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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Buhda and tiger.jpg


Well-known member
The woods behind my house will be thought to be a slaughter house when archaeologists excavate my property a few hundred years in the future. There are probably hundreds of marrow bones back there. We have been giving my dogs marrow bones for 20 or so years. My vet has commented on multiple occasions how great my dogs teeth look then admonish me when I tell them they get marrow bones. Zig has 4 in the house right now and he had 2 in the crate. I think he is a bit ‘damaged’ from his stint in the shelter but will hopefully forget the trauma and know that he is an integral part of the family. He is a project in process.

Note to self: reload pages before continuing an apparently unposted post…😁
The ABC ones (already been chewed) are not good for the four hour dog sit. It has to be a fresh frozen one to entertain them to not get into stuff or tear up things for 3-4 hours. i think we have gone thru a whole cows worth of them…


Well-known member
Good morning everybody. 🌞 All those who had “morning wood” today raise your hand. ✋ Ladies may participate by proxy. 😁 I root cuttings with an airstone and a 5 volt airpump that I bought for $ 0.80 cents. You can barely see the root at the bottom of this cutting.
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And this is my rig.
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Some guys were telling me about their “space age” cloning equipment that they paid hundreds of dollars for. 🙄 I would rather spend my money on something else. 😁 🌈
My cuttings have rooted in just a plain glass of water under my kitchen counter lights. I put these extra cuttings in a glass just for decoration. They would last forever I think but look at the roots. No pump no clonex just water.


Cabana’s bitch
I live out in the middle of nowhere by myself and things have to get done. Did I go into that pigpen yesterday and want to move 600 pounds of food, hell no. I find mowing my yard relaxing so I did that after I went after it with the pigs. I will go out after I get home from the gym and see what kind of mess they’ve made on the improvements. I’ve tried to leave behind a nice pen but pigs is pigs… I have no doubt they tore the place in New asshole over the night…


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I live out in the middle of nowhere by myself and things have to get done. Did I go into that pigpen yesterday and want to move 600 pounds of food, hell no. I find mowing my yard relaxing so I did that after I went after it with the pigs. I will go out after I get home from the gym and see what kind of mess they’ve made on the improvements. I’ve tried to leave behind a nice pen but pigs is pigs… I have no doubt they tore the place in New asshole over the night…
Your new name.....HOG BOY....


Well-known member
Good morning everyone. It’s gonna be a nice day today not getting temp above the high 70s. It rained last night giving the ground, garden and my outside plants a good drink so I’m not worried about them tosday. The rain is just stopping so we should get our dog walk and bike ride in today. ill prolly end up with a paintbrush in my hand trying to finish the porch and around the garage door and side door with the new color I chose. Still have not decided on the green for the shutters but I’m leaning more towards a more yellowish green but want to be sure before I paint them Kermit the frog green 🤪. I do think it would be a more cheerful color to drive up to but I don’t want it outrageous.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
My cuttings have rooted in just a plain glass of water under my kitchen counter lights. I put these extra cuttings in a glass just for decoration. They would last forever I think but look at the roots. No pump no clonex just water.
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there was an member over at the Cabana back in the day , a few will remember her , Mrs G1 , RIP

all her cuttings went in a Folgers container and onto the kitchen window sill , just plain tap water

and I wanna say she had a 99% clone rate

she may have used an oxygen aquarium stone

and here we were , sanitizing our razor blades , making cuts at a 45% angle , between internodes , cloning gel or powder , pre soaked rapid rooters plugs in water that has be Ph’d to perfection , sanitized cloning tray with dome , digital controlled heat mats , and spray bottle with distilled water

i won’t mention the temp and humidity controls , nor the lighting…

after ALL that , we still lost waaaaaaay more clones to damping off than Mrs G1 ever lost

she proved simple is and was better in this case