologically living my youth again - thru my son who is almost exactly half a century younger than me (4 days more) - and I often get those deja-vu moments - when I see him going thru VERY similar challenges and experiences - that I went thru and reacted to 50 years ago -

In my mind longevity has a lot to do with what sorta wear and tear you might have put on your body - over the years - and how the body copes with that - which could bring hereditary factors into play that might help or hinder your survival prospects - due to certain excesses - in the past - and how you medically or holistically treat those when they do pop up - often by preemptive measures and lifestyle changes - to help cure and/or prevent certain conditions or diseases from taking hold and causing illness and death -

Most people don't die of old age - they die because body parts wear out and so cease to function properly - which causes the body's systems to break down - leading to illness and death -

The cats were fine - Smudge was mellow - but Spanky was fiesty - and scratched me a little - drew blood even - which had me a bit worried - since I am on a blood thinner med at the mo - took a little longer to coagulate - but was OK after 5 mins of paper towel pressure -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I had an MD tell me I should be on Statins because I was 70 and people are recommended to take them at that age.

I asked, "Is it because I'm 70, or is there a medical reason to take them?"

She said "Well, there's a test."

I said "Well, let's be for taking the test to see if I actually NEED them."

Took the test and I had ZERO plaque and ZERO need to take them.

MD's aren't so smart these days. Big Pharma pays $ to medical schools and that's what gets taught. Take another pill to fix your ills. They rely on the inet to tell them what's what. They don't 'practice' medicine so much as proctor Big Pharma recommendations.

The first (and last) flu shot I took was in 1976.
My doctors continue to try and put me on cholesterol drugs despite my total cholesterol being around 130 and my bad cholesterol about half that.

I continue to refuse because I don't believe that I need it or that any benefit would outweigh the side effects.


Well-known member
I had an MD tell me I should be on Statins because I was 70 and people are recommended to take them at that age.

I asked, "Is it because I'm 70, or is there a medical reason to take them?"

She said "Well, there's a test."

I said "Well, let's be for taking the test to see if I actually NEED them."

Took the test and I had ZERO plaque and ZERO need to take them.

MD's aren't so smart these days. Big Pharma pays $ to medical schools and that's what gets taught. Take another pill to fix your ills. They rely on the inet to tell them what's what. They don't 'practice' medicine so much as proctor Big Pharma recommendations.

The first (and last) flu shot I took was in 1976.
I agree docs are not what they use to be. You gotta watch out for yourself and ask the stupid questions… 😞

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