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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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If that were a real cockfight - them dicky-birds would have small razor sharp scimitar's bound to their legs - and so able to slice and dice -

- saw many a cockfight in the Philippines - where it's their national sport - Govenor Joel Reyes of Palawan was my close neighbour - and he had hundreds of Cockerell's staked out on his land - with loads of training staff that had these male chickens 🐔 working out - every day - 😳 - didn't lead to a very peaceful environment - so was glad when he was deposed as Govenor - and had to flee the country - for killing my vetenary surgeons husband - because he said some nasty (but true) things about him - on the local radio station -
I am Godfather to a twin.
She is a sweetheart ,forensic scientist and teaches forensics.
Smart cookie too because the coast guard needs forensics experience, she is now a LT in the coast guard too
She is married to a great guy half Irish and half Philippine.
When She got married I noticed while into the wedding they went around to each table and took a table picture.
I got up and got into every table picture on his Philippine Mothers side,. every one.☝️
I also raised bees then and gave her 120 1 oz honey bears filled with honey with the date saying "Meant to bee!"


Well-known member
Premium user
I went to Aldis yesterday, I met some guy by the chicken .
He started talkin chicken, how he cooks it ,where he cooks it ,when he cooks it, why he cooks it.
All I wanted was thighs.
It should be illegal to tell your life story at a Aldis food store.
I think I saw that same guy at aldis frozen shrimp section. He saw me reading the labels and wanted to talk forever about it.


Well-known member
Wasted day. Didn't get much accomplished. Tomorrow is another day. Guess I will just hang out. Maybe shoot some pool....sure ain't gonna watch daytime TV.....
The new code for aging people...why do today what you can do tomorrow.

I only watch TV in the evening. One of my favorite shows starts soon, Alone.

I did my morning chores and will be a slacker until time to make supper...scrambled eggs(peppers & onions), with fried potatoes inside a tortilla.


Well-known member
The pollen…


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I brought de money
just like de lawyer said to do

does anyone really believe that there is coffee in that cup?…🤓🤓🤓

View attachment 19012594

Ummmmm, to which cup are you referring?
Finished product. What do you call this GW? Some was still gooey.....probably should have waited a day or two longer. Still have some gooey stuff to get. Tomorrow. The round ball is the gooey part.

View attachment 19012633

I am sure Big is gonna chime in and try and make me feel guilty.......I won't.
That would probably be called Shatter or Pull and Snap.

The part that is still soft most likely has the 5% water.

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