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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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Premium user
Go dog go off to your grow.
The governments come for all of our fun dont stop now run dog run.
Get it all grown after your seeds are sown then sell it far and wide.
Be a good dog and fill your noggin of all the good things that you've been dogging.

My ode to the Seuss.
I love it, you have writing talents. I have always thought we needed a book. Maybe you could you start one 😊 You have inspired me I’m gonna write something too. I’ve always loved to rhyme on paper. I have a whole book of stuff I didn’t know Mr Sub was secretly collecting as I wrote them for birthdays, retirements, friendship and grandkid stuff. He broke the book out at my retirement party for my guests to check out. Who knew he saved them all…


Well-known member
I love it, you have writing talents. I have always thought we needed a book. Maybe you could you start one 😊 You have inspired me I’m gonna write something too. I’ve always loved to rhyme on paper. I have a whole book of stuff I didn’t know Mr Sub was secretly collecting as I wrote them for birthdays, retirements, friendship and grandkid stuff. He broke the book out at my retirement party for my guests to check out. Who knew he saved them all…
Mr Sub is a good man.


Well-known member
Premium user
I love it, you have writing talents. I have always thought we needed a book. Maybe you could you start one 😊 You have inspired me I’m gonna write something too. I’ve always loved to rhyme on paper. I have a whole book of stuff I didn’t know Mr Sub was secretly collecting as I wrote them for birthdays, retirements, friendship and grandkid stuff. He broke the book out at my retirement party for my guests to check out. Who knew he saved them all…


I love it, you have writing talents. I have always thought we needed a book. Maybe you could you start one 😊 You have inspired me I’m gonna write something too. I’ve always loved to rhyme on paper. I have a whole book of stuff I didn’t know Mr Sub was secretly collecting as I wrote them for birthdays, retirements, friendship and grandkid stuff. He broke the book out at my retirement party for my guests to check out. Who knew he saved them all…
He really does love you!
You should do it,write your story and spit some rhymes.

Why did the chicken cross the toad?
This is what happens when the crossing is not under duress

I have been beaten at tictactoe by a chicken.........aint proud of it but there it is.
I keep that in mind whenever I am pondering anything more than two syllables.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Puppies are good for the soul. 🥰
Bag o puppies.jpg

Unca Walt

Well-known member
been watching this fella and his gf for a few months now…they are sailing back to Norway via North Pole…

they are currently in Glacier Bay Alaska

View attachment 18975002

My nose, ears, and fingers are all freezing just from watching that nut working wet ropes to rescue his dinghy from being stuck on a rock.

And sitting in a pontoon dinghy covered in snow... (*shudder*)

Unca Walt

Well-known member
@Unca Walt

this is why you love mango cake even more….

mangoes and cannabis go together…synergy….entourage …

How Do Mangoes Interact With Cannabis?​

Many of the claims about mangoes, myrcene, and cannabis fall apart under scrutiny. Let’s look at them more closely.

Does Myrcene Get You Higher?​

Some of the effects of myrcene have been researched, and the overall takeaways are that it has analgesic (pain-relieving), muscle relaxant, and sedative effects. Its presence in both cannabis and the hops in beer likely contributes to the relaxed body feeling both impart. Furthermore, consuming more myrcene seems to intensify these effects. In that sense, yes, myrcene does play a role in how we feel when we “get high” consuming cannabis.
EVER kewl.


Well-known member

And the harvest is in.

Was a collapsed woman outside the marina bathroom door yesterday morning. Farmers market just 50 feet away. One of the other boat owners was standing there wringing his hands when my wife walked up. "Did you call 911?" I don't have my phone. Wife calls.

So I ask when she gets back to the boat and is telling the story "Did you touch her to see if her neck had a pulse? Did you study her to see if she was breathing?" No and No. Please let someone other than my wife or a hand wringing adult find me should I collapse and need help.

There was 100 people just a few steps away at market why didn't one of you clown's yell HELP !!!!! Damnit call me I know CPR and taint scared to work it on a stranger. I was a 30 second run away.

Edit: as a sparky (electrician) the boss had us take an update class on CPR once a year. Handy thing to know when working on live power.
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