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the Mexican Landraces Thread


...como el Son...
It would be interesting to find old stands of feral cannabis in the Canary Islands (if they exist) and see if they are more closely related to west African strains or European hemp. I suppose either is possible. If the Spanish found cannabis in west Africa it wouldn't be that much of a leap of faith to think they might take it back to the Canaries to see if it would grow well there.

More info about Cannary Islands & cannabis:



...como el Son...
Not just any, but one pollinated with blue agave. One of the most unique in the world as it grows. Spiked leaves, blue tinted and super resinous buds that smell of the finest tequila. Much to learn. Not now. Enjoy, rev.thenatural

...polinizada con agave azul, dices???!!!...
Anda ya!!!
Puro disparate...


...como el Son...
. Started talking some stuff on roll it up a few months ago and some got hateful at first however I think my brothers on riu are coming around to the light a bit and I've gotten allot of private emails from those who are open minded too learn. I'm being vague and I apologize, its just been allot. If you don't want to search me on riu then if you brothers will open the door, I will take time today too share this knowledge here. Its life changing and can set tree free forever. I can't hold it anymore as its too portant and all I want is to help my brothers. However I don't want no fussing or fighting if you guys ask for this testimony. It is very strong and will awaken the old ones who dwell here and the new souls will brighten. Blessings, rev.thenatural

Ah, coño, el de RIU... El que se dice experto en "Puras Landraces Mexicanas INDICAS del Desierto, polinizadas con agaves y cactus"...

. Cannabis is not a herb, it is a cursed devolved fruit from another planet that is now dead. Oops. Your lied too about evolution and everything else oops.

...ya te digo: el mismo.
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...como el Son...
Purple Mexican (Oaxaca'79 x Pakistan Citral Kush); Cannabiogen

Purple Mexican (Oaxaca'79 x Pakistan Citral Kush); Cannabiogen

Purple Mexican buds, October-14:

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...como el Son...
Here is quote from Snowcap he posted at Cannabiogen Club, in the California Love thread, part of a dialogue with Kaiki and Snow (Snowcap)

I even theorize that cannabis may have originated in the Americas or Africa due to archaeological evidence from Peruvian mummies, to petroglyphs on ancestral Mexican Pyramids to ceremonial centers which date back to a time before the Egyptian Pyramids were built or being built roughly at the same time. There is plant evidence in Belize which dates back to 13000 BC of cultivation of plants which are supposedly from certain valleys in India. Also certain plants have been found in another Indian valley which has been grown by the indigenous people which is definitely from the Americas.



Siento mucho decir que el texto de SnowCap esta lleno de barbaridades: Donde están esas evidencias arqueológicas de cannabis en momias peruanas o pirámides mexicanas? Y de donde saca que las pirámides mexicanas sean anteriores a las egipcias?
Habla encima de evidencias de cultivo en Belize en el 13.000 A.C. nada menos: acaba entonces de descubrir el primer cultivo agrario de la Historia, y de retrasar en 5.000 años la Revolución Neolica en América...

I am sorry to say that the SnowCap text is full of atrocities: Where are those archaeological evidences of cannabis in Peruvian mummies or Mexican pyramids? And where did he get that the Mexican pyramids are prior to the Egiptians ones? He talks about evidence of farming in Belize in 13,000 BC. nothing less: just then discover the first agrarian crop of history, and delay in 5,000 years the Neolithic Revolution in América... ...
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...como el Son...
Btw i wonder if Mayan or other antic really know cannabis? Not in history books from what i litlle know. Maybe the question should be posed with mago shaman?

Youre right. Even in the literary or poetry Nahualt texts (the tongue of Mexicas aka Aztecs), you can not find any reference to the cannabis; but you can find references to all the other psicodelic plants that Mexicas knowed n uses...


