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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good to see that you seem to be holding steady after your last tune-up brother.

Also good to be living in an age where such medical enhancements are possible. Yes?
Ya - before I was around 61 years old - 3 years ago - I never seemed to have any real serious problems physically - throughout my life up till then - other than the odd injury from an accident or a fight - broken bones from falling badly - a .22 bullet wound and a slice out of my right leg from a machete - the odd scar from a cut of two - but nothing internal - nothing that could be said to be definately or even probably terminal - so the last 3 years have been very educational - crucial education - if I am to live on - and live well too -

- a crash course in what can and does go wrong with the body of a man who has been a consumate stoner - and a party animal for many years -
<'a joker - a smoker - a midnight toker'>
- to learn how to survive into old age - so maintaining a level of fitness and well being/quality of life - that could see me thru to being at least 80 years old - if I play my cards right - and I continue to have access to reasonable medical facilities - since I really do want to be around - to see my kids finish their academic education - and become self sufficient adults in their own right - maybe even have kids of their own too one day - before I pass on -

- so it's to my advantage to study how to achieve longevity in life - and practice those disciplines that can advance and enhance that outcome 😀 -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Howdy OFs!

How are we all today? Sun is out here, still a mist on the hills towards the coast, but it's clear in the garden so I;ve been potting up some cactus and stuff I don't know what is.

There's a few young San Pedro and Peruvian torches in there too that I've grown from seed.

Apologies for the state of the garden, that is the path the daft sheepdog takes to go bark at the fence ALL DAY LONG... I'm gonna have to train him not too I suppose, but he's quite the free range puppy still and he's calming down. I've never had to tell him off, but I have lost my shit with him a couple of times. 🤣
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I don't know what these flowers are, but they look pretty.

View attachment 19004938

Have a good day folks n farts.
Nice cactus! I had one indoor cactus that I put out for sun and got this visitor.

Ladybug 3.jpg

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Two things, first as far as the doctor making money, probably not, or at least not to much since most of the statins I've heard of have been available in generic form for quite a while. The point in time where doctors making money pushing a drug is when it's new and only available in the brand name form. The more likely reason a doctor will prescribe statins is because that's probably the most common form of treating high cholesterol. Most doctors no very little about prescription meds. I've been told be doctors that during their medical training the time spent of studyng prescription meds is very minimal. Doctors depend much more on what the drug reps tell them when they come around pushing new drugs. Beyond that they rely heavily on best/common practice (meaning what most docs do to successfully treat a condition).

The other thhing I wanted to point out is you said your cholesterol was in the normal range and that's why you felt comfortable not taking the statins any longer. When they talk about the normal range for cholesterol they are usually talking about the overall cholesterol score. What is considered good or normal is 200. However that score is a combination of your good Cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL) You can have a good or normal overall score andstill have the bad cholesterol being too high and the good cholesterol being too low. For example you could have 150 LDL which would be too high for bad cholesterol and 50 for HDL which would be too low for good cholesterol and yoet you overall cholesterol would be 200 which is considered good or normal. Also there is another group in there which is considered part of your cholesterol which is called triglycerides iit's pretty common for people that have clogged arteries that end up with a bypass, for their triglycerides to be high. I'm not sure off hand what the numbers are to be consdered good or bad for triglycerides but I'd be willing to bet your triglycerides were high just prior to you needing that bypass. The bottom line is there was a reason your doctor prescribe that statin for you. Now it's fair to not want to take statins because of all the negative side effects but you probably still need to be taking something for your cholesterol because your arteries don't clog up if your cholesterol is good.

Instead of the statins - I'm on these lately HempKat - the same as you are - by the looks of it -


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't have time right now to read that article but taxpayer funded gain of function research has been known of for a long time and is a big part of all the criticism Dr. Fauci recieved at the height of the pandemic. There was a nuanced difference in what he was saying that people didn't or wouldn't accept. He did acknowledge at least once in an interview that some money may have and probably did go to labs doing gain of function research. The point he was trying to make is that the US wasn't participating directly. Essential he was saying that he gave out funding to different labs but he didn't have any control over what kind of research they did with that funding. People tend to have an unrealistic idea of how much control the US has when they give money to other countries for research. I mean we give out millions upon millions with the hope that it will result in some kind of benefit to mankind but it would cost a lot more and require a lot more manpower to go around and make sure none of that money gets used in ways we don't approve of. It's just like when anyone gives a person money, once you hand it over, it's theirs to do with as they please. You might be upset if you give a begger some money for food but then a few minutes later you see him walk out of a convenice store with a bottle of wine or a 12 pack of beer. But try going up to that begger and demand your money back because he didn't by food, good luck with that.
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Well-known member
Good morning folks. Another gloomy day here so that means another day of trying to keep the mud off my bedroom carpet. I ran the carpet cleaner yesterday but don’t think it will last long as it’s mole and turtle season here and the dogs are alway on a hunt in the dirtiest areas of the yard digging up a mole or harassing a turtle until I get out there to save it. We have a fenced in yard but the turtles find their way in somehow. We have a lake tributary in our back yard just beyond the fence so we get quite a bit of wildlife in the yard. But we have mostly box turtles with a few water turtles.
‘so for now they are taking another nap in hopes we can make our walk to the park and play a little fetch
View attachment 19004931
Modest little thing there....


