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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Mornin" Ol Farts.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well I don't know about for anyone else but at least for me Gypsy's call to the server guru got everything resolved and the pages are loading right away again.

As for the topic of naps, I don't have a particular preference one way or the other. My only requirement for me to like them is that I have enough time to complete them. I hate taking a nap pnly to wake up and find I missed an appointment or some other thing that had to be done that day. As for taking them, well that's gotten real easy since I entered my 60's all I got to do is eat a meal and then sit in front of the TV for about 10 minutes. Then Boom, out go the lights. The only thing that works better for taking a nap is a good Indica. :faint:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Lucky me! I get to go in for the 4th round of shots in my spine. This time they are gonna burn the nerve endings. Don't know exactly what to expect but I'm gonna find out!
It's pretty much the same as getting the shots except that it takes slightly longer and depending on how good or bad the local anesthetic is working you might feel a slight heating sensation for about 30 seconds per nerve ending burned. If you want they can put you under rather then just giving you a local but if you go that route they'll want someone else to drive you home. If you go with just the local they'll let you drive yourself home but they may make you wait for 15-30 minutes before they let you go, just to make sure you're good to drive.
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
It's pretty much the same as getting the shots except that it takes slightly longer and depending on how good or bad the local anesthetic is working you might feel a dlight heating sensation for about 30 seconds per nerve ending burned. If you want they can put you under rather then just giving you a local but if you go that route they'll want someone else to drive you home. If you go with just the local they'll let you drive yourself home but they may make you wait for 15-30 minutes before they let you go, just to make sure you're good to drive.
Thanks HempKat! I am getting sedated for this round. Mrs Pute will drive me home.

Funny thing....days after the shot my back is noticably better but right before the next shots the pain returns.

Thinking/hoping this is the last visit in this series.... question is....how long will the relief last....?


Cabana’s bitch
Thanks HempKat! I am getting sedated for this round. Mrs Pute will drive me home.

Funny thing....days after the shot my back is noticably better but right before the next shots the pain returns.

Thinking/hoping this is the last visit in this series.... question is....how long will the relief last....?
Pute, I’ve had my spinal bladed four times and it’s never lasted more than a year. It all depends on how much damage you’ve done to your back whether it be exposed nerves or bone on bone. I’m getting close to bone bone and I don’t think the injections are going to give me much more relief, the first time I had the shot it lasted for two years then it lasted for 18 months, then the next one lasted a year, my most recent one was about six months ago and I’m stiff as a board in the morning… a lot has to do with your level of activity stressing your back…

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Lucky me! I get to go in for the 4th round of shots in my spine. This time they are gonna burn the nerve endings. Don't know exactly what to expect but I'm gonna find out!
Congratulations lucky brother! Unfortunately, the shots didn't touch my pain, so I'm not a candidate for Radio Frequency Ablation.

Same good luck with your procedure!


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Pute, I’ve had my spinal bladed four times and it’s never lasted more than a year. It all depends on how much damage you’ve done to your back whether it be exposed nerves or bone on bone. I’m getting close to bone bone and I don’t think the injections are going to give me much more relief, the first time I had the shot it lasted for two years then it lasted for 18 months, then the next one lasted a year, my most recent one was about six months ago and I’m stiff as a board in the morning… a lot has to do with your level of activity stressing your back…
Guess I am farged! MRI shows bone to bone!

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Well, yer Ancient One made YouTube today:

I got visited by a guy (Nick) I had never met in person, but knew from Precious Metals chat rooms. We were talking in the beautiful Floriduh sunshine, and I saw a friendly wildie coming out of my bushes. I had a can of peanuts, and decided to lure him out so Nick could see him up close.

I was unaware he was taking a video of me as I fed my wild/tame peacock “Beau” some peanuts.

Beau was born in my yard about 15 years ago, and lives here with his sibling Fancy Pants.

The fun part was that Beau, while being a tad shy with a stranger around, still did his routine of always caressing my head with his feathers after getting some goodies from me.

Meanwhile, looking at the video (I have never seen myself in video before) the first thing that popped into my mind was:

“He was big and bent and gray and old…”



Pffffffft...........deez nutz.
That's the most positive thing I have this morning.
I cannot believe that self centered bitch actually took a job at the grocery store.
Fuck them kids they make more money than we ever did and already have a nice inheritance.
Now I have to find something to entertain myself all damn day...........she is gonna regret that.