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the Mexican Landraces Thread

mr. gt

Active member
nice sativa buds, even if they are a bit premature

that just means you have to hollow out a cigar and stuff 17 grams into it!! especially, well hopefully, an extremely clear high. post a report!

theyre beautiful. they should be on a shelf somewhere

~mr. gt


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
29/30 germination rate on Chimera's '72-73 Highland Guerrero x F4 Blueberry (in the foreground)

the first round and beginning of an interesting breeding project... in search of the highest quality mexican expressions possible.

is anyone working with any old pure acapulco gold?

Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
Yeah guys,those are nice but i hope this one will be nicer






mr. gt

Active member
Hey Pepe. You have some very impressive sativa girls there. Do you plan on cutting these very slightly early so there's no chance that the strain will put you to sleep/ get you sleepy, even if its slight? Would you mind elaborating. I would really appreciate it. I will be working with some Tom Hill Haze soon myself. Best of luck!

~mr. gt

ps:talk about fox tails... geez

Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
Hello and thanks you Mr GT,

Yes i will cull her early,but this have nothing to do with clarity (first harvest with this girl).It's just i have no other options because my closet will soon be as hot as hell.

I cannot help you,for real!I'll try to elaborate,or at least i'll give you my opinion.It really is individual (or line if well inbreed) dependent.You know a particular plant will give a particular high and often it's different from plant to plant of the same line,and even different from a grower/smoker to another with the same clone.
So it's hit and miss.Grow a bunch of seeds,clone them and try to harvest them at different stage each run and so you'll be able to find what is the best for YOU from a PARTICULAR plant.

That's the best i can tell you.Sorry :)


Well-known member
ok i have thumbed through this whole thread and may have missed it. does anybody remember the early 80's mexican pine/christmas tree bud? i have been trying to find out what it was, this stuff was really good and it was some nice looking buds. kind of a medium bright green in color with gold and red hairs. any help would be great.


Well-known member
May I present pure Copalita Oaxacan:


It doesn't look as pretty, resinous, or as clean as Pepe's, but it is curing in my jar, so I'm very happy about that.


If you look at the smaller buds, or cut this bigger bud off the main stem into its smaller bud components, they look just like the shape of the bud that Pepe posted:


Pepe- For a poly hybrid, your plant sure still looks strongly Oaxacan.



Nice thread, beautifull mexicans I just smoked CBG Mextiza and crosses of her, but in some mexicans is very common that king of foxtailing, love mexican influenced high's and flavors... I also smoke some plants a friend brig from Oaxaca and they were nice also, incience, citrus, greasy smells and taste mmmm...
This year I will run some Destroyer x Mextiza/DC (f2 I made), maybe some mexican expressions..
La cucaracha, la cucaracha ya no puede caminar...


Wow great work everyone and kudos to all you breeders out there for your efforts in preserving these wonderful delicate landraces!! I would love for my kids and the children of the world to experience some of the subtle effects on these longstanding genetics!!! In fact I would like to taste some Mexico weed again. It was 1974 and my best friend was getting ounces of this green Mexican weed for $20 at least I think it was Mexican. I recall a sharp fresh taste not at all sweet like the commercial Columbian that I was getting a few years later.Keep up the good work really enjoy the lice and old stories! THANKX

mr. gt

Active member
May I present pure Copalita Oaxacan:

View Image

It doesn't look as pretty, resinous, or as clean as Pepe's, but it is curing in my jar, so I'm very happy about that.


If you look at the smaller buds, or cut this bigger bud off the main stem into its smaller bud components, they look just like the shape of the bud that Pepe posted:

View Image

Pepe- For a poly hybrid, your plant sure still looks strongly Oaxacan.


Hey thai any of those dj short seeds still available. She looks great!


Hola Amigos,

I've been wanting to try an Oaxacan variety ever since I read this smoke report for HT mag back in '75.

Oaxacan - has a minty taste and is also spicy. It tingles the taste buds. The minty taste allows the throat to stay open, which means you draw more smoke into your lungs without coughing it out. It's quite airy considering it's power.

Just wondering how this compares to the '79 and 12/13 finger Oaxacan going around now. Also I've been looking to get my hands on a regular seed line of Oaxacan for a while now. I know Nirvana have El dorado but not sure how authentic that is. If someone could point me in the right direction to get something similar to the 79 or the 12/13 finger on display here I'd be greatly appreciated.



New member
This thread is amazing. The pictures show some really beautiful plants.

Any suggestions in the LA area for tracking down some Oaxacan genes? =O


This thread is amazing. The pictures show some really beautiful plants.

Any suggestions in the LA area for tracking down some Oaxacan genes? =O

Cannbiogen has Oaxaca `79 genes @ 50% in their Mextiza strain. If you have any luck with finding a pure supply of regular seeds please let me know as I would love to try this strain.


New member
pretty sure this is a mexican sativa hybrid. super airy, flowers endlessly it seems. kinda peppery/ but sweet

bagseed grow 2013


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Well-known member
What I say and what I have said on more than one occasion in this forum ...

When it is attributed to a variety of marijuana a high amount in THC, however the order that it is, that is higher in percentage than so-called standard (3% -4% or so) it's wanting to attribute to that high content of THC the supreme "high".