...como el Son...
Amazing thread! Thanks to everybody who is contributing, this was a lot of fun to read!
I don't have a lot of experience with mexican genetics, but the little i have seen i really enjoyed :)

here's an oaxacan leaning red snake (oaxacan x punto rojo) by kaiki (cannabiogen)

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lovely herb - thx kaiki <3

What can you tell me about her taste & psicoactivity, please?
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...como el Son...
Purple Mexican (Oaxaca'79 x Pakistan Citral Kush); Cannabiogen

Purple Mexican (Oaxaca'79 x Pakistan Citral Kush); Cannabiogen

...More 2017-October-16 pics:







Golden Coast
Youre right. Even in the literary or poetry Nahualt texts (the tongue of Mexicas aka Aztecs), you can not find any reference to the cannabis; but you can find references to all the other psicodelic plants that Mexicas knowed n uses...

im not to informed on aztec or mayans but psychoactive cannabis came to Caribbean South and North America via Indians the were servants to English on slave ships , i.e. aprox 400 years ago? curious to match time lines
some where I have a grow book from mid 70's that mention Aztec growing techniques , see what I can find


...como el Son...
im not to informed on aztec or mayans but psychoactive cannabis came to Caribbean South and North America via Indians the were servants to English on slave ships , i.e. aprox 400 years ago? curious to match time lines
some where I have a grow book from mid 70's that mention Aztec growing techniques , see what I can find

The first cannabis in América was imported from Seville & Canary Islands to Mexico by Hernan Cortes. Pedro Cuadrado was ordered by Cortes to grows the first great scale grows. Later, De Garay did the same in Jamaica, more than a century before than English conqured it to Spain.It was from psicoactives African sativas genetics.There wasent any cannabis before in América.


Well-known member


I have read a few times things as crazy as Clovis people carrying seeds across the frozen Bering Strait. But I really think it is not accurate. In that case there would be many clues such as fossil of subfossil pollen deposited in lakes, or references about Cannabis grown in the New World. Both from natives, and from Conquistadors who knew the Cannabis plant very well.

Some time ago I thought it could be possible that Mexican sativa/NLD landraces could have been selected carefully by natives from Spanish fiber hemp brought there from Europe which carried the BT alelle along the BD.

But reading this makes things clearer.




...como el Son...
Je, je, je...Proof of Cannabis in the Mexican pirámids... Another Indiana Jones of Z-serie film... The next will be that the original Haze was discovered by Neil Amstrom in the Moon, je...

As I said before, the African Sativas Landraces uses by the Spanish in Spain n América to obtain fiber were highly psicoactives. You can read the historical letters from the Curch to the Emperador telling how the poor HispanicAmerican people used those plants to "get drunked".

Anyway, as Le Cannaseur well knows, I (n all the History experts too) am completly dissagree with the idea that African Slaves could carry too same other seeds with them.
You can read the mágnum " History of Slavery" (maybe the best study about the slavery) from one of the greatest History expert alive Hugh Thomas, to knows all the evident n well knowed reasons.

Anyway I only can recomend allbody the wonderfull Le Cannaseur's articles...

Salud n Freedom to all the Australian imprisioned growers... N long live to Kangativa, one of the best cannabis growers in History.
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Active member
Can anyone here point me to where I can obtain some pure landrace genetics? The kind Charlie Garcia cultivated? Thanx and happy hunting.


...como el Son...
Can anyone here point me to where I can obtain some pure landrace genetics? The kind Charlie Garcia cultivated? Thanx and happy hunting.

Je... You have a great taste followin Kaiki (C. Garcia)... There would be are another great Seeds Banks, but I only can talk about mine (n my friends) experience:
Cannabiogen, Tropical Seeds Company, The Real Seeds Company, A.C.E, U.S.C, or/and Original Delicatessen.
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Active member
Oh thanx bro yea I have been really interested in landraces And classic strains for some time. Exp SOS, Mr.GG, Dominion seed Co. thanx for the leads my friend I’ll check them out! Take care.


Active member
@MONTUNO out of all those seed companies and strains you and your friends have tried which seed bank and which strain would you recommend if I was to just get 1 pack of seeds??? Thank you.


...como el Son...
@MONTUNO out of all those seed companies and strains you and your friends have tried which seed bank and which strain would you recommend if I was to just get 1 pack of seeds??? Thank you.

First: Do yo want only a pure landrace, or nevermind if it is the cross between two or more diferents pure landraces (my favorites sativa strains), or even nevermind if it is the cross between a pure landrace n an hibryd?
Cos in the third case, I have grow or smoke or hear (from well reputated growers) great things from strains by other differents Seeds Banks (like MexicanXBlueberry by Chimera)
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