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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You made a strong case for not owning a vehicle. Your gov't gives free transportation passes, that's great.

I have always been a fan of walking, such a simple thing for most and in my rural walks, there was always something from the natural world that stood out.

Glad to hear your feeling positive and soon to be healthier than you have.
Yup - it should be all on the up and up now - after finally getting the heart ❤️ full service and valve fix + pacemaker - that can be controlled remotely by a buncha dedicated cardiologists - that monitor my heart 24/7 - with this gadget - that sits under the telly at home -

- and I can get back to my walking straight away - but a bit gentler during the 8-12 weeks recovery - and I'll kick it off next week by going to see and feed Spanky and Smudge the elderly cats - twice a day - on foot - Spanky's owners are off for a month holiday in Portugal - and Smudge lives almost next door - and both need some TLC every day - or they will get terrible separation anxiety - as well as food and water - so it's a good mile walk out there - and a mile back - twice a day - from my apartment - and that should be plenty of exercise for me as I recover - and can't work my upper body - till that's all healed up - so no gym till healed heart and chest - should be just over 8 weeks I reckon - since I'm a fast healer -
- and I love walking - particularly when the flowers 💐 and trees 🌳 and 🪴 plants are in bloom - so much to watch and look at when you are only travelling at 3mph or so 😀


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So they have to burn every nerve ending associated with your pain, ohhh boy.
Not every nerve ending not all nerve endings are involved in the trasmission of pain signals to the brain. Only the ones solely responsible for sending pain signals to the brain are the ones that get burned typically this involves just two per affected vertabrae, as I understand it. One on the left and one on the right side. Other nerve endings are responsible for all sorts of other types of communication and as such are not eligable for burning.
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Well-known member
I am in my mid 70's and I don't necessarily feel like a young whipper snapper! However I still get around pretty well. Multiple things I could complain about but it doesn't help. Just makes me feel better knowing that we are all in this together and we all love to smoke weed.

Old age and cannabis go hand in hand, for many. That's why I am here now, when I first visited this site about 20 years ago it was for a different reason.

I recall reading one time, in an opium producing region it was frowned upon for young people to use opium but once you were old and not as productive, have at it.


Well-known member
Yup - it should be all on the up and up now - after finally getting the heart ❤️ full service and valve fix + pacemaker - that can be controlled remotely by a buncha dedicated cardiologists - that monitor my heart 24/7 - with this gadget - that sits under the telly at home -

- and I can get back to my walking straight away - but a bit gentler during the 8-12 weeks recovery - and I'll kick it off next week by going to see and feed Spanky and Smudge the elderly cats - twice a day - on foot - Spanky's owners are off for a month holiday in Portugal - and Smudge lives almost next door - and both need some TLC every day - or they will get terrible separation anxiety - as well as food and water - so it's a good mile walk out there - and a mile back - twice a day - from my apartment - and that should be plenty of exercise for me as I recover - and can't work my upper body - till that's all healed up - so no gym till healed heart and chest - should be just over 8 weeks I reckon - since I'm a fast healer -
- and I love walking - particularly when the flowers 💐 and trees 🌳 and 🪴 plants are in bloom - so much to watch and look at when you are only travelling at 3mph or so 😀
If you can work your legs the rest of your bodys muscles get some benefit. I have seen research about working one arm and seeing growth in the other arm.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I was blown away by how easy it was to tell family resemblance at first glance after she was cleaned up and regained her head shape.

My daughter and ET would have been a contest for out of this world looks at birth. Her head was conical shaped and looked sort of like half a cantaloupe sitting on a popsicle stick with purple vein standing out.
When my son was born in 2010 - his head was the shape of a large Mango 🥭 - so I nicknamed him MANGO - and that's what we called him for many years - until he objected one day quite recently - and said ' Dad! - can you stop naming me after some sorta fruit! - my name is Sebastian - and I'd prefer it if you called me that!' - and so it was - he was no longer Mango -


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Old age and cannabis go hand in hand, for many. That's why I am here now, when I first visited this site about 20 years ago it was for a different reason.
Goes hand in hand for me. I enjoy talking with people my age. They will still look you in the eye and shake your hand. Millennials have a difficult time looking a senior in the eye.

On my daily walks when passing somebody I always look them straight in the eye. If they look back I wave and say Hi! If they don't farg em.

The members on this thread are my kind of folk and I enjoy sharing our life's experiences....plus we all love marijuana weather we grow or just smoke it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Thanks Bro. I appreciate your words of wisdom. Starting to get a bit anxious ....... I will live. I think.....
Given the way you've talked about your pain and how you manage it I'm confident you'll do just fine. It's perfectly natural to be anxious any time you get a new procedure. Especially one designed to temporarily stop certain nerve endings from functioning normally by burning them. It's not as bad as it might sound to someone new to it. Also given the way you've talked about your pain management I feel you'll probably have a better outcome then someone who does not know how to manage their pain.


