I planted mine outdoors with minimal soil amendments or adjustments, and they remained stunted but matured.First go at it. I am a gardener at heart and these will go out in my yard(backyard to keep nosy neighbors unaware). I have read that they are legal as long as I am not milking them.
Good deal was that they flower on a long day, unlike cannabis on a short day's sun/light, and our longest day for light on June 21st, Summer Solstice, is about 21' 50".
Neighbors got into a somewhat controlled domestic violence call (he was working up on the North Slope on a rig, and sending his $ home, and she was spending it on coke and weed; not that I knew anything about that. ).
The State Troopers came to the wrong driveway (MINE!!) and rather than taking time to drive to the correct drive, walked through the woods to get there more expeditiously, inadvertently walking RIGHT THROUGH my poppies.
The poppies survived just fine, and the Troopers apparently had no clue they were walking through such a thing.
It was old DV law, and the Troopers ended up staying to more or less referee; the woman and man were 'throwing' 8"x8"x16" cinder blocks at and through the windows of each other's vehicles, though there was a definite disadvantage, as she was very slight of stature, and had to struggle and strain, swinging the blocks like a pendulum, in order to get them up high enough with enough momentum to even come close to putting them through his windows, whereas he was far better suited to 'tossing' cinder blocks..
No crime to destroy your own property... even when it looks like a clip from an Abbott and Costello, Three Stooges, or Keystone Cops movie..
Another moment defining the reasons to be scrutinous of who you live next door to, even in the woods, if you're dealing or engaged in suspect activities.
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