I have a Mexican friend that in Guadalajara gave me to smoke a joint herb from the Jalisco highland. The Mary He had was full of coconuts (seeds), it was dirty (bad manicured) and when he took the chunks still smoking and smelled the olive of a coconut he had left when rolled the joint.

At the first puff I gave to that rattletrap I felt a rush I did not feel years ago so strong. A second fuff and my head was above the tree under which we were sitting. "Cuate, what 'subidote' (high) I have! Where'd you get this 'carrujo', bastard?" I asked my friend.

He said what I have already said, it was from the Jalisco Highland. There they grow throwing the seeds in the bush at random, where they fall, and watered little and very occasionally, leaving their growth and flowering random to the Nature.

"Damn, bros, she socks the bitch!" I repeated. My friend laughed and said to me: "Is that you in Europe are accustomed to smoke pure, chemical puritita and this herb is natural, Cuate". You have many skunk and much indoor, nutrients, relative humidity equipment, ventilation, lighting, controlled seeds, feminized ... Nothing, it's only pure chemistry. "

"Okay, pure chemistry, but that makes raise the percentage of THC and its psychoactive effect is higher right?" I told him.

"Well, no, bros. That makes the divine seedling lose its natural harmony. That balance between the percentage content of THC, CBD, CBN, CBG and other cannabinoids break only benefit of increased THC, which is the believing that seeks more psychoactive."

"Well, that's what counts right?" I insisted. "It is not, motherfucker. That what really sets is that harmonious whole plant, because although it contains only a percentage of 3% THC, it is combined in perfect balance with other psychoactive plant components," he explained patiently .

Yet he added: "That buzz you say, leave them to you half asleep and your kids stunned in front of the TV or video games, leverages reluctantly activity. These chemical herbs not provide the joy of marijuana grown under natural conditions." .

After four hours we end the evening without ever smoke another rattletrap, chatting animatedly, going to eat abundantly, always with the buzz, the "high" that never seemed to go away. What fucking good jalisqueña grass! And I have proved how right was my friend from Guadalajara.

'Salu2' (Greetings)

Here you have the original text, in Spanish:

Lo que voy a decir ya lo he dicho en más de una ocasión en este foro...

Cuando se le atribuye a una variedad de marihuana un alto contenido en THC, sea del orden que sea, es decir superior en porcentaje al denominado normal (3%-4% o poco más) se le está queriendo atribuir a ese elevado contenido en THC el "colocón" supremo.

Tengo un amigo mexicano que en Guadalajara me dio a fumar un porro de hierba de la sierra de Jalisco. La maría que tenía estaba llena de cocos (semillas), era sucia (mal manicurada) y cuando le quitó los tronquitos aún humeaba y olía al aceituno de algún coco que le había quedado al armar el porro.

A la primera calada que le dí a aquel cacharro sentí un subidón que hacía años que no resentía tan fuerte. A la segunda tenía la cabeza encima del árbol bajo el que estábamos sentados. "¡Cuate, que subidote tengo! ¿De dónde sacaste este carrujo, cabrón?", le pregunte a mi amigo.

Me dijo lo que ya os he dicho, que era de la sierra jalisqueña. Allí la cultivan tirando las semillas en el monte a voleo, a donde caígan, y las riegan poco y muy de vez en cuando, dejando su crecimiento y floración al azar de la naturaleza.

"¡Joder, bros, pues como pega la cabrona!", le repetí. Mi amigo se reía y me decía: "Es que ustedes en Europa están acostumbrados a fumar mera, puritita química y esta hierba es natural, cuate". Ustedes mucha skunk y mucho indoor, nutrientes, aparatos de higrometría, ventilación, lámparas, semillas controladas, feminizadas... Nada, pura química".

"Vale, pura química, pero es la que hace que suba el porcentaje del THC y que su efecto psicoactivo sea más elevado ¿no?", le decía yo.

"Pues, no, bros. Eso hace que la plantita divina pierda su armonía natural. Que el equilibrio entre los porcentajes de contenidos en THC, CBD, CBN, CBG y otros cannabinoides se rompa en beneficio sólo del aumento del THC, que es el que se busca creyéndolo más psicoactivo".

"Bueno, es que eso es lo que vale ¿no?", le insistía yo. "Que no, cabrón. Que lo que realmente coloca es ese todo armónico de la planta, pues aunque sólo contenga un porcentaje del 3% en THC, éste va combinado en perfecto equilibrio con los otros componentes psicoactivos de la planta", me explicó pacientemente.

Y aún añadió: "Ese colocón que dicen ustedes, les deja a ustedes semidormidos y a sus chavales atontados delante de la tele o los videojuegos, los apalanca sin ganas de actividad. Esas hierbas químicas no proporcionan la alegría de la marihuana cultivada en condiciones naturales".

Al cabo de cuatro horas acabamos la tarde sin volver a fumar otro cacharro, charlando animadamente, yendo a comer abundantemente, siempre con el colocón, el "high" que parecía no desapareciera nunca. ¡Qué puta buena hierba jalisqueña! Y cuanta razón me demostró tener mi amigo de Guadalajara.


For those who don't know, Freaky was Gaspar Fraga, a very kind, highly wise, humble and good person. He was director of the Spanish magazine, "Cáñamo". Rest in Peace.

Please, excuse me for the poor translation :tiphat:
