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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I am gonna be in trimming jail most every day day this coming week! I will be glad when it's over.

Fortunately I can watch golf while snipping away.
I’m snipping away too. I love beautiful giant fan leaves and hate to pinch them off…

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I usually am too but sometimes I get engrossed in something and end up being an hour or two late and for the one at midnight sometimes miss that because I dozed off watching tv and don't wake up until after mifnight.
I take all my meds in the early morning - when I'm most focused - more concious - and not distracted by anyone else being up and about around me -

- if I leave it till late in the day - then I'm not as sharp - kinda tired - and so can easily make mistakes and/or forget due to distractions - the early-early morning is 'me' time - when no-one else is around - and I can really get stuff done right - and fast -


Cabana’s bitch
I’m done with breakfast and getting ready to have my day, I just did a blood test and I’m 134/74 which I’m thrilled to death with. I have decided today is the day to clean out the garage, it looks like a bomb hit it and is full of dog hair… I brush out the boys at least twice a week outside the garage and the window is blows the hair balls back in. I just got off the phone with brother Lesso and he’s coming over to have a little bit of a session this afternoon… I slept well last night, which is unusual. One of the kind members here sent me some tins of some very potent topical cream and has made a major difference in the way my belly feels when I go to bed…


Well-known member
Morning everybody, brother boo I hope you have a great day brother, as well as the rest of yall. I haven't even had coffee yet. Speaking of which we have to use bottled water right now, the river has turned over and the water smells like dirt. Makes real nice after a bath.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I take all my meds in the early morning - when I'm most focused - more concious - and not distracted by anyone else being up and about around me -

- if I leave it till late in the day - then I'm not as sharp - kinda tired - and so can easily make mistakes and/or forget due to distractions - the early-early morning is 'me' time - when no-one else is around - and I can really get stuff done right - and fast -
Unfortunately I can't take mine all at once. If I could then I wouldn't have a problem. Unfortunately many of the medicines I take have to be taken at certain times because I take multiple doses. I mean technically I could take them all at once but then I wouldn't really be getting the proper benefit from them. It's not really a big deal though because while I might be late every now and then it's not a frequent issue. Maybe just 2-3 times per month, if that.


Well-known member
I don't have time right now to read that article but taxpayer funded gain of function research has been known of for a long time and is a big part of all the criticism Dr. Fauci recieved at the height of the pandemic. There was a nuanced difference in what he was saying that people didn't or wouldn't accept. He did acknowledge at least once in an interview that some money may have and probably did go to labs doing gain of function research. The point he was trying to make is that the US wasn't participating directly. Essential he was saying that he gave out funding to different labs but he didn't have any control over what kind of research they did with that funding. People tend to have an unrealistic idea of how much control the US has when they give money to other countries for research. I mean we give out millions upon millions with the hope that it will result in some kind of benefit to mankind but it would cost a lot more and require a lot more manpower to go around and make sure none of that money gets used in ways we don't approve of. It's just like when anyone gives a person money, once you hand it over, it's theirs to do with as they please. You might be upset if you give a begger some money for food but then a few minutes later you see him walk out of a convenice store with a bottle of wine or a 12 pack of beer. But try going up to that begger and demand your money back because he didn't by food, good luck with that.
Fauci is an evil liar. He testified in front of congress that the US did not fund gain of function research. He has pushed many lies during and before the gain of function bug ‘escaped’ the lab including the social distancing, 2 weeks to flatten the economy, ivermectin and masking nonsense. He was behind pushing remdesivir and ventilators as well but will claim up and down that he had nothing to do with any of it. Admitting ‘mistakes’(if they truly were mistakes) is a sign of having a moral backbone. He has not admitted the whole response to the supposed pandemic was propaganda like an honest person would.


Fauci is an evil liar. He testified in front of congress that the US did not fund gain of function research. He has pushed many lies during and before the gain of function bug ‘escaped’ the lab including the social distancing, 2 weeks to flatten the economy, ivermectin and masking nonsense. He was behind pushing remdesivir and ventilators as well but will claim up and down that he had nothing to do with any of it. Admitting ‘mistakes’(if they truly were mistakes) is a sign of having a moral backbone. He has not admitted the whole response to the supposed pandemic was propaganda like an honest person would.
Turns out the potus daughters diary is legit as well as the laptop.........so many conspiracy truths but certainly not covid.
I tell you the Fed gov is as evil as it gets.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
FWIW I take that also and my blood pressure usually comes in at like 120/78. I take it at noon and mdnight and I notice that if I forget and take it a little bit late I get a feeling like my blood pressure is climbing. Unfortunately I don't have a machine at home for measuring my BP so I can't confirm it's going up when I'm late taking that pill. All I know is once I do finally take that pill the feeling I had that I thought might be from high blood pressure goes away.
@HempKat: Go buy a BP rig. They are cheap, and may save your life. It saved mine when I had Afib and I didn't realize what was going on -- I felt weird -- until my little machine showed my heartbeat was 180BPM.

The industry has made these things to do just about everything for the price of half a tank of gas. Lookit:



Cabana’s bitch
Unfortunately I can't take mine all at once. If I could then I wouldn't have a problem. Unfortunately many of the medicines I take have to be taken at certain times because I take multiple doses. I mean technically I could take them all at once but then I wouldn't really be getting the proper benefit from them. It's not really a big deal though because while I might be late every now and then it's not a frequent issue. Maybe just 2-3 times per month, if that.
I've got a back up unit in the closet somewhere, if you'd like it lemme know and I can send it to you...