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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Good morning



Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning brothers and sisters! View attachment 19010023 View attachment 19010024

Cloudy with showers here starting at 46F and predicted to reach 64F.

The break in our kitchen drain was repaired, the line hydro blasted, and a camera run through it, to find yet another break directly under our front walkway. Wal shit......... More work to be done.

A call and nice visit from my son. Funny that we talked about him at breakfast and then he called out of the blue, like his ears were burning.

I also got a call from Eloquent Solution, one of my former Skunk Pharm Research partners, who scheduled a visit tomorrow afternoon.

Dinner out at the Japanese seafood restaurant that replaced Yuki's, our favorite. Probably the last time there because of a more limited menu and exorbitant prices. The sushi was still good.
FFS! under your walkway🙄
Srry to hear that


Well-known member
Good mornin' all you fine, fine, super fine folks of the OOFC!

Another cool drizzly day here in the city.

I've been spending most of my free time in the apt. downstairs, readying it for new tenants.
The 'painters' (using the term very loosely as well they did paint, sigh) are done finally.
When the GC came in to fix the water valve for the toilet, he was looking around commenting
on what a horrible paint job those cats did. I cannot just let the shitty painting stand so...
I told my LL if he approves, I will purchase (he will reimburse) some paint/ rollers and give
the place a 2nd coat. He approved. Today, I'll pick up all the hardware, paint and misc.
items and begin in the bathroom as it's the most difficult room to navigate.

I was super ticked when the 'lead' painter went against my direct instructions and painted
both the bathroom and kitchen the opposite colors than what I asked for. Fuck head.
Have I mentioned that his guy is a hack? Been here 15 yrs. and I am well aware of his
poor workmanship and arrogant know it all attitude, sigh.
In the current construction trades, real painters are not only in high demand and booked
out for months... they are also deeply price gouging. This is a rush job so... LL used
this guy in a pinch. I'll fix his fuck ups though :)

Yesterday, I asked Mike the GC if the vanity was to be replaced in the bathroom.
He said it was not on the list. My reply was "oh hell no, that thing must be 60+ years old".
His reply was... "Tell Jim, you seem to be able to get what you want".
So, I strongly suggested that the vanity be replaced. The vanity will now be replaced :)

The old ceiling light fixtures will all be updated also and I got to choose the styles :)
I love fixing/ restoring old homes and I am so grateful for this opportunity to use my skills.
The place is going to look saweeeet!

I realized yesterday as I worked that besides enjoying making things fresh and new...
I am also doing this to rid the place of the negative energy of the previous terror of
a tenant I dealt w/ for the entire time I've lived here. Friday, once all the workers
(should) are done, I am going to smudge the entire house, property.
Not sure if it actually does the job but, the positive energy/ meditation of smudging
will do me good :)

Do, do, do looking out my front porch...


5:45 a.m. from my smoking chair on the front porch.
Not terrible for living downtown in 'greater LA' ;)

Alrighty folks... have a groovy day!
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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Good mornin' all you fine, fine, super fine folks of the OOFI :wave:

Another cool drizzly day here in the city.

I've been spending most of my free time in the apt. downstairs, readying it for new tenants.
The 'painters' (using the term very loosely as well they did paint, sigh) are done finally.
When the GC came in to fix the water valve for the toilet, he was looking around commenting
on what a horrible paint job those cats did. I cannot just let the shitty painting stand so...
I told my LL if he approves, I will purchase (he will reimburse) some paint/ rollers and give
the place a 2nd coat. He approved. Today, I'll pick up all the hardware, paint and misc.
items and begin in the bathroom as it's the most difficult room to navigate.

I was super ticked when the 'lead' painter went against my direct instructions and painted
both the bathroom and kitchen the opposite colors than what I asked for. Fuck head.
Have I mentioned that his guy is a hack? Been here 15 yrs. and I am well aware of his
poor workmanship and arrogant know it all attitude, sigh.
In the current construction trades, real painters are not only in high demand and booked
out for months... they are also deeply price gouging. This is a rush job so... LL used
this guy in a pinch. I'll fix his fuck ups though :)

Yesterday, I asked Mike the GC if the vanity was to be replaced in the bathroom.
He said it was not on the list. My reply was "oh hell no, that thing must be 60+ years old".
His reply was... "Tell Jim, you seem to be able to get what you want".
So, I strongly suggested that the vanity be replaced. The vanity will now be replaced :)

The old ceiling light fixtures will all be updated also and I got to choose the styles :)
I love fixing/ restoring old homes and I am so grateful for this opportunity to use my skills.
The place is going to look saweeeet!

I realized yesterday as I worked that besides enjoying making things fresh and new...
I am also doing this to rid the place of the negative energy of the previous terror of
a tenant I dealt w/ for the entire time I've lived here. Friday, once all the workers
(should) are done, I am going to smudge the entire house, property.
Not sure if it actually does the job but, the positive energy/ meditation of smudging
will do me good :)

Do, do, do looking out my front porch...

View attachment 19010029

5:45 a.m. from my smoking chair on the front porch.
Not terrible for living downtown in 'greater LA' ;)

Alrighty folks... have a groovy day!

how close,are you to downtown Burbank?


Well-known member

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Well-known member
Smoking herb since age 15 and being 'raised' in the culture of marijuana...
I learned that '"loose lips, sink ships" and other important practices to help
keep me out of jail (or worse) hopefully.

Never in the past would I have stated where I live on an open forum.
Nope, neva eva give out personal details!

Times have changed and, I at least, currently live in an area of
rather permissive attitudes and laws concerning cannabis.
The way our rec law is written... they could still come in and...
do what law enforcement does.

I am less concerned these days however as there are much
bigger fish to fry than I. + I can walk around my city and smell
who is growing weed and... it is being grown in abundance in
homes all around the area.

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