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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
something for the younger crowd to ponder…………..

When we have more years behind us than ahead of us...

It will make us think about life differently.

No shit. Having lost parents and friends, sis is not doing well, and a wife who went thru a miserable death in a hospitals, I feel grateful when my feet hit the floor in the morning.

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
Tasmanian poppies few yrs back
at old homestead


Well-known member
Well, hot damn, @Boo. Fuggin Iron Man no, strike that; closer to Wile. E. Coyote.

He looks left to a horizon that looks like @bigsur51 's place. He looks right to a horizon... yada. Takes a step.

Fargin train comes by and runs all over him. He gits up slowly, bent to fit across the railroad tracks by the wheels...

And next frame has him opening up a new ACME box...


Oh, it ain't personal. It is just not sumpin' I honestly understand.

For instance... I asked a specific question. I still do not have a clue as to the answer.

Since I am not a grower (out of total incompetence, not from lack of trying) but I am very good friends with about a dozen folks here... does that mean I would be -- by your definition -- some sort of "likes-collecting" usurper of the site?

The "like" button is not seen by myself and others as some sort of a gathering one-upmanship game, but as a secondary (and seminally important) communication method.

I see it as a sort of "hear, hear" or "I feel that way too" from the otherwise silent audience of lurkers. Compare it to a background of folks in a room listening to someone and murmuring agreement at salient points.

Do tallies of "likes" cost your site money? Status? Workload? I really don't have a clue. But I am honestly curious.

What is the genuine downside to this subtle gemutlicheit engendered by the use of "likes"?

LATE EDIT ADD POST SCRIPT: I betcha about a half-dozen people would agree and click "LIKE" on this post to express their own feelings without having to write duplicate posts of their own.

Like, Like, Like, :) repeat 2 dozen times.

Grass City used to be a booming site with many great growers and several emerald triangle folks with an incredible depth of knowledge.
IT rebuilt the site and over the week it took we lost many core members when all the pictures didn't transfer like the first 6 pages of one of my own threads was destroyed.

Then they did it again and once again not everything moved smoothly, and more people left. Then again and now it's a ghost town and all to soon I fear they'll turn out the lights and 12 years of posting will drop down an internet drain and be gone as if it never happened.

Like most I use the like button as a soft reply on a posting I agree with or enjoyed and could care less about any kind of post counting score. All are welcome on my GC page and the like button while just a simple "Like" and not as fancy as the one we lost here does work.


Well-known member
For every action there is and equal and opposite reaction......Our gov't here in the US could and should think about what happens next when they act.

They do its called another pandemic slated for possible 2024 when the elections start or 2025.
Theyre trying to wipe out the older generation.
I heard today that people interviewed about the shot, 24% knew someone that died from the shots


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
They do its called another pandemic slated for possible 2024 when the elections start or 2025.
Theyre trying to wipe out the older generation.
I heard today that people interviewed about the shot, 24% knew someone that died from the shots
I read every day about people suffering from side effects from the vaccine. So glad I didn't get it. I have enough health issues without creating more. But you are right Reynard, the virus was intentionally released and it will happen again. The next one will be worse.

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