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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Regarding the compressed bales of coco, do you need to rinse it first before use, and is it reuseable?

I get great results with the original Hempy mix, but when I run outta medium I'll have to give that God darn coco a try coz Hempy loves the stuff lol.

I've never used the compressed stuff but everything i've read about it says YES you must wash / flush the salts out of it . i use the loose bag of canna , its the cleanest coco you can get .


half cat half man half baked
but mostly for the extra weight at the bottom, coco drys up really light and perlite is very light as well so my plants get VERY top-heavy.

...anyway i'm sure you could use gravel or lava-rock or glass beads, either would give you some added stability for your plants.

Check on the 600w link in my sig and the most recent pictures were I showed how I supported the top-heavy buds and how well (or not) the branches hold up.

I would not recommend adding anything to your medium for the sake of stability or to supposedly help drainage because this makes for less space for roots to grow. Coco in simple terms is a better wick than hydrotron so when your coco is saturated, the water at the bottom is not going to move into the hydrotron area. It is just going to sit there while it loses oxygen and makes a bad place for roots to grow. UNLESS you can work with or get around effectively using a smaller container and consequently lesser yeilds. I don't think there is anyway to grow big buds on certain strains without directly supporting the buds. If your concerned about container stability, support them directly.

Many hempy bucket growers might reluctant to tie up buds because then you can't move the bucket around. Using string as I have done is so easy that you can cut em down and put em back up every time you need to move. Also, fixing the plants might make recovering runoff more difficult, but if you can raise the containers off the ground or lead a hose below the ground level the containers are on, you can just use the siphoning effect to move your water with no pumps so you can still keep things simple.


I like to run some weak nutrient solution through a fresh bale of expanded coco, but most coco now-a-days doesn't require alot of flushing to be ready to use.


Active member
...dansbuds, I loved those Walmart cloners so much I built a special home for 4 of them, lol, with space down below for short-term vegging of newly rooted clones.

...here i'm potting a few up into 9oz solo 'pots'.

...i mention this because when I switched from organic soil to coco hempys ala K.I.S.S. I decided to try cloning in straight coco and I attribute the ease of the transition to my experience with passive wick cloning in my Walmart cloners.

...anyway, now I take a cut, dip it into my special cloning gel (1/8 teaspoon of rooting powder stirred into about a teaspoon of honey, lol), ...then I just stuff the cut into a 9oz solo 'pot' filled with moist coco and wait 6 to 10 days.

...i believe these were 23 days from the day I clipped them from mom.



...anyway, my cloning op is way simpler now, not more effective, just easier, plus, my cuts are bigger now and seem to take off faster.

Peace, SOG


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Yeah SOG my old wardrobe cabinet is set for cuttings cloner & small veg on the bottom . i now have a seperate room for the bigger vegging plants (more room ) .





Seems like our cloning styles are pretty much the same :)
My cuttings don't have to be put into flower for 8 weeks cuz of my perpetual set up , so i don't use anything on the cuttings when putting them in the cloner . i just stick them in after scarring & let them sit for 3 weeks , changing the water every week . by the end of the second week , i have roots so i add a small dose of nutes to the water & by the end of the 3rd week i usually have roots coming out of the holes in the bottom caps :) then they go into solo cups for a week to establish good roots , then they go into 2 gallon buckets ,where they veg for another 4 weeks , i've been switching between 2 gallon nursery pots & 2 gallon hempys . i'm not happy with the growth of coco DTW in nursery pots so i'm going back to all coco hempys .
you use the heat from the lights below , i use a seedling heat mat .

I,ve been experimenting with different size cutting to see if i can take bigger cuttings & get them to root as easily as the smaller ones & yes it works greatv for huge cuts too :)
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Vegging's the most important part of the cannabis plant cycle. It's also the most difficult and skillful bit. I learn't this the hard way.

Preparing them in veg the best you can (topping, fimming, defoliating, supercropping, lst-ing etc, etc) will maximize your yields.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Hempys are stupid easy :) i don't know why i ever strayed away from them , but after the last few problems i had with coco DTW , i'm going back to the coco hempys with out a doubt !
I've even grown in 1 gallon hempys & produced huge !!!

heres a few shots of previous runs with hempys .








:) :) :) :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
SOG , i've been reading up on cloning in straight coco , but haven't tried it yet , gonna have to real soon :)

..anyway, now I take a cut, dip it into my special cloning gel (1/8 teaspoon of rooting powder stirred into about a teaspoon of honey, lol), ...then I just stuff the cut into a 9oz solo 'pot' filled with moist coco and wait 6 to 10 days.

in 10 days .... how many times would you water them ? keep them moist ? or give them a chance to dry out for root growth ??
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in the thick of it
I don't seem to have any luck cloning in straight perlite w/o the use of a dome. I've not tried coco yet though.
wait a minute. am I the only one who uses rockwool cubes for clones?...

And/or caveman cloning style?...



@Dan. Your Hempies are looking great mate. Nice work and thanks for sharing



New member
I hear that coco can give of K while witholding Calcium. Whether this is true or not, i think I;d like to give coco a try using 4 parts Perlite and 1 part coco. I;m used to GH 3-part and also to Maxibloom Lucas. Do i need to make any adjustments to what I'm used to if I use the 4 parts perlite to 1 part coco in a hempy?


