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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Yeah GW my brother and I cut field size yard for five bucks with a push mower too. A kid came to my door last season and said he and his friend would rake the leaves in my tiny yard foe 100 bucks. Boy how times have changed. We also cut our yard, our grandparents and my aunts as part of our regular chores. Them days are gone I think
Not to forget that our regular chores included mowing the lawn, tending the livestock, milking, plowing, hoeing, hauling hay, and building fence, as well as helping remodel every house we ever lived in.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
My $1 week allowance for house and farm chores didn't go far and in fact went away once I had a job and was a man of means at $0.35/hr. We coveted and competed for those jobs with other kids.

Child labor laws being what they are today, the jobs formerly held by kids are now being held by minimum wage adults supporting families, and the kids are denied the learning experience.

Whatever one's views are on the subject of child labor, I can attest that it gave me a work ethic that served me well and allowed me to retire young enough to enjoy a second childhood.
OMFG, I have discovered yet another kindred spirit here on IC! There is absolutely nothing wrong with hard work when you're young, it teaches you so much about life.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Ahhh, yes. I hesitate to get anymore pets, I get very upset thinking they will outlive me, and I won't be there to insure their needs.
Good point. I am 73 and Mrs pute is 70. The way I figure is one of us will live to be 90. So the two young cats we just got will be fine. Also my daughter already loves the cats and wants them now!

One last thought...,.we got cars rather than dogs as they are much less maintenance.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Ahhh, yes. I hesitate to get anymore pets, I get very upset thinking they will outlive me, and I won't be there to insure their needs.
We've rescued the last two as adults and have provisions in our wills to take care of our pets. Lots of wonderful adult dogs and cats out there that need a forever home and best buddy to love.


Well-known member
My first real job - was when I was 10 years old - delivering news papers and magazines -

Grit and local paper here .. I took care of all the pretty school girl's parents .. I actually sold more Grit subscriptions than the local paper and made a pretty decent cigar box full of tha moneys ..


philosophy works ...



Well-known member
Same here. ^^^^^

Checked the trichomes on TK/GD and Bruce Banner today.....9 weeks tomorrow. Getting close.... thinking another week should do it.....damn the vacation was nice but i have a shitload of trimming coming up.

Getting ready for a fishing trip coming up soon. MySIL and I are headed to Cabela's soon. Also having lunch with an old Trout Unlimited friend from years gone by. Should be interesting.....I see another year of fun in the sun coming.
better to have a trim problem than 10 mins and done like me !


Well-known member
A couple of pretty nurses at the hospital were helping take care of my mom while I was down there visiting.

Good news, surgery was successful and her pain level is down from a 10 to a 2. She had to spend 2 days zonked on Morphin waiting for the blood thinners to wear off. She ate her first meal since Tuesday and I got her laughing, alot. Not out of the woods yet though, stress tends to whip the RA into chaos often resulting in afib, which leads to so on and so forth...

Strong old lady.