exactly, if your a current card-holder and either of these bills pass, you should have your right to tax-free medicine, its that simple, if your a rec user, pay up. if you grow a small crop in your garden obviously it shouldnt be taxed. and a 5x5 foot area is more than enough for one person...or was it a per-property thing? if its per person then as far as personal use goes, thats generous, think about it if u know how to grow thats like a pound or 2 every few months, how is that NOT enough?
they do say 5x5 feet, right? so that means theres no height restriction?
Your understanding of economics is poor. Not your fault as that kind of thinking is encouraged these days.Take away growing dope and then what comes next ~ The poor gotta slang coke and meth.....gotta start learning to all coke bathtube exctasy?
I don't know as much as I should about Dennis Peron but Jack Herer is not completely against taxes. He is against taxes for personal growing and usage but Section III, part 2 of his CCH Initiative states..With several marijuana taxation/legalization initiatives approved for next year's ballot in California, the opposition to certain aspects of certain bills is heating up.
It seems that in an effort to protect their huge profits, big Cannabusinesses are prepared to spend millions pushing their version of Tax and Restrict via their own initiative. Their bill would put a $50 tax on every ounce of cannabis sold, and restrict others from growing or selling cannabis.
Recently Jack Herer was so angry about this turn of events, he had a heart attack after his fiery speech where he railed against the Cannabusinesses.
Richard Lee the owner of Oaksterdam and primary mover of the new cannabiz favorable initiative fired marijuana activist Dennis Peron, for his opposition to this bill.
Both Dennis Peron and Jack Herer are promoting that marijuana be completely legalized, tax-free, without restrictions. Their Re-Legalization movement is gaining followers and hopefully their measure will prevail.
On another note, I think we ought to stop reading that nonsense by Bruce W. Cain. I already said my piece on that delusional fool. So, I'll stop talking about that "article".[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Place an excise tax on commercial sale of cannabis hemp euphoric products, analogous to California's wine industry model, so long as no excise tax or combination of excise taxes shall exceed $10.00 per ounce.[/FONT]