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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Just got back from the city, I am now $700.00 poorer but have some goods for long term storage. Carnation Hot Chocolate at Walmart was very cheap this week and bought 4 containers for over winter use.

Best of all, was at Canadian Tire and bought 15kg of dolomite, 2 new fans and some peat pucks all for my tent use. It's hard to find finer dolomite I can find lots of course stuff but it takes too long to break down in my tent containers. Now I have to figure what to use for soil as I can no longer get Fox Farm.

Something must have been going on at the craft cannabis business, lots of vehicles there today.

Someone in front of us this morning hit and killed a deer. Did a fair bit of damage to their vehicle. The debris from the car was completely cleaned up on the drive back but there was still a dead deer there at the side of the road.

Yesterday pension checks were out and the grocery stores were full of old people(cantankerous bunch), Yeah, I know, that would be me too.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Someone in front of us this morning hit and killed a deer. Did a fair bit of damage to their vehicle. The debris from the car was completely cleaned up on the drive back but there was still a dead deer there at the side of the road.
Oh boy... If I have the "provenance" (eg: I know who/when it was hit), that deer most ricky-tick gets a ride home in my trunk. Lotsa fine venison. It ain't like dozens of 18-wheelers and a D-9 dozer have been doing circles on it. Not a thing wrong with the meat. BTW: Heart -- thin-sliced, breaded, and fried is fantastic.

With a nice red wine. <-- Goddang it -- that I cannot touch.


Well-known member
My very 1st. reaction was to get her here to live with me, now!
That is an emotional reaction %100 as Bigs post w/ her
pic caused me to bawl my eyes out.

My rational mind knows that I am no longer financially
able to have another dog as Vet costs have quadrupled
since 2020. I can handle the day to day care and regular
vet visits. Any kind of emergency such as happened
w/ Scooter is beyond my ability.

Causes me great sadness personally. It also causes
deep sadness for all the animals that need loving homes
and will not find one do to costs being prohibitive for
the average folks of meager means.

It cost just shy of 1k to find out Scooter was dying and
quickly. Minimum of 5k to hospitalize her and try to
save her life. I'm so sorry baby, mama just didn't have
the means to save you.
Sucks that everything comes down to the almighty dollar.

I was looking into some local rescues to find out how and
in what areas they take on volunteers. I cannot handle
the hard cases... yet but, there are opportunities to do
what I am able and give/ get doggie lovin's by investing
my time rather than $$.
I need a puppy pile :)

Sadly, the average cost of adoption and the vetting process
will most likely limit animals getting adopted also.
$500 adoption fee is the average in my parts.

I do have venmo, pay pal and zelle and will chip in to
get our little girl to littleleaf or dogster.
Hi imiubu, it is very expensive to take on a new member to the family, my last cat was costing over $2,000 a year. That was a few years ago and when I look at products we bought then, they have now all but doubled in price. Even finding a good vet is becoming difficult, never mind their high fees. When our cat died it cost us around $3,000 to find out it would cost thousands of dollars for surgery and then thousands of dollars for cancer treatment that was in a city about 300 miles away and none of it would mean the cat was going to survive. Of 3 vets who were involved in this course of treatment, one of them said to me, "you should take your cat home, love on him for a month and have him euthanised at the end of life."

That's what we did, I made sure I had a plan as to a course of action. I wanted to be with my cat but not watch him suffer more than he was at that point. The vet was right about the month. I had a copy of an end of life process through the vets office and what to watch for so my cat would not suffer needlessly.

It's unfortunate, there are so many animals in need of a good home.