Flora Nova lasts about a year on the shelf. The roots organic looks ok but I have no experience with that. Don't know if it will require a feeding of bloom nutrients or not.have seen Flora Nova at garden shop but is prob quite old, is there a shelf life? I do have roots organic, would this work. Planning 100% perlite.
Got a lot of reading to do then. Either pick up pH testing strips that read between 5.2 and 6.2 or get a pH drops kit.PH, I don't have a clue how to use it, read it, adjust it. I do know that my water leaves flakes when I boil for coffee, so quite high mineral content. However, I can get distilled at Carrefore (french Walmart) and mix the 2.
Yes, using distilled and tap-water in combination should work fine... not much tap.
Your biggest issue is really going to be the humidity. Need to get a de-humidifier running in the room you have the cab in. Mold will ruin your harvest quickly... you need to shoot for below 50% RH during flower.
Stay Safe!