Well-known member
Yup - it should be all on the up and up now - after finally getting the heart ❤️ full service and valve fix + pacemaker - that can be controlled remotely by a buncha dedicated cardiologists - that monitor my heart 24/7 - with this gadget - that sits under the telly at home -

- and I can get back to my walking straight away - but a bit gentler during the 8-12 weeks recovery - and I'll kick it off next week by going to see and feed Spanky and Smudge the elderly cats - twice a day - on foot - Spanky's owners are off for a month holiday in Portugal - and Smudge lives almost next door - and both need some TLC every day - or they will get terrible separation anxiety - as well as food and water - so it's a good mile walk out there - and a mile back - twice a day - from my apartment - and that should be plenty of exercise for me as I recover - and can't work my upper body - till that's all healed up - so no gym till healed heart and chest - should be just over 8 weeks I reckon - since I'm a fast healer -
- and I love walking - particularly when the flowers 💐 and trees 🌳 and 🪴 plants are in bloom - so much to watch and look at when you are only travelling at 3mph or so 😀
There is a walking meditation effect when a person can take the time and emotionally feel the world around them. Being the cat lover that I am, you win my heart over for your dedication to our feline friends.

At 60 you have long term plans, that's good.
Would I have a proper memory of you walking down a beach in past years with a dog/s

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
There is a walking meditation effect when a person can take the time and emotionally feel the world around them. Being the cat lover that I am, you win my heart over for your dedication to our feline friends.

At 60 you have long term plans, that's good.
Would I have a proper memory of you walking down a beach in past years with a dog/s
Ya - I love all animals ❤️ especially dogs 🐕 and cats 🐈 - and find enormous joy and relief in their company 😊 - they seem to understand me - and me them too - and are not generally as complicated and concieted as humans can be - so we always seem to get along well - most of the time - I actually prefer the company of animals over humans - and am quite happy to walk miles - just to go see them -


Well-known member
What a wonderful feeling to share our life's experiences. Here we are from around the world comfortable enough with each other, to give up something from our lives. Thank you all.

But there are dishes to be washed and I need to do one load of laundry. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my surgery and another possible 4 weeks for full recovery.


Well-known member
Not every nerve ending not all nerve endings are involved in the trasmission of pain signals to the brain. Only the ones solely responsible for sending pain signals to the brain are the ones that get burned typically this involves just two per affected vertabrae, as I understand it. One on the left and one on the right side. Other nerve endings are responsible for all sorts of other types of communication and as such are not eligable for burning.
Ya I'd have alot of burning to do, that's why I said all.
Fuckin back almost makes me want to tear up just planting a few small raised beds.
Could only weedeat for an hour and a half yesterday.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Well, yer Ancient One made YouTube today:

I got visited by a guy (Nick) I had never met in person, but knew from Precious Metals chat rooms. We were talking in the beautiful Floriduh sunshine, and I saw a friendly wildie coming out of my bushes. I had a can of peanuts, and decided to lure him out so Nick could see him up close.

I was unaware he was taking a video of me as I fed my wild/tame peacock “Beau” some peanuts.

Beau was born in my yard about 15 years ago, and lives here with his sibling Fancy Pants.

The fun part was that Beau, while being a tad shy with a stranger around, still did his routine of always caressing my head with his feathers after getting some goodies from me.

Meanwhile, looking at the video (I have never seen myself in video before) the first thing that popped into my mind was:

“He was big and bent and gray and old…”

Waitaminnit!! Waitafarginminnit!! I just noticed. I ain't that fat. I wuz wearing a brace.

Just sayin'...

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I was blown away by how easy it was to tell family resemblance at first glance after she was cleaned up and regained her head shape.

My daughter and ET would have been a contest for out of this world looks at birth. Her head was conical shaped and looked sort of like half a cantaloupe sitting on a popsicle stick with purple vein standing out.
First time I saw my first son... instant recognition: Faint orange fuzz on his head.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Well, yer Ancient One made YouTube today:

I got visited by a guy (Nick) I had never met in person, but knew from Precious Metals chat rooms. We were talking in the beautiful Floriduh sunshine, and I saw a friendly wildie coming out of my bushes. I had a can of peanuts, and decided to lure him out so Nick could see him up close.

I was unaware he was taking a video of me as I fed my wild/tame peacock “Beau” some peanuts.

Beau was born in my yard about 15 years ago, and lives here with his sibling Fancy Pants.

The fun part was that Beau, while being a tad shy with a stranger around, still did his routine of always caressing my head with his feathers after getting some goodies from me.

Meanwhile, looking at the video (I have never seen myself in video before) the first thing that popped into my mind was:

“He was big and bent and gray and old…”

oh wow man! that is a beautiful bird, i had no idea they lived that long
we have wild flocks of peacocks here in san diego, they live in the east county mostly (inland san diego) and they call them a muster of peacocks
i hear the make good watch animals because when startled the make this weird call
you dont look that bad for an old fart brother!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So it's one more night 🌙 at St Thomas's Hospital - then either the Mrs or the boy will pick me up - and make sure I get home alright - and I've got those Zamaldelica auto/fems to get started - as soon as I'm back there - got me pots and compost ready to go for this year's little grow - 😀 - let's hope we get lots of nice sunny days - out there on the balcony - free vitamin D - and lotsa growing company -


Well-known member
Premium user
oh wow man! that is a beautiful bird, i had no idea they lived that long
we have wild flocks of peacocks here in san diego, they live in the east county mostly (inland san diego) and they call them a muster of peacocks
i hear the make good watch animals because when startled the make this weird call
you dont look that bad for an old fart brother!
They scream like a woman being chased. My neighbor Nextdoor had them and I would go outside and scream and they would scream back 🤣