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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Some old marbles have a fairly high cash value.
Dad used to say that marbles were'nt really round and the only good ones were centerless turned agates. Sadly they didn't make them anymore and I never saw one.
I never much played with toy soldiers….I was more into slot car racing.
I never had toy soldiers, because my Great Depression era parents didn't believe in spending money on toys. For birthdays and Christmas, we got clothes, et al. An exception was my first 22 rifle, a Stevens Crackshot, that I got for Christmas

Except in rare occasions, I bought all my toys or made them myself. Sometimes other people gave me toys for my birthday or Christmas.
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Well-known member
Premium user
Hey @Littleleaf -- I gots sumpin a whole lot easier and weatherproof: Soak a buncha 2"x2" rifle cleaning patches in melted candlewax. Roll 'em up like joints (you reefer addict, you) let 'em cool, and keep 'em in a baggy.

They are waterproof to the point you could store them underwater, will light instantly in the soggiest conditions, and a LOT of them take up no room atall.
We had a ton of fat lighter at my old place. I mistakenly threw a whole giant log of it in our wood stove once that had me very worried. My stove was red and I was ready to call the fire department.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Knocking down toy soldiers and playing cards with rubber bands kept me busy for a while.
We played a lot of Canasta and Gin. I have never played with toy soldiers, even belonging to someone else. I did play soldier using a rifle that I cut from a board and tanks that were made from cardboard boxes.

We used to get lots of free wooden crates from the grocery store that I built stuff out of.
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Well-known member
View attachment 19140901

Nvidia shares took a 600 Billion dollar wipe-out yesterday (Monday) in the largest single one day valuation drop of any stock in US history. China announced the launch of a startup (Deepseek) that can provide AI for pennies as compared to Nvidia's multi dollars. Additionally, it requires a fraction of the energy of any US based AI to date. Turned most of the notions regarding AI energy utilization and AI outsourcing business costs on its head. From the look of the chart (I could easily be wrong) it does not appear that those shorting this stock in advance were in any rush to cover their positions. Tomorrow is another day but I would not be surprised if this did not turn out in total to be a Trillion dollar plus haircut. :eek:
It didn't cost me a dime!


On a mailtrain.
Premium user

Going to hit 60f today. So, no need for thermal panties. :whistling:

Moving an upright freezer first thing. Swapping out a chest freezer that has old R12 in it. That needs a re-charge. Keeps cycling off n on. If it had 134A in it, I could re-charge it. Plus, it's easier for Blondy to get into the upright. Anything to keep her happy...

Finishing up a livestock trailer's electric brakes. It has never been adjusted, and 1 axle isn't getting power. Simple fix (knocks on wood) I hope. Then to the truck that pulls it, a water pump swap out. A full day of debauchery....

@bigsur51 If you run across some Fat Wood chunks from them pines. I'll pay for the shipping for a few sticks. Need some for the bugout/ camping kits. Absolut best thing for starting a fire. We don't have pines in my neck of the woods.

enjoy :wave:

no pines up here Amigo , cedar , fir , alder , and maple

a couple of the huge maples , burl wood , some very expensive slabs


Well-known member
Premium user
Dad used to say that marbles were really round and the only good ones were centerless turned agates. Sadly they didn't make them anymore and I never saw one.

I never had toy soldiers, because my Great Depression era parents didn't believe in spending money on toys. For birthdays and Christmas, we got clothes, et al. An exception was my first 22 rifle, a Stevens Crackshot, that I got for Christmas

Except in rare occasions, I bought all my toys or made them myself. Sometimes other people gave me toys for my birthday or Christmas.
We didn’t get a lot of store bought toys either but my momma cleaned house for this rich lady in Virginia Beach when I was little. We went with her sometimes. She would often send a bag or two of her grandsons toys home with my momma. it would be like better than Christmas getting the bags. That’s where my old Mickey Mouse watch came from.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
When you shoot them out of a muzzleloader they stay intact until impact as well.........just in case anyone needs to know that.
Marbles worked dang well when I was a kid and we had 15c slingshots and clear facemasks (my Daddy had brought home a bunch that had been left on his train). You couldn't very well deny when you've been hit and eliminated.


Cabana’s bitch
I had a pretty comfortable childhood and I was brought up in a very good Christian household, but I still turned out to be a rotten apple. My grandfather gave me molds to make lead soldiers and when I got a little older, my father gave me a torch and a lot of leaded pieces from the tire shop. I made an entire army and hand painted every one of the soldiers and gave them to my nephew. That was 50 years ago. My sister still has them on display in a glass case. I still have the soldier molds, but I doubt that I will ever pour lead again .

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Frisbee is a big thing here. We have a frisbee golf park just down the road. It’s always loaded with folks playing. Fancy frisbees now too
We didn't have frisbees, but played with paper plates.

As an adult I bought frisbees by the case from Molded Container Corp, for Heidi Ho @ $0.50 each, before the indestructible nylabone frisbees came out. Sometimes the frisbees lasted one throw and Heidi Ho would come back with it folded double like a taco and they never flew right again.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
For what it's worth, I've never played frisbee with a German Shepherd again because Heidi Ho developed spondalosis in her lower spine and I had to make a wheel chair for her.

Her best buddy Scout, another German Shepherd frisbee player had similar issues.

I've come to believe that big dogs shouldn't be making repeated high leaps.
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Cabana’s bitch
When Dutch was in his prime, I would buy him those big stuffed chuckit balls, and he would rip them apart and averaged about one a week. Then my friend started bringing over small traffic cones in which he chewed them to pieces and ended up leaving orange chunks in his poo. Finally, I made a 6 foot tall, slingshot out of pipe and used to launch the balls 100 yards for him and he would go get them every day and bring them back for more… both boys are out in the front yard enjoying the beautiful weather we have today… i’m very concerned about Ivan‘s emotional well-being when Dutch passes. Those two are inseparable…

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Sooooo at over six million files and about 24 hours running, my spy wear program stopped running and is frozen without ever reporting any finds. What a POS.

The spell check that came in the last computer package also can't find its bung hole with both hands and a detailed map. It balks an numerous common words and is clueless. It couldn't find Frisbee and offered freebee as the correct spelling.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Sooooo at over six million files and about 24 hours running, my spy wear program stopped running and is frozen without ever reporting any finds. What a POS.

The spell check that came in the last computer package also can't find its bung hole with both hands and a detailed map. It balks an numerous common words and is clueless. It couldn't find Frisbee and offered freebee as the correct spelling.
You need a Chromebook. They're like $100 gray wolf. You don't have to worry about viruses

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
When Dutch was in his prime, I would buy him those big stuffed chuckit balls, and he would rip them apart and averaged about one a week. Then my friend started bringing over small traffic cones in which he chewed them to pieces and ended up leaving orange chunks in his poo. Finally, I made a 6 foot tall, slingshot out of pipe and used to launch the balls 100 yards for him and he would go get them every day and bring them back for more… both boys are out in the front yard enjoying the beautiful weather we have today… i’m very concerned about Ivan‘s emotional well-being when Dutch passes. Those two are inseparable…
Before they came out with Atlatl style ball flingers, I used a sling to launch tennis balls for our pups.

Really handy from the standpoint that I could wad them up and stick them in my pocket.

As a kid, besides real slings, we also made what they now call slingshots using inter tube rubber for shooting rocks, ball bearings, and marbles but that's not the politically incorrect name that we called them.

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