Up at 02:00, showered and hit the road. 90 minutes at flank speed put me at the beach with time to clean the dead leaves from the cloner. Pick the more than ready snow peas, grab the mail and was at the VA hospital a few minutes before the vampires opened at 06:00.
6 tubes? Their looking for reasons I'm borderline anemic so let's takes lots of blood from him.
Dropped off a fresh jar of capsules for my cancer ridden boat neighbor. He's finally taking my advice and stepping up his dose. 2 a day now.
Hit the road again by 07:00 only to hit nasty work traffic northbound 605. Stopped at the halfway house and got good and stoned for my physical therapy at 09:30. Damn she's a taskmaster and makes me work for it. Stand on a 26 in half ball with my eyes closed. Sure, no problem. Ha.
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Now I'm exhausted and still have 2 more shopping stops and another 40 miles to go to get back on the mountain before it snows. Trader Joe's was fast with just 3 items to nab but Ralphs / Kroger took a while as It's an unknown store and a long list. 20 phones calls to be sure and get exactly the right thing. A block of cheddar cheese? Well a 1/2 or a whole pound? Mild, medium, sharp or extra sharp? Gezzzzzzz. Hit the house a few minutes before noon and whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I'm a tired puppy.
6 tubes? Their looking for reasons I'm borderline anemic so let's takes lots of blood from him.
Dropped off a fresh jar of capsules for my cancer ridden boat neighbor. He's finally taking my advice and stepping up his dose. 2 a day now.
Hit the road again by 07:00 only to hit nasty work traffic northbound 605. Stopped at the halfway house and got good and stoned for my physical therapy at 09:30. Damn she's a taskmaster and makes me work for it. Stand on a 26 in half ball with my eyes closed. Sure, no problem. Ha.
Web pic
Now I'm exhausted and still have 2 more shopping stops and another 40 miles to go to get back on the mountain before it snows. Trader Joe's was fast with just 3 items to nab but Ralphs / Kroger took a while as It's an unknown store and a long list. 20 phones calls to be sure and get exactly the right thing. A block of cheddar cheese? Well a 1/2 or a whole pound? Mild, medium, sharp or extra sharp? Gezzzzzzz. Hit the house a few minutes before noon and whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I'm a tired puppy.