Active member
SOG , i've been reading up on cloning in straight coco , but haven't tried it yet , gonna have to real soon :)

in 10 days .... how many times would you water them ? keep them moist ? or give them a chance to dry out for root growth ??
wow, it's uncanny how similar your op looks, lol. ...and thanks for noticing how my cab re-design passively captures heat from the bulbs below, as it happens the reflected light is all I need to root my cuts, no bulbs needed over the cloners so my cloning technique is totally passive.

...i love that shot of you holding the big plant in the little cup, lol, it's amazing how big you can grow them in those little cups!

...and don't wait, just fill some of those cups with moist coco and do your regular routine taking cuts, just take bigger cuts, lol, and stuff them into cups instead of cells of the walmart cloner, basically it's the same tech requiring the same skillset you already possess, believe me, it's pretty damned easy, just don't let them dry out, you don't want wet and dry is definately bad,what you want is just a steady, boring moist, lol.

...btw, after a few runs cloning in straight coco 10 days will feel routine, late even, my own personal best is 4 days and I had visible roots at the sidewalls of the 9oz cup, I use the clear cups so I can see the roots as soon as they show and I put each clear cup inside a colored cup to block light and slow any algae growth.

...anyway, for real don't wait, if you're growing in coco hempys then you will just love cloning in coco, I promise!

I don't seem to have any luck cloning in straight perlite w/o the use of a dome. I've not tried coco yet though.

...for real dub, you got the skills too, ...if you look around there are a few decent threads on the topic and some swear by using a dome for the first two days, i've tried both with and without and it does seem to speed things a bit using the dome.

...anyway, both you guys will find cloning in straight coco about as difficult as tying your own shoes, lol.

Peace, SOG


in the thick of it
Sog-thanks for the words of encouragement....I may have to give the coco a try....the problem I always have with straight perlite is getting the watering down right. The last experiment had cuts in perlite sitting in almost a half inch of my special cloning tea.....the cuts were vibrant for 4 days then one morning they had all got soft and died. Perhaps it would be easier with the coco.
Great stuff you got going keep it up!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
wow, it's uncanny how similar your op looks, lol. ...and thanks for noticing how my cab re-design passively captures heat from the bulbs below, as it happens the reflected light is all I need to root my cuts, no bulbs needed over the cloners so my cloning technique is totally passive.

...i love that shot of you holding the big plant in the little cup, lol, it's amazing how big you can grow them in those little cups!

...and don't wait, just fill some of those cups with moist coco and do your regular routine taking cuts, just take bigger cuts, lol, and stuff them into cups instead of cells of the walmart cloner, basically it's the same tech requiring the same skillset you already possess, believe me, it's pretty damned easy, just don't let them dry out, you don't want wet and dry is definately bad,what you want is just a steady, boring moist, lol.

...btw, after a few runs cloning in straight coco 10 days will feel routine, late even, my own personal best is 4 days and I had visible roots at the sidewalls of the 9oz cup, I use the clear cups so I can see the roots as soon as they show and I put each clear cup inside a colored cup to block light and slow any algae growth.

...anyway, for real don't wait, if you're growing in coco hempys then you will just love cloning in coco, I promise!

Thanx S.O.G. , this set up works great for me .... you as well i guess :)

defenatly gonna try the cuts in straight coco , & i do the same way .... clear cups inside red ones :) i just put the cloner plug in the clear cup . your way should cut out the cloner all together . Thanx again man , gonna try it next round of cuts .... should be in a couple weeks :)


New member
@someotherguy - thanks for the tip on the homemade cloning gel! That sounds really cool! How are your results with this? I mean, if i can pay $6 for the walmart cloning powder vs $25 for Clonex, that sounds good to me.

@grassott's dad - what is caveman cloning? I looked it up but couldnt find anything.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
@grassott's dad - what is caveman cloning? I looked it up but couldnt find anything.

LMAO .... its just putting a cutting in tap or RO water till it roots . no medium no root gels ... just a cup of water :)


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Ok. I took the plunge and transplanted my plants into both coco and perlite/vermiculite hempys yesterday. All have responded to their new digs well except one, but that one (in the coco, SWTC99 X Bubblicious) hasnt been very happy for a while, no matter what Ive done for it. Im not sure if that one is gonna make it to the final cut. As soon as things warm up a bit they are going under the big light.
Ive been feeding them with 1/2 strength FloraNova bloom, a bit of Florilicious and have given them a dose of cal/mag as our water here is very soft with almost no mineral content. Anyone think they could use a bit of a stronger dose at this point once they get comfortable?


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Let the plants hit the rez in the bottom before feeding them a bigger dose . just feed them lightly every day to feed the plant & not so much the medium . when you see new growth ... you'll know the roots have hit the rez & then you can feed to run off & give them a bigger dose ... not full strength yet , maybe 3/4 strength . same as your original hempys .

is thank chunky coco ? never used it myself , i allways use the bag of canna which is a nice fine coco . i've heard of using it in the bottom to fill the rez instead of perilite .... Hmmmm i'll have to watch your grow to see how it does . :)