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The Original O'l Farts Club.


ICMag Donor
I wasn’t at the bring me back down point maybe one more hit and I would have been. 🤣


Well-known member
View attachment 19009336
Looks like ham and cheesy taters is off the menu and spaghetti and planting taters is on it.
Been saving up a bunch of sunshine mix just for this occasion.

Spud babies!

This made me think of something.
This thread does that a LOT haha.
Since I don't have granbabies to share my stories with,
looks like I'm sharing them with all the old farts here :)

Some 30+ years ago I was working in a little family owned restaurant.
Small place, small crew and it was a delight working there.
Owners and crew all worked well together.

The kitchen helper was Hector. Yep, hippy Hector.
Missing all his front teeth yet smiled all the time.
Had a slew of kids that he loved as well as his wife.
He had another full time job at a local nursery and they
treated him terribly there so, he really liked coming to work
with us.
He was a bit 'slow'? Well, street smart yet not
educated perhaps.
Nicest guy you could have on your crew.

Every day when he came in, his first job was to hand peel
50LB's of potatoes. Drudgery for most but he said while
it was boring, he liked it better than some jobs he'd done.

I began calling him my spud bunny.
He got the biggest kick out of it and laughed like a kid.
I liked when Hector laughed as I knew his life was very hard.
Anything to bring some fun to his life was my goal.

Man... hadn't thought of Hector and the crew there in ages.


Well-known member
Have been doing chores off and on today, means making a simple supper tonight.
It's also a meatless day 1 of 2 per week. I am going to make buttermilk pancakes. The last time I made pancakes I wondered why it was taking so long to fry them, it seemed like forever.

Then the light in my head went off, instead of using 2 cups of buttermilk I had used 4 cups.

This is the kind of mindless things I do, makes me wonder about my cognitive abilities.

Just a few minutes ago, I was going through receipts and didn't find the one I needed from Home Depot.
I remember the paint stripper but... what else did I buy???
Still unable to locate the receipt so... I just said screw it... it'll show up and stopped thinking on it.

Went out on the porch to have a smoke and bam... I remembered! Got to have it for the LL so... cool.
As I sit here typing this out... for the life of me... I cannot remember again. WTH? :oops:


Well-known member
Where I live they only sell fake weed or that’s what I call it anyway. I’ve never tried it but they do sell a lot of it as well as edibles and stuff but not real THC stuff I think. I know I might be talking outta my ass but I don’t think this weed is any good so folks are lacing it with something and selling it. I’ve never heard of weed that made you crazy. I too once had some laced weed in the early 80s that made me disappear in the mirror don’t know what was in it but I ended up staying home instead of going to the disco. 🤪
PCP maybe?
Somewhere in the mid late 70's I got a hold of some of that unbeknownst to me.
Made me blind and freezing cold in warm weather. I could hear a train coming
and I was in the dark tunnel. Freakiest thing. My friend got me to bed and hung
out w/ me til it passed about 4 hrs. later. Never touched PCP and never took a
doob from an unknown source again.


Well-known member
Premium user
PCP maybe?
Somewhere in the mid late 70's I got a hold of some of that unbeknownst to me.
Made me blind and freezing cold in warm weather. I could hear a train coming
and I was in the dark tunnel. Freakiest thing. My friend got me to bed and hung
out w/ me til it passed about 4 hrs. later. Never touched PCP and never took a
doob from an unknown source again.
I knew the source and also knew it was something “special” but I didn’t think anything of it since you smoked it like weed I thought it was special weed. I’m not sure what it was. I was reading it was common to find xylazine being used now to get high.


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Premium user
when I was growing in 10-22 gal totes filled with 100% perlite , well that stuff adds up

we have loaded it up on a double axel trailer and covered it up with a tarp and then when we got out in the country we took the tarp off and drove down the dirt road 60 mph…

we have spread perlite far and wide in this county

View attachment 19009428
I remember you telling that story. So funny…😁


Well-known member
I visited my grandma last when she didn’t know me as well. It was sad for sure she didn’t recognize me but I talked about her stories she told me about when she was little and made biscuits for her family. We talked about it over and over again and she was happy to tell me about it so I was ok at the end knowing I could at least make her smile my last visit with her.
We're all getting to the age... we'll have to deal with older folks with memory issues.

We were on the Alzheimer's train for 10 years with my MIL. Dementia isn't much different.

A good book to read is "The 36 Hour Day".

A good 'life lesson' is to not argue with them when they tell you something that you KNOW DID NOT HAPPEN like they are saying! It's best to agree with them and let it pass. IF you argue "Mom! That's not what happened!" You'll only upset yourself and piss them off and make them angry. Don't do it!!

It is THEIR reality at that moment, so the best advice is GO WITH IT! Whatever they say happened... happened just the way they 'remember' it! They might not recognize you, but they will 'remember you' as someone who made them feel good. Emotions are a BIG deal!

It's a one-way destination and people make the mistake of trying to 'fix' them. It can't be 'fixed' no way, no how!! It is what it is!

The best thing anyone can do is be "Caring, Reassuring, and Affectionate". It will be difficult!

That's it!

That will make their last years the best for them and you'll retain your sanity!

Some helpful hints:
*POA dies with the patient... a Last WILL and Testament is the best assurance their wishes will be honored.
*A Durable Medical POA allows one to make medical decisions for them.
*Blood is thicker than water.
*Money comes in between relations!!
*If they have a DNR, do not allow them (nursing home staff) to call an ambulance and take them to a hospital. DNR's mean nothing at the hospital 'do no harm' and they'll hook them up to a machine to 'save them' and that might require a court order to unplug!
*When the body starts to shut down LET IT! Force feeding and/or water is painful for the body and prolongs the inevitable.
*As the body shuts down the brain stem and the heart are the last to go. Palliative care will administer a morphine drip (or oral roxanol) to calm the body - dying can be a herky-jerky thing otherwise. In days of yore, the country doctor would give them 'a boost' into the next world.
*Taking ashes across State lines will require a permit. TSA will want to open the urn and ask a lot of questions!
*Death is the next plane. Embrace it. Laugh a lot with them and enjoy the process.

You're welcome....
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