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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
can't believe i found this. i read it quite a while ago. i took it as gospel for timing the harvest for maximum THC, before senescence begins to degrade the THC:

tldr - mostly cloudy trichomes with some amber beginning to show.

which was my problem two harvest ago. i kept waiting but never saw more than a couple ambers. went 16 weeks. bud was fine. however, by the time the ladies in the veg box got into the flo box, hot weather hit hard and they don't like that. kind of fluffy bud - only a couple oz instead of the new norm 5 oz per plant.

lesson learned.


Well-known member
The way I look at vaccinations is I have had the polio vaccine. I never got polio. I have had the tetanus vaccine and never gotten tetanus. I have gotten the flu vaccine and gotten the flu so I don’t get the flu vaccine anymore. Until the CDC changed it definition of vaccine in 2021, it was always an inoculation that prevented disease. I will exit the soapbox now…
We all get to make our choices in life and live with them, sometimes with regret sometimes not. It's not my place to insinuate with strong emotion, what others should decide for themselves.

My wife and I take the vaccines that have been offered, there have been several. My wife felt off from the last one and is going to discuss that with her doctor.

I make sure I am up on tetanus because I have a lung disease and tetanus can get into your lungs.
There is no cost at the Public Health Office for the shot. In all the decades of taking it, never a problem.

I do what I do for myself and my wife, what others do is their business not mine.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
After doing about an hours worth of research, concluded that the plants are ready to be taken down because if they go all am they start to degrade. I also learned that the best time to cut the plant down is before the lights come back on. I’m not sure why that’s, what I’m seeing but I’m going to give it a try
The question about amber trichomes is kind of a tricky one because the practice of waiting until you see roughly 50% amber trichomes is well engrained in the growing community. Technically when trichomes turn amber that is a sign that the cannabinoids inside are degrading so in that sense any amber trichomes is a sign that the plant is going beyound peak ripeness. We as growers tend to not see it that way because the effect of the amber trichomes mixed with the ripe cloudy trichomes gives us a more narcotic couch lock effect which most find appealing. Now as far as trichomes that are "beyond" amber that is a sign of advanced degradation and in my experience that tends to happen when the plant is well beyond being ready to harvest or in the case where you have mostly cloudy but then a small area of very dark (beyond amber) trichomes that is a sign that the environment is less then ideal and some of the plant is getting stressed, maybe the light is to intense in crtain areas of the grow room, maybe the humidity is a bit off, maybe the grow area is too warm in spots or maybe the air ciculation in spots is not ideal. Another thing people tend to forget is that the ripening doesn't stop the moment you harvest the plant. Some trichomes can and will ripen during the drying/curing process. In other words you could theoretically harvest when there is only 20% amber showing but by the time the curing is finished you could be closer to that 50% people shoot for.

Now when I first started growing I like many others also followed that recommendation of 50% cloudy 50% amber because that's what all the more experienced growers were saying to look for. Unfortunately I quickly found that my plant's weren't following that same program and I would get very frustrated from going 3-4 weeks beyong the suggested flowering time and still only have about 10% amber Then I read somewhere about amber being the sign of degradation and that it was cloudy that says the trichomes are ripe. So I began harvesting more when I saw that the trichomes were mostly cloudy and stopped worrying about how much amber there was and I found that the finished product was as good if not slightly better then if I waited for 50% amber.

Really if people are wanting that more narcotic couch lock effect because they want a potent night time high that might also put you to sleep, they should be looking to grow a nice indica or indica dominent hybrid rather then trying to make a sativa or sativa dominent hybrid more narcotic by letting the trichomes turn amber. I think you're more likely to be successful in coming up with a good night time smoke with an Indica then you will with letting a sativs go more amber.

Now all of this is just opinion and not based on science. If you really want to find an answer based on more scientific information I would recommend you ask Uncle Ben as he has a college degree in Botony as well as considerable amount of experience as a farmer. His answers are more likely to be based on the science of the plant then on just opinions or feelings.


Cabana’s bitch
An interesting question, the earlier books I read on cannabis growing all praised the idea of harvesting a clear headed high wile the resin glands are clear. Today I see many claiming to harvest when resin glands are opaque. For those seeking like GW said a more sedate effect to harvest when amber sets in. I have never harvested late so I can't have an opinion. I do remember reading once someone suggesting that there red colored resin was the pinnacle of goodness. What one person desires in outcome could be opposite of another.

If you harvest I guess you could leave some branches for a later harvest and compare, I would be interested in this.

I will be very interested in what you decide as I will be starting my next crop soon and the objective will be to have a strong body effect for relaxation and eventually sleep and distracting my mind from pain.

Whatever you decide your plants are looking worthy of any cannabis enthusiast.

Thank you for the kind words, old man. It is my intent on taking these tomorrow when there’s a lot of Amber, but there’s also quite a bit of clear. I’ve been reading that if I take it clear, it’s gonna give me an up high and the Amber gives me a sedative effect. That’s what I grow for is a sedative effect. I’ve also learned that the best time to take a plant down is just before the lights come back on in the morning. If you do a little research, you’ll see what I’m talking about regarding when to take the plant down… I’m gonna be a busy camper tomorrow


Well-known member
I separated the colors. One Tide pods per load. Going to have clean underwear for the game tomorrow night 👍
Well, that comment made me chuckle, clean undies for the game, Are you worried DB when you jump up to catch the ball your going to lose your pants or are you thinking a female companion might be in the works. Grandma always told me to wear clean underwear in case I had to go to the hospital.

I don't know about there but I can't afford tide Pods. Purex costs me .10 cents a load.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
can't believe i found this. i read it quite a while ago. i took it as gospel for timing the harvest for maximum THC, before senescence begins to degrade the THC:

tldr - mostly cloudy trichomes with some amber beginning to show.

which was my problem two harvest ago. i kept waiting but never saw more than a couple ambers. went 16 weeks. bud was fine. however, by the time the ladies in the veg box got into the flo box, hot weather hit hard and they don't like that. kind of fluffy bud - only a couple oz instead of the new norm 5 oz per plant.

lesson learned.
16 weeks…? When I get a plant where the trichs won’t turn and I try and go past 10 weeks they start to herm on me. Because of that I am careful on the saliva strains I run.
I am pretty much an Indica kinda guy any way.

However the Bruce Banner I run finishes in 9 weeks….go figure.

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