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Two things, first as far as the doctor making money, probably not, or at least not to much since most of the statins I've heard of have been available in generic form for quite a while. The point in time where doctors making money pushing a drug is when it's new and only available in the brand name form. The more likely reason a doctor will prescribe statins is because that's probably the most common form of treating high cholesterol. Most doctors no very little about prescription meds. I've been told be doctors that during their medical training the time spent of studyng prescription meds is very minimal. Doctors depend much more on what the drug reps tell them when they come around pushing new drugs. Beyond that they rely heavily on best/common practice (meaning what most docs do to successfully treat a condition).

The other thhing I wanted to point out is you said your cholesterol was in the normal range and that's why you felt comfortable not taking the statins any longer. When they talk about the normal range for cholesterol they are usually talking about the overall cholesterol score. What is considered good or normal is 200. However that score is a combination of your good Cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL) You can have a good or normal overall score andstill have the bad cholesterol being too high and the good cholesterol being too low. For example you could have 150 LDL which would be too high for bad cholesterol and 50 for HDL which would be too low for good cholesterol and yoet you overall cholesterol would be 200 which is considered good or normal. Also there is another group in there which is considered part of your cholesterol which is called triglycerides iit's pretty common for people that have clogged arteries that end up with a bypass, for their triglycerides to be high. I'm not sure off hand what the numbers are to be consdered good or bad for triglycerides but I'd be willing to bet your triglycerides were high just prior to you needing that bypass. The bottom line is there was a reason your doctor prescribe that statin for you. Now it's fair to not want to take statins because of all the negative side effects but you probably still need to be taking something for your cholesterol because your arteries don't clog up if your cholesterol is good.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I take my BP daily. Been up and down lately. Probably should see the doc and get his opinion.
I have and every time I see him my blood pressure is looking good, even better then they seem to expect judging by the way the doctor and nurses go out of the way to let me know it's good. Anyway since I described it to the doctor pretty much like I did here, that it only happens when I'm late taking that medicine his response was, "just try to stay more on schedule with your medicines".
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
View attachment 19004953
Instead of the statins - I'm on these lately HempKat - the same as you are - by the looks of it -
Yeah that's them accept I don't get mine in those pill packs. But yeah that's what my doc gave me when he decided the Lipitor wasn't getting the job done. Hopefully they're working as well for you as they seem to be working for me?


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I have and every time I see him my blood pressure is looking good, even better then they seem to expect judging by the way the doctor and nurses go out of the way to let me know it's good. Anyway since I describe it to the doctor pretty much like I did here, that it only happens when I'm late taking that medicine his response was, "just try to stay more on schedule with your medicines".
I am pretty good about taking my meds on schedule. But. If I am on a fishing trip all bets are off! 126/73 58 BPM


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ya - before I was around 61 years old - 3 years ago - I never seemed to have any real serious problems physically - throughout my life up till then - other than the odd injury from an accident or a fight - broken bones from falling badly - a .22 bullet wound and a slice out of my right leg from a machete - the odd scar from a cut of two - but nothing internal - nothing that could be said to be definately or even probably terminal - so the last 3 years have been very educational - crucial education - if I am to live on - and live well too -

- a crash course in what can and does go wrong with the body of a man who has been a consumate stoner - and a party animal for many years -
<'a joker - a smoker - a midnight toker'>
- to learn how to survive into old age - so maintaining a level of fitness and well being/quality of life - that could see me thru to being at least 80 years old - if I play my cards right - and I continue to have access to reasonable medical facilities - since I really do want to be around - to see my kids finish their academic education - and become self sufficient adults in their own right - maybe even have kids of their own too one day - before I pass on -

- so it's to my advantage to study how to achieve longevity in life - and practice those disciplines that can advance and enhance that outcome 😀 -
Grandpa Gypsy has kind of a nice ring to it doesn't it? :biggrin:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I am pretty good about taking my meds on schedule. But. If I am on a fishing trip all bets are off! 126/73 58 BPM
I usually am too but sometimes I get engrossed in something and end up being an hour or two late and for the one at midnight sometimes I miss that because I dozed off watching tv and don't wake up until after midnight.
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