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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I spent some quality time yesterday running the order of magnitude numbers for a commercial sized closed loop LPG extraction system, as well as providing the details to the brother aspiring to build one.

A good exercise, that reminded me why I should avoid math stoned and strongly demonstrated that my ability to design extraction systems has declined in the decade since I've engineered such a system.

Mostly I forget where I'm at in a math formula while stoned and have to start over. In addition, I've forgotten a lot of the little conversions and constants used in engineering a system in English using Metric requirements and parts, so had to calculate them or look them up.

Use or lose it is true and becomes more important as we age and are losing brain cells faster than we are replacing them...................... That led me to Google for more information and found this:

Brain cell loss begins to be noticeable around age 44, with the most rapid rate of degeneration at age 67. By the time we reach age 90, the speed of brain aging levels off1.

We lose about one per cent of our brain cells per year through adulthood, resulting in a loss of 35 per cent to 55 per cent of peak brain cell number in the elderly2.

The overall volume of the brain begins to shrink in our 30s or 40s, with the rate of shrinkage increasing around age 603. Brain atrophy, the loss of brain cells and nerve fibers, increases in everyone over 50 years old4.

Hypothalamic cells are most affected in aging, and increased immune activity and decreased neuronal function are observed in aged mice5.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning GW and friends.
Windows open last nite spring seems to be near

Good morning brother Jokermansan! Our Star Magnolia and the Plum and Cherry trees in the hood think Spring is already here!

I'm inclined to plant some tomatoes early and scheme on how to protect them from any untimely freezes and the rascally squirrels...........


Well-known member
Morning gang. Spring is here, at least for the present.
Got the field almost tilled last week and the tiller spring a leak. $4500 piece of equipment and it failed with less than 15 hours. Cheap Chit.

Taking my boy to an aviation museum this weekend. I’ve been waiting to take him since he was a little baby. Finally old enough to start appreciating the museum.
I haven’t been in a few years. They have added a few airplanes since then.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
That makes me think we are chopped liver. Who knew we had to jump through hoops and perform extra to be invited to the premium side of things. I may just leave on account of that. Just like in real life we have two societies, one for spoiled premium people and the other for the plebs. I bought a domain and am working on securing forum services from XenForo. I often create my own spaces, jobs, and cash flows where the rules and design are more people friendly. One day I will have a forum with several hundred thousand active users. It will be sooner than you think.
Get over it. There are people who seem to have taken over things here who like to play that game. I have boo coo points and no 420 badge. They took away my supporter tag. Some kind of check mark comes and goes over on the left side, depending on what I post I figure.

Supposedly that secret society has secret places to trade seeds and such, but we manage just fine without membership to that place. I figured I wasn’t special and so I stopped adding grow diaries and that kind of content, and declared myself…. A non growing lurker … in protest.
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