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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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Good morning venerable flatulent ones! View attachment 18942685 View attachment 18942686

Mucho rain starting at 40F and predicted to reach 46F.

An empty calendar but looks like I will be resealing the downstairs bathtub enclosure. We put in faux marble when we remodeled a couple decades ago, and this will be the third time I've had to recaulk the bottom joint. All of the vertical joints stay pristine, but for some reason the lower one continues to fail..........
Is the tub flexing from the weight ?
Some times vigorous activity happens in tubs whether you're alone or with company.


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good morning

a balmy 11 degrees out here on the prairies of eastern Colorado , 55 miles from the Kansas border

there is a town about 60 miles north of us and they are madder than hornets…

seems the city council worked out a deal to bring in over 300 people from the border and house them at an old prison that was shut down a few years ago

lots of unrest across the land

me?….since there is no rest for the wicked , and the righteous don’t need any , I will smoke some flowers and bring some world peace into this small spot n the planet

coffee , weed , and world peace are my goals for the day
I stand with you Brother ☝️
Like to eat sumpin first❤️


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When I wuz a little kid, my father took us to the Palisades on the Hudson River to watch a thundering fleet of bombers and fighters fly over. Then we went to someone's house there, and there was a crow in a big cage outside.

I was allowed to feed him a raspberry from a nearby bush, and was told to ask him what he was. It went this way:

5-year old me: "What are you?"

Crow: "I'm a crow!"

Me: "What is your name?"

Crow: "My name is Jimmy The Crow!"

What an amazing day. And I was allowed to pick and eat all the red raspberries I wanted.
Crows are real smart birds


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I suggest you speak to Pute about the advantages and the disadvantages of not having appropriate head and footwear.
We almost had a thread of "Appropriate head and Footwear" on the last group I was with but no one knew how to spell appropriate.
I was 15 years old and had a buddy ask me if I wanted to get high. I walked a couple blocks to his house when he tells me he has to go get it first. We jumped on a bus and that’s when everything went to shit! I’m waiting in the vestibule waiting for him watching it snow ❄️ harder n harder. He comes out a hour n a half later we burn 🔥 one walking to the bus stop 🚏 and then we waited and waited and waited for the bus. Finally a nice person in a 4 wheel drive says he heard on the radio that the buses stopped running. But he wouldn’t give us a ride cause he was only going around the block. CL🍀 Edit: I forgot to mention that I had just moved back from living down South but he was dressed like Nanuk of the North.
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You are spot on Gypsy.

But for those who have execration for doctors... Understand that the only reason you are reading this is because they extended your life.

WOW! Unca, that is some heavy shit. Better back it up.

OK. [/Himself]

Mankind had a breakthrough in medicine as a result of all that was learned by the utter carnage of the American Civil War and Europe in the mid-late 19th century.

Intruments were invented. Techniques for treating wounds and illness were developed. Medical schools became centers of knowledge disseminated to those willing and able to face the misery and problems of others.

This is the result:
View attachment 18942673
Note the straightness of the green (American) line since 1870. Mechanization made more food available -- although starvation per se was not the main cause of human death the fifty centuries prior to 1870. It was the dawn of sanitation.

For an example of the crudity/ignorance of the medical types in the US Civil War, surgeons would sharpen their knives on their boot soles. <-- TINS.

They just didn't know. But as time went on, they learned... and knowledge and lifespan grew.

In some areas, the (real) doctors are most ricky-tick at the level of the Civil War doctors in knowing what to do to extend the life of a body that was designed to peak at 43 years of age.

But at least acknowledge that you, personally, almost certainly would not be alive to read this except the the dedication and skill and knowledge of several doctors.

Like we useta say: There It Is.

PS: We all know that the medical profession is in the same condition as our economy -- using up all the dwindling reserves of real worth. Medical schools are teaching Zir/Zim bullshit now, and the real doctors -- the ones that actually saved your life and mine -- have dropped out, or are about to drop out of the shyster ruin of hospital bean counters.
My Buddy Spetzel son became a Dr.
You dont live and grow up with my Buddy and be useless.
He calls me and asks questions on what he is doing around the house and he does it all.
He just got offered a job in Va in a hospital for $410 k.
He has to go where the huntin is good


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I was 15 years old and had a buddy ask me if I wanted to get high. I walked a couple blocks to his house when he tells me he has to go get it first. We jumped on a bus and that’s when everything went to shit! I’m waiting in the vestibule waiting for him watching it snow ❄️ harder n harder. He comes out a hour n a half later we burn 🔥 one walking to the bus stop 🚏 and then we waited and waited and waited for the bus. Finally a nice person in a 4 wheel drive says he heard on the radio that the buses stopped running. But he wouldn’t give us a ride cause he was only going around the block. CL🍀
if it were now he would have been car jacked


Well-known member
Don't give up bow hunting -- here's your Unca to the fargin rescue.

I was a bow hunter for years... until my shot up shoulder came apart and had to be replaced with titanium and big lag bolts.

I could no longer draw back and hold.

A little piece of paper in my wallet was instrumental in me getting my best buck (mounted on the wall in my living room). The good news:

You can hunt in bow season with a crossbow. TINS Just get a doctor's note, and you will be issued a Special Game License. Permanent.

And you will become a far better shot -- this is at 40 fargin yards -- I could put it in your eye at that range... every fargin time:
Thank you @Unca Walt already have that slip of paper and a crossbow. Crossbows are legal for everyone here in MN now.
Between being a professional trapper and lived off of hunting in my 20's thru 50's, I just don't think I can kill anymore.
Was thinking of buying a Ravin crowboss my existing one is straight out of the Flintstones and old recurve one at that.
Used to survive off the land never really appreciated what I was eating back then till now and I really miss it.

Used to shoot sporting clays, skeet and trap but unfortunately shoulder has had it also.

Blew that out bench pressing and never quite healed correctly I'm using my left hand to help lower my right arm at times. So between all this and wrist wrestling, it's pretty well kapout.


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I've been down that rabbit hole on several occasions and still have yet to find an answer that had any scientific backing.

I keep coming back to..what's the difference between creating pollen sacs from colloidal silver and any other induced stress.

My theory is something along these lines. It comes down to the original mother and how sensitive she is to becoming hermaphroditic. You need to find a cultivar that can withstand  Alot of stress from environmental conditions without throwing sacks and then use the colloidal silver. If you have a weak mother in those regards then you can expect her offspring to be aswell.

Anyone can make fem seeds, but not everyone makes fem seeds that are less prone to becoming hermaphroditic. 🤔

Again, just my opinions and theories. I am ignorant and don't claim to know the entirety of the science.
Rodelization is another method.


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Anyone can make fem seeds, but not everyone makes fem seeds that are less prone to becoming hermaphroditic.
chemically reversed females don't make hermi's unless they are hermi prone plants

[..but then you don't need to reverse those ..lol]

a stable reversed plant however can make one or two male pods at the first couple internodes

clones from the seed plant will not